Flora of Box Canyon above Third Crossing of Coyote Creek

Field Surveys


This is a flora of the Box Canyon that is just north of the Third Crossing of Coyote Creek, not the Box Canyon between Blair Valley and Mason Valley. Although the hike up Box Canyon begins at Third Crossing, the floral area does not include the species seen along Coyote Creek or in its immediate vicinity. For those species, see Flora of Coyote Creek First to Third Crossing Area.

This flora is made entirely from our field surveys, since there is only a single voucher from Box Canyon, of Acmispon rigidus. There are three other vouchers incorrectly georeferenced here, two from the San Jacinto Mountains and one from the other Box Canyon.

Field Surveys

11 February 2009. A survey of lower Box Canyon by Tom Chester, Mike Crouse, Michael Charters and Bill Sullivan.

17 February 2009. A survey of lower Box Canyon by Tom Chester, James Dillane, Mike Crouse, and Lolly Crouse.

25 November 2009. A survey from Box Canyon to halfway to Butler Canyon along the old Indian Trail by Tom Chester, James Dillane, RT Hawke, Bill Sullivan and Pam Pallette.

10 December 2017. A loop survey of the two main branches of Box Canyon by Carla Hoegen and Fred Melgert.

18 December 2017. A survey of the lowermost two miles of Box Canyon by Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, and Nancy Accola.

22 December 2017. A survey of the first 1.5 miles of the eastern branch of Box Canyon by Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, RT Hawke, Shaun Hawke, Don Rideout, and Nancy Accola.

22 December 2017. A survey of a 9.8 mile loop in Box Canyon to the divide with Butler Canyon by Carla Hoegen and Fred Melgert.

4 January 2018. A survey of mile 2 to mile 4 of the western branch of Box Canyon by Tom Chester, Nancy Accola and Ted Caragozian.

For more information, and abundant photographs, see:

Checklist for Box Canyon

See also Carla Hoegen and Fred Melgert's plant list for this area that contains information about when a given species was observed, and whether it was blooming or not.


An asterisk before the common name indicates a non-native species.

The column labeled #Pls gives a minimum estimate of the number of plants. Non-numeric entries are for species for which no abundance estimate was made. A FC in this column indicates a species observed by Fred Melgert and Carla Hoegen.

The following species are found only along Coyote Creek and thus are omitted from the checklist:

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#FamScientific Name
Link goes to the Jepson eflora
(*)Common Name
Link goes to Calphotos
1SelSelaginella eremophiladesert spike-moss20
2PteCheilanthes parryiwoolly lipfern99
3EphEphedra asperaMormon tea35
4EphEphedra californicadesert tea99
5AcaJusticia californicachuparosa99
6AmaAmaranthus fimbriatusfringed amaranth55
7ApoFunastrum hirtellumrambling milkweed99
8ApoMatelea parvifoliaspearleaf1
9AstAdenophyllum porophylloidesSan Felipe dogweed25
10AstAmbrosia dumosaburroweed99
11AstAmbrosia salsola var. salsolacheesebush99
12AstBaccharis brachyphyllashort-leaved baccharis30
13AstBahiopsis parishiiParish's goldeneye99
14AstBebbia juncea var. asperasweetbush99
15AstBrickellia desertorumdesert brickellia50
16AstChaenactis fremontiiFremont pincushion50
17AstEncelia farinosabrittlebush99
18AstEricameria paniculatablackbanded rabbitbrush50
19AstGutierrezia sarothraematchweed40
20AstLogfia filaginoidesCalifornia filago20
21AstMalacothrix glabratadesert dandelion99
22AstPalafoxia arida var. aridaSpanish needle20
23AstPectis papposa var. papposachinch-weed99
24AstPerityle emoryiEmory's rock-daisy99
25AstPleurocoronis plurisetaarrow-leaf99
26AstPorophyllum gracileodora40
27AstRafinesquia neomexicanadesert chicory20
28AstSenecio mohavensisMojave ragwort24
29AstSonchus oleraceus*sow thistle~1
30AstStephanomeria exigua ssp. exiguaslender wreathplant30
31AstStephanomeria pauciflorawire-lettuce70
32AstTrixis californica var. californicaCalifornia trixis85
33BorAmsinckia intermediacommon fiddleneck~2
34BorCryptantha angustifolianarrow-leaved cryptantha99
35BorCryptantha barbigera var. barbigerabearded cryptantha~2
36BorCryptantha maritimaGuadalupe cryptantha4
37BorCryptantha pterocaryawing-nut cryptantha1
38BorCryptantha racemosabushy cryptantha2
39BorEmmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflorawhispering bells2
40BorPectocarya recurvatacurvenut combseed99
41BorPhacelia campanularia ssp. campanulariadesert bluebells10
42BorPhacelia crenulataheliotrope phacelia25
43BorPhacelia distanscommon phacelia99
44BorTiquilia canescens var. canescensgray coldenia40
45BraBrassica tournefortii*Sahara mustard99
46BraCaulanthus halliiHall's caulanthus3
47BraDescurainia pinnatawestern tansy-mustard50
48BraLepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpumhairy-podded pepper-grass99
49BraThysanocarpus curvipesfringe-pod1
50CacCylindropuntia bigeloviiteddy-bear cholla99
51CacCylindropuntia ganderiGander's cholla99
52CacEchinocereus engelmanniiEngelmann's hedgehog cactus36
53CacFerocactus cylindraceusCalifornia barrel cactus99
54CacMammillaria dioicaCalifornia fish-hook cactus11
55CacOpuntia basilaris var. basilarisbeavertail cactus99
56CarAchyronychia cooperifrost matFC
57ClePeritoma arborea var. angustatadesert bladderpod50
58CraDudleya arizonicaArizona chalk dudleya7
59CraDudleya saxosa ssp. aloidesdesert dudleya5
60EupBernardia incanawestern bernardiaFC
61EupChamaesyce albomarginatarattlesnake weedFC
62EupChamaesyce arizonicaArizona spurge2
63EupChamaesyce micromeraSonoran spurge30
64EupChamaesyce polycarpasmall-seeded spurge40
65EupChamaesyce setilobastarfish (Yuma) spurge99
66EupDitaxis lanceolatanarrowleaf ditaxis99
67EupDitaxis neomexicanaNew Mexico ditaxis2
68EupEuphorbia erianthabeetle spurge32
69EupStillingia linearifolialinear-leaved stillingia30
70FabAcmispon maritimus var. brevivexillusshort-bannered coastal lotus2
71FabAcmispon rigidusdesert lotus15
72FabLupinus arizonicusArizona lupine99
73FabLupinus concinnusbajada lupine2
74FabMarina parryiParry's marina1
75FabProsopis glandulosa var. torreyanahoney mesquite5
76FabPsorothamnus emoryiEmory's indigo-bush4
77FabPsorothamnus schottiiindigo bush80
78FabPsorothamnus spinosussmoke tree40
79FabSenegalia greggiicatclaw99
80FouFouquieria splendens ssp. splendensocotillo99
81GerErodium cicutarium*redstem filaree99
82GerErodium texanumTexas filaree10
83KraKrameria bicolorwhite rhatany60
84KraKrameria erectaPima rhatany2
85LamHyptis emoryidesert-lavender99
86LamSalvia columbariaechia99
87LamSalvia eremostachyadesert sage3
88LamSalvia vaseyiVasey's sage25
89LoaPetalonyx thurberi ssp. thurberiThurber's sandpaper-plantFC
90MalAyenia compactaayenia25
91MalHibiscus denudatusrock hibiscus20
92MalSphaeralcea ambigua var. ambiguaapricot mallow8
93MalSphaeralcea angustifoliacopper globemallow~FC
94MolMollugo cerviana*carpet-weed99
95NycAbronia villosa var. villosahairy sand-verbenaFC
96NycAllionia incarnata var. incarnatasmall-flowered trailing four o'clock99
97NycBoerhavia coccineascarlet spiderling6
98NycBoerhavia triquetra var. intermediafivewing spiderling99
99NycMirabilis laevis var. retrorsaBigelow's desert four-o'clock99
100OnaCamissoniopsis pallida ssp. pallidapale suncup1
101OnaChylismia cardiophylla ssp. cardiophyllaheartleaf suncup80
102OnaChylismia claviformis ssp. peirsoniibrown-eyed primrose99
103OnaEremothera boothii ssp. condensataBooth's evening primrose4
104OnaEulobus californicusCalifornia suncup99
105PapEschscholzia minutiflora ssp. minutiflorasmall-flowered poppy50
106PapEschscholzia parishiiParish's poppy50
107PhrMimulus bigelovii var. bigeloviiBigelow's monkeyflower10
108PlaPlantago ovatadesert plantain99
109PlaPlantago patagonicaPatagonia plantain3
110PolAliciella latifolia ssp. latifoliabroad-leaf gilia6
111PolEriastrum eremicum ssp. eremicumdesert woolly-star99
112PolLoeseliastrum matthewsiidesert calico~3
113PolChorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornubrittle spineflower90
114PolEriogonum fasciculatum var. polifoliumCalifornia buckwheat99
115PolEriogonum inflatumdesert trumpet35
116PolEriogonum thomasiiThomas' buckwheat35
117PolEriogonum wrightii var. nodosumWright's buckwheat99
118PolPterostegia drymarioidesfairy bowties, threadstem5
119RanDelphinium parishii ssp. subglobosumintermediate larkspur10
120RosColeogyne ramosissimablack brush30
121RosPrunus fremontiidesert apricot25
122RubGalium stellatumstar-flowered bedstraw55
123RutThamnosma montanaturpentine broom15
124SimSimmondsia chinensisjojoba75
125SolDatura discolordesert thornapple5
126SolDatura wrightiisacred daturaFC
127SolLycium andersoniiAnderson's boxthorn39
128SolLycium fremontiiFremont's boxthorn7
129SolNicotiana obtusifoliadesert tobacco30
130SolPhysalis crassifoliathick-leaved ground cherry99
131VisPhoradendron californicumdesert mistletoe99
132ZygFagonia laevisCalifornia fagonia60
133ZygKallstroemia californicaCalifornia caltrop15
134ZygLarrea tridentatacreosote bush99
135AgaAgave deserti var. desertidesert agave99
136AgaYucca schidigeraMohave yucca50
137PoaAristida adscensionissix-weeks three-awn25
138PoaAristida purpureapurple three-awn7
139PoaBouteloua aristidoides var. aristidoidesneedle grama70
140PoaBromus madritensis ssp. rubens*red brome99
141PoaDasyochloa pulchellafluff grass3
142PoaHilaria rigidabig galleta99
143PoaMuhlenbergia microspermalittleseed muhly2
144PoaPennisetum setaceum*fountain grass4
145PoaSchismus barbatus*Mediterranean schismus99
146PoaStipa speciosadesert needlegrass5?
147TheMuilla maritimamuilla10

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Copyright © 2017-2018 by Tom Chester, Carla Hoegen, Fred Melgert, Mike Crouse, James Dillane, RT Hawke, Walt Fidler, Nancy Accola, Shaun Hawke, Michael Charters, Don Rideout, and Bill Sullivan.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 12 January 2018