Introduction Lichens of the Santa Rosa Plateau
Statistics Of The Flora
The FloraIntroduction
This page gives a checklist of lichens found at the Santa Rosa Plateau, with their current names, older names, and pointers to species descriptions in two lichen guidebooks: Lichens of North America (LNA) and Lichens of California (LoC); see references below.
I also give separate lists of these lichens sorted into categories, to make it easier to identify these lichens in the field.
This list is based almost entirely on the list of Weber, Bratt and Larson 1987 published in Evansia 4:#2, pp. 21-25, with their names updated to the names used in the latest North America Lichen Checklist.
Weber et al compiled a list of 81 lichens from a three day collecting trip November 1-3, 1986. They stated:
A catalog generated by an investigation of so short a duration might appear to be premature. However, lichen collecting has an advantage over vascular plant collection in that the lichens are always present, and to a lichenologist of broad experience, the secret of good coverage is in becoming sensitive to the different habitats, micro- and macro-, and trying to make an exhaustive survey of rocks, trees and soil. Three pairs of eyes are much more efficient than one. We feel that our list is adequate if not quite complete.The area surveyed was within easy walking distance of the Adobes, and included the summit of Mesa de Colorado; a mesic ravine leading down from the west rim of the Mesa de Colorado toward the Ranch; Mesa de la Punta; the vicinity of the Adobes; and Ranch Creek.
Their vouchers are at herbarium COLO, Boulder.
The only addition to their catalog present here so far is TELOSCHISTES exilis, from Richard E. Riefner, Jr., Peter A. Bowler, and Bruce D. Ryan 1995, Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 2:#2. (Voucher Riefner 1993, deposited at in the herbarium of the University of California, Irvine's Museum of Systematic Biology (IRVC).
Riefner et al also report a new color for EVERNIA prunastri:, and state:
collected from RIVERSIDE CO.: on chaparral shrubs, San Mateo Wilderness, W slope of the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riefner 91-109Although this species is very common and widely distributed, these collections are mentioned because the thalli are distinctly gray, lacking usnic acid. Since the gray thalli are found on sun-lit branches of chaparral shrubs, this is not merely a light-related phenomenon. Such thalli are much less common than the typical yellow-green ones with usnic acid but otherwise are morphologically identical.
Statistics Of The Flora
Breakdown of the 82 taxa on the current list by having species descriptions in the two books:
- 36 in both books
- 8 in LoC, not in LNA
- 13 in LNA, not in LoC
- 25 not in either book
- 49 out of 82 are in LNA
- 44 out of 82 are in LoC
- 57 out of 82 are in one of the two books
- 25 not in either book
Breakdown of the 81 taxa in the original list by level of identification:
- 6 were identified only to genus
- an additional 4 were provisionally identified to species
- 2 were identified to species, but the names have changed for both of these taxa, and I don't know the new name. The names used in 1987 for these two taxa are now restricted to taxa not found in North America.
Number of the 75 taxa in the original list identified at least provisionally to the species level with changed Latin Names:
- 18 of them have changed names
- 57 have identical names
The Flora
Version for printing, without the table lines and other text on this page (4 pages)
# Latin Name (2004 N.A. list) Latin Name (1987 SRP list) Common Name In
LNA1 ACAROSPORA fuscata ACAROSPORA fuscata brown cobblestone lichen yes yes 2 ACAROSPORA schleicheri ACAROSPORA schleicheri soil paint lichen yes yes 3 AMANDINEA punctata Buellia pullata tiny button lichen no yes 4 ARTHONIA radiata ARTHONIA radiata asterisk lichen no yes 5 ASPICILIA cf. americana ASPICILIA cf. americana (sunken disk lichen) no no 6 ASPICILIA cf. gibbosa Aspicilia sp. (cf. Lecanora gibbosula) (sunken disk lichen) no no 7 *BACIDIA sp. indet. BACIDIA sp. indet. (dot lichen) no no 8 BUELLIA badia BUELLIA badia (button lichen) no no 9 *BUELLIA sp. indet. BUELLIA sp. indet. (button lichen) no no 10 CALOPLACA californica CALOPLACA californica (firedot lichen) no no 11 CALOPLACA cerina CALOPLACA cerina gray-rimmed firedot lichen yes yes 12 CALOPLACA cf. chrysophthalma CALOPLACA cf. chrysophthalma (firedot lichen) no no 13 CALOPLACA decipiens CALOPLACA decipiens (firedot lichen) no no 14 CALOPLACA demissa Lecanora demissa (firedot lichen) no no 15 CALOPLACA saxicola CALOPLACA saxicola (firedot lichen) yes no 16 CALOPLACA stanfordensis CALOPLACA stanfordensis (firedot lichen) no no 17 CALOPLACA subsoluta CALOPLACA modesta (firedot lichen) no no 18 CANDELARIA concolor CANDELARIA concolor lemon lichen yes yes 19 CANDELARIA concolor var. effusa CANDELARIA concolor var. effusa lemon lichen no yes 20 CANDELARIELLA vitellina CANDELARIELLA vitellina common goldspeck lichen yes yes 21 CHRYSOTHRIX candelaris CHRYSOTHRIX candelaris gold dust lichen no yes 22 CLADONIA chlorophaea CLADONIA chlorophaea mealy pixie-cup yes yes 23 CLADONIA pyxidata CLADONIA pyxidata pebbled pixie-cup yes yes 24 CLADONIA rei CLADONIA rei wand lichen no yes 25 COLLEMA nigrescens COLLEMA nigrescens blistered jelly lichen yes yes 26 COLLEMA texanum COLLEMA texanum (jelly lichen) no no 27 DIMELAENA oreina DIMELAENA oreina golden moonglow lichen yes yes 28 DIMELAENA radiata DIMELAENA radiata silver moonglow lichen yes yes 29 DIPLOSCHISTES actinostomus DIPLOSCHISTES actinostomus (crater lichen) yes no 30 DIPLOSCHISTES scruposus DIPLOSCHISTES scruposus crater lichen yes yes 31 EVERNIA prunastri EVERNIA prunastri oakmoss lichen yes yes 32 FLAVOPARMELIA caperata Pseudoparmelia caperata common greenshield lichen yes yes 33 FLAVOPUNCTELIA flaventior FLAVOPUNCTELIA flaventior speckled greenshield yes yes 34 FLAVOPUNCTELIA soredica FLAVOPUNCTELIA soredica powder-edged speckled greenshield yes yes 35 HYPOGYMNIA imshaugii HYPOGYMNIA imshaugii forked tube lichen yes yes 36 HYPOGYMNIA mollis HYPOGYMNIA mollis (tube lichen) yes no 37 KAERNEFELTIA merrillii Cetraria merrillii flattened thornbush lichen no yes 38 LECANORA gangaleoides LECANORA gangaleoides (rim-lichen) no no 39 LECANORA mellea LECANORA mellea (rim-lichen) yes no 40 LECANORA muralis Protoparmeliopsis muralis stonewall rim-lichen yes yes 41 LECANORA pacifica LECANORA pacifica multicolored rim-lichen yes yes 42 LECANORA scotopholis Lecidea scotopholis (rim-lichen) no no 43 LECIDEA fuscoatra Lecidea grisella (tile lichen) no no 44 LECIDEA tessellata LECIDEA tessellata tile lichen yes yes 45 LECIDELLA carpathica LECIDELLA carpathica (disk lichen) no no 46 LEPRARIA sp. indet. LEPRARIA sp. indet. (dust lichen) no no 47 LEPTOGIUM lichenoides LEPTOGIUM lichenoides tattered jellyskin no yes 48 #LICHENOTHELIA scopularia Microthelia aterrima no no 49 MELANELIA subaurifera MELANELIA subaurifera abraded camouflage lichen yes yes 50 +MYCOCALICIUM subtile MYCOCALICIUM subtile no no 51 NEOFUSCELIA subhosseana NEOFUSCELIA subhosseana erupted camouflage lichen yes yes 52 OCHROLECHIA pallescens1 OCHROLECHIA pallescens yes no 53 *OPEGRAPHA cf. rupestris Leciographa cf. parasitica (scribble lichen) yes no 54 PELTULA euploca PELTULA euploca powdery rock-olive yes yes 55 PERTUSARIA amara PERTUSARIA amara bitter wart lichen yes yes 56 PERTUSARIA sp. indet. PERTUSARIA sp. indet. (wart lichen) no no 57 PHAEOPHYSCIA hirsuta PHAEOPHYSCIA hirsuta (shadow lichen) yes no 58 PHYSCIA adscendens PHYSCIA adscendens hooded rosette lichen yes yes 59 PHYSCIA aipolia PHYSCIA aipolia hoary rosette lichen yes yes 60 PHYSCIA callosa PHYSCIA callosa beaded rosette lichen yes yes 61 PHYSCONIA isidiigera PHYSCONIA detersa bottlebrush frost lichen yes2 yes 62 PLACIDIUM lachneum Dermatocarpon lachneum (stripplescale lichen) no no 63 PSORA pacifica PSORA pacifica Pacific scale no yes 64 PSORA sp. indet. PSORA sp. indet. (scale) no no 65 PUNCTELIA subrudecta PUNCTELIA subrudecta powdered speckled shield lichen yes yes 66 RAMALINA cochlearis1 RAMALINA cf. cochlearis no no 67 SPILONEMA revertens SPILONEMA revertens rock hairball lichen no yes 68 TELOSCHISTES chrysophthalmus TELOSCHISTES chrysophthalmus gold-eye lichen yes yes 69 TELOSCHISTES exilis - slender orange bush lichen yes yes 70 THELOMMA mammosum THELOMMA mammosum rock nipple lichen yes yes 71 THELOMMA occidentale THELOMMA occidentale (nipple lichen) no no 72 TRAPELIA involuta TRAPELIA involuta pebble lichen no yes 73 TRAPELIOPSIS flexuosa TRAPELIOPSIS flexuosa board lichen no yes 74 TRAPELIOPSIS granulosa TRAPELIOPSIS granulosa mottled-disk lichen no yes 75 TRAPELIOPSIS wallrothii TRAPELIOPSIS wallrothii scaly mottled-disk lichen no yes 76 UMBILICARIA phaea UMBILICARIA phaea Emery rock tripe yes yes 77 USNEA sp. indet. USNEA sp. indet. (beard lichen) no no 78 XANTHOMENDOZA fallax Xanthoria fallax hooded sunburst lichen yes3 yes 79 XANTHOPARMELIA coloradoensis XANTHOPARMELIA taractica (rock-shield) yes4 no 80 XANTHOPARMELIA conspersa XANTHOPARMELIA conspersa peppered rock-shield yes yes 81 XANTHOPARMELIA lineola XANTHOPARMELIA lineola tight rock-shield yes yes 82 XANTHOPARMELIA mexicana XANTHOPARMELIA mexicana salted rock-shield yes yes
LNA Lichens of North America, 2001, I.M. Brado, S.D. Sharnoff, and S. Sharnoff, Yale University Press LoC Lichens of California (California Natural History Guides, 54), 1984, Mason E. Hale and Mariette Cole, University of California Press; Reprint edition (1989) + saprophytic fungi related to lichens or lichenicolous fungi * lichenicolous fungi (parasites on living lichens) # various related fungi of uncertain status: i.e., those which are questionably or weakly lichen-forming; or algicolous/saprophytic; or parasitic when young but saprophytic or lichen-forming when mature 1 The names have changed for both of these taxa, but I don't know the new name. The names used in 1987 for these two taxa are now restricted to taxa not found in North America. 2 Listed as P. detersa 3 Listed as Xanthoria fallax 4 Listed as X. taractica I thank Jane Strong for her help in providing the information from Lichens of California.
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