Lichens of the Santa Rosa Plateau

Statistics Of The Flora
The Flora


This page gives a checklist of lichens found at the Santa Rosa Plateau, with their current names, older names, and pointers to species descriptions in two lichen guidebooks: Lichens of North America (LNA) and Lichens of California (LoC); see references below.

I also give separate lists of these lichens sorted into categories, to make it easier to identify these lichens in the field.

This list is based almost entirely on the list of Weber, Bratt and Larson 1987 published in Evansia 4:#2, pp. 21-25, with their names updated to the names used in the latest North America Lichen Checklist.

Weber et al compiled a list of 81 lichens from a three day collecting trip November 1-3, 1986. They stated:

A catalog generated by an investigation of so short a duration might appear to be premature. However, lichen collecting has an advantage over vascular plant collection in that the lichens are always present, and to a lichenologist of broad experience, the secret of good coverage is in becoming sensitive to the different habitats, micro- and macro-, and trying to make an exhaustive survey of rocks, trees and soil. Three pairs of eyes are much more efficient than one. We feel that our list is adequate if not quite complete.

The area surveyed was within easy walking distance of the Adobes, and included the summit of Mesa de Colorado; a mesic ravine leading down from the west rim of the Mesa de Colorado toward the Ranch; Mesa de la Punta; the vicinity of the Adobes; and Ranch Creek.

Their vouchers are at herbarium COLO, Boulder.

The only addition to their catalog present here so far is TELOSCHISTES exilis, from Richard E. Riefner, Jr., Peter A. Bowler, and Bruce D. Ryan 1995, Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 2:#2. (Voucher Riefner 1993, deposited at in the herbarium of the University of California, Irvine's Museum of Systematic Biology (IRVC).

Riefner et al also report a new color for EVERNIA prunastri:, and state:

collected from RIVERSIDE CO.: on chaparral shrubs, San Mateo Wilderness, W slope of the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riefner 91-109

Although this species is very common and widely distributed, these collections are mentioned because the thalli are distinctly gray, lacking usnic acid. Since the gray thalli are found on sun-lit branches of chaparral shrubs, this is not merely a light-related phenomenon. Such thalli are much less common than the typical yellow-green ones with usnic acid but otherwise are morphologically identical.

Statistics Of The Flora

Breakdown of the 82 taxa on the current list by having species descriptions in the two books:

Breakdown of the 81 taxa in the original list by level of identification:

Number of the 75 taxa in the original list identified at least provisionally to the species level with changed Latin Names:

The Flora

Version for printing, without the table lines and other text on this page (4 pages)

# Latin Name (2004 N.A. list) Latin Name (1987 SRP list) Common Name In
1ACAROSPORA fuscataACAROSPORA fuscatabrown cobblestone lichenyesyes
2ACAROSPORA schleicheriACAROSPORA schleicherisoil paint lichenyesyes
3AMANDINEA punctataBuellia pullatatiny button lichennoyes
4ARTHONIA radiataARTHONIA radiataasterisk lichennoyes
5ASPICILIA cf. americanaASPICILIA cf. americana(sunken disk lichen)nono
6ASPICILIA cf. gibbosaAspicilia sp. (cf. Lecanora gibbosula)(sunken disk lichen)nono
7*BACIDIA sp. indet.BACIDIA sp. indet.(dot lichen)nono
8BUELLIA badiaBUELLIA badia(button lichen)nono
9*BUELLIA sp. indet.BUELLIA sp. indet.(button lichen)nono
10CALOPLACA californicaCALOPLACA californica(firedot lichen)nono
11CALOPLACA cerinaCALOPLACA cerinagray-rimmed firedot lichenyesyes
12CALOPLACA cf. chrysophthalmaCALOPLACA cf. chrysophthalma(firedot lichen)nono
13CALOPLACA decipiensCALOPLACA decipiens(firedot lichen)nono
14CALOPLACA demissaLecanora demissa(firedot lichen)nono
15CALOPLACA saxicolaCALOPLACA saxicola(firedot lichen)yesno
16CALOPLACA stanfordensisCALOPLACA stanfordensis(firedot lichen)nono
17CALOPLACA subsolutaCALOPLACA modesta(firedot lichen)nono
18CANDELARIA concolorCANDELARIA concolorlemon lichenyesyes
19CANDELARIA concolor var. effusaCANDELARIA concolor var. effusalemon lichennoyes
20CANDELARIELLA vitellinaCANDELARIELLA vitellinacommon goldspeck lichenyesyes
21CHRYSOTHRIX candelarisCHRYSOTHRIX candelarisgold dust lichennoyes
22CLADONIA chlorophaeaCLADONIA chlorophaeamealy pixie-cupyesyes
23CLADONIA pyxidataCLADONIA pyxidatapebbled pixie-cupyesyes
24CLADONIA reiCLADONIA reiwand lichennoyes
25COLLEMA nigrescensCOLLEMA nigrescensblistered jelly lichenyesyes
26COLLEMA texanumCOLLEMA texanum(jelly lichen)nono
27DIMELAENA oreinaDIMELAENA oreinagolden moonglow lichenyesyes
28DIMELAENA radiataDIMELAENA radiatasilver moonglow lichenyesyes
29DIPLOSCHISTES actinostomusDIPLOSCHISTES actinostomus(crater lichen)yesno
30DIPLOSCHISTES scruposusDIPLOSCHISTES scruposuscrater lichenyesyes
31EVERNIA prunastriEVERNIA prunastrioakmoss lichenyesyes
32FLAVOPARMELIA caperataPseudoparmelia caperatacommon greenshield lichenyesyes
33FLAVOPUNCTELIA flaventiorFLAVOPUNCTELIA flaventiorspeckled greenshieldyesyes
34FLAVOPUNCTELIA soredicaFLAVOPUNCTELIA soredicapowder-edged speckled greenshieldyesyes
35HYPOGYMNIA imshaugiiHYPOGYMNIA imshaugiiforked tube lichenyesyes
36HYPOGYMNIA mollisHYPOGYMNIA mollis(tube lichen)yesno
37KAERNEFELTIA merrilliiCetraria merrilliiflattened thornbush lichennoyes
38LECANORA gangaleoidesLECANORA gangaleoides(rim-lichen)nono
39LECANORA melleaLECANORA mellea(rim-lichen)yesno
40LECANORA muralisProtoparmeliopsis muralisstonewall rim-lichenyesyes
41LECANORA pacificaLECANORA pacificamulticolored rim-lichenyesyes
42LECANORA scotopholisLecidea scotopholis(rim-lichen)nono
43LECIDEA fuscoatraLecidea grisella(tile lichen)nono
44LECIDEA tessellataLECIDEA tessellatatile lichenyesyes
45LECIDELLA carpathicaLECIDELLA carpathica(disk lichen)nono
46LEPRARIA sp. indet.LEPRARIA sp. indet.(dust lichen)nono
47LEPTOGIUM lichenoidesLEPTOGIUM lichenoidestattered jellyskinnoyes
48#LICHENOTHELIA scopulariaMicrothelia aterrima nono
49MELANELIA subauriferaMELANELIA subauriferaabraded camouflage lichenyesyes
50+MYCOCALICIUM subtileMYCOCALICIUM subtile nono
51NEOFUSCELIA subhosseanaNEOFUSCELIA subhosseanaerupted camouflage lichenyesyes
52OCHROLECHIA pallescens1OCHROLECHIA pallescens yesno
53*OPEGRAPHA cf. rupestrisLeciographa cf. parasitica(scribble lichen)yesno
54PELTULA euplocaPELTULA euplocapowdery rock-oliveyesyes
55PERTUSARIA amaraPERTUSARIA amarabitter wart lichenyesyes
56PERTUSARIA sp. indet.PERTUSARIA sp. indet.(wart lichen)nono
57PHAEOPHYSCIA hirsutaPHAEOPHYSCIA hirsuta(shadow lichen)yesno
58PHYSCIA adscendensPHYSCIA adscendenshooded rosette lichenyesyes
59PHYSCIA aipoliaPHYSCIA aipoliahoary rosette lichenyesyes
60PHYSCIA callosaPHYSCIA callosabeaded rosette lichenyesyes
61PHYSCONIA isidiigeraPHYSCONIA detersabottlebrush frost lichenyes2yes
62PLACIDIUM lachneumDermatocarpon lachneum(stripplescale lichen)nono
63PSORA pacificaPSORA pacificaPacific scalenoyes
64PSORA sp. indet.PSORA sp. indet.(scale)nono
65PUNCTELIA subrudectaPUNCTELIA subrudectapowdered speckled shield lichenyesyes
66RAMALINA cochlearis1RAMALINA cf. cochlearis nono
67SPILONEMA revertensSPILONEMA revertensrock hairball lichennoyes
68TELOSCHISTES chrysophthalmusTELOSCHISTES chrysophthalmusgold-eye lichenyesyes
69TELOSCHISTES exilis-slender orange bush lichenyesyes
70THELOMMA mammosumTHELOMMA mammosumrock nipple lichenyesyes
71THELOMMA occidentaleTHELOMMA occidentale(nipple lichen)nono
72TRAPELIA involutaTRAPELIA involutapebble lichennoyes
73TRAPELIOPSIS flexuosaTRAPELIOPSIS flexuosaboard lichennoyes
74TRAPELIOPSIS granulosaTRAPELIOPSIS granulosamottled-disk lichennoyes
75TRAPELIOPSIS wallrothiiTRAPELIOPSIS wallrothiiscaly mottled-disk lichennoyes
76UMBILICARIA phaeaUMBILICARIA phaeaEmery rock tripeyesyes
77USNEA sp. indet.USNEA sp. indet.(beard lichen)nono
78XANTHOMENDOZA fallaxXanthoria fallaxhooded sunburst lichenyes3yes
79XANTHOPARMELIA coloradoensisXANTHOPARMELIA taractica(rock-shield)yes4no
80XANTHOPARMELIA conspersaXANTHOPARMELIA conspersapeppered rock-shieldyesyes
81XANTHOPARMELIA lineolaXANTHOPARMELIA lineolatight rock-shieldyesyes
82XANTHOPARMELIA mexicanaXANTHOPARMELIA mexicanasalted rock-shieldyesyes

LNALichens of North America, 2001, I.M. Brado, S.D. Sharnoff, and S. Sharnoff, Yale University Press
LoCLichens of California (California Natural History Guides, 54), 1984, Mason E. Hale and Mariette Cole, University of California Press; Reprint edition (1989)
+saprophytic fungi related to lichens or lichenicolous fungi
*lichenicolous fungi (parasites on living lichens)
#various related fungi of uncertain status: i.e., those which are questionably or weakly lichen-forming; or algicolous/saprophytic; or parasitic when young but saprophytic or lichen-forming when mature
1The names have changed for both of these taxa, but I don't know the new name. The names used in 1987 for these two taxa are now restricted to taxa not found in North America.
2Listed as P. detersa
3Listed as Xanthoria fallax
4Listed as X. taractica

I thank Jane Strong for her help in providing the information from Lichens of California.

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Copyright © 2004 by Tom Chester
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to me at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 2 November 2004