Flora of the Santa Rosa Plateau 2010 Burn Area

The Flora


This flora is the result of two surveys of the 60 acre burn area at the Santa Rosa Plateau from the fire that began at the Visitor Center and burned north on 1 September 2010. The first survey was done on 25 April 2011, by Tom Chester, Dave Stith, and Kay Madore, with Marsha Hanson and Jeanne Gulley participating in the first part of the survey. The second survey was done on 29 April 2011 by Tom Chester, Mike Crouse and Michael Charters. Michael put some of his images from this trip in his photogallery.

We intend to keep surveying this area this year, and in subsequent years, to record the species as a function of year after the burn.

In the future, we'll add an analysis of this list, since we have a pre-burn checklist for the part of the burn area covered by the Granite Loop and Wiashal Trails.

Several new records for the SRP Flora resulted from these surveys. More on those will be added in the future.

The Flora

The Flora

The Checklist below contains only species that are fairly confidently identified, although some identifications are only from young plants. Thus a few identifications may turn out to be incorrect.

One notable species is missing from the list, since we are not sure of its determination yet. There are about 30 plants scattered over three locations of a young plant that looks like a baby Malacothamnus or Ribes. The hairs of those plants are similar to those of Ribes, but no Ribes species was found in this area before the burn.

For pictures of some of these species, see photogallery from Michael Charters from 29 April 2011.

The Checklist is sorted first by category - dicots, monocots, and ferns - and then by family and scientific name. The Family and Scientific Name are from the 1993 first edition Jepson Manual. An asterisk before the Common Name indicates a non-native taxon.

Estimates of the minimum number of plants, up to a maximum of 99 plants, are given in each of the two survey areas, the Wiashal burn area and the Granite Loop burn area. For the Wiashal burn area, the number of locations is also given, up to a maximum of 9. A "location" is not precisely-defined, but is roughly an area of radius 0.1 mile.

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# JM Family Latin Name (*)Common Name Wiashal
GL #pls
1AnacardiaceaeMalosma laurinalaurel sumac50 / 5 
2AnacardiaceaeToxicodendron diversilobumpoison oak5 / 120
3ApiaceaeLomatium lucidumshiny lomatium99 / 3 
4ApiaceaeApiastrum angustifoliumwild celery99 / 15
5ApiaceaeDaucus pusillusrattlesnake weed5 / 25
6ApiaceaeSanicula argutasharp-toothed sanicle5 / 12
7ApiaceaeSanicula crassicaulisPacific sanicle / 10
8ApiaceaeTorilis nodosa*hedge parsley / 50
9AsteraceaeChaenactis artemisiifoliameally white pincushion50 / 5 
10AsteraceaeCirsium vulgare*bull thistle2 / 21
11AsteraceaeGnaphalium canescens ssp. beneolensfragrant everlasting3 / 21
12AsteraceaeGnaphalium canescens ssp. microcephalumwhite everlasting3 / 3 
13AsteraceaeAcourtia microcephalapurple head3 / 11
14AsteraceaeArtemisia californicaCalifornia sagebrush2 / 1 
15AsteraceaeBaccharis salicifoliamule fat1 / 1 
16AsteraceaeBrickellia californicaCalifornia brickellbush2 / 1 
17AsteraceaeCentaurea melitensis*tocalote99 / 550
18AsteraceaeChaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriusculayellow pincushion50 / 3 
19AsteraceaeChamomilla suaveolens*pineapple weed50 / 120
20AsteraceaeCirsium occidentale var. occidentalecobwebby thistle1 / 1 
21AsteraceaeConyza canadensishorseweed10 / 45
22AsteraceaeDimorphotheca sinuata*African daisy3 / 3 
23AsteraceaeErigeron foliosus var. foliosusleafy daisy20 / 31
24AsteraceaeEriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorumgolden yarrow30 / 31
25AsteraceaeFilago californicaCalifornia filago5 / 210
26AsteraceaeFilago gallica*narrowleaf filago99 / 9 
27AsteraceaeGnaphalium californicumCalifornia everlasting5 / 2 
28AsteraceaeGnaphalium luteo-album*common cudweed1 / 11
29AsteraceaeGnaphalium stramineumcotton-batting plant10 / 1 
30AsteraceaeHazardia squarrosa var. grindelioidessaw-toothed goldenbush99 / 910
31AsteraceaeHelianthus gracilentusslender sunflower50 / 3 
32AsteraceaeHemizonia paniculataSan Diego tarweed40 / 110
33AsteraceaeHeterotheca grandifloratelegraph weed3 / 11
34AsteraceaeHypochaeris glabra*smooth cat's ear99 / 750
35AsteraceaeLactuca serriola*prickly lettuce99 / 910
36AsteraceaeLasthenia californicagoldfields10 / 199
37AsteraceaeLayia platyglossacommon tidy-tips30 / 2 
38AsteraceaeLessingia filaginifolia var. filaginifoliaCalifornia-aster20 / 15
39AsteraceaeRafinesquia californicaCalifornia chicory50 / 710
40AsteraceaeSonchus asper ssp. asper*prickly sow thistle1 / 12
41AsteraceaeSonchus oleraceus*sow thistle10 / 2 
42AsteraceaeStylocline gnaphaloideseverlasting nest-straw50 / 510
43AsteraceaeUropappus lindleyisilver puffs2 / 1 
44AsteraceaeAmbrosia psilostachyawestern ragweed / 30
45AsteraceaeCarduus pycnocephalus*Italian thistle / 5
46AsteraceaeMalacothrix clevelandiiannual malacothrix / 10
47AsteraceaeSolidago californicagoldenrod / 99
48BoraginaceaeCryptantha intermediapopcorn flower99 / 930
49BoraginaceaeCryptantha micromeresminute-flowered cryptantha99 / 950
50BoraginaceaeCryptantha microstachysTejon cryptantha30 / 55
51BoraginaceaeCryptantha muricata var. jonesiiprickly cryptantha30 / 310
52BoraginaceaePectocarya linearis ssp. feroculaslender combseed2 / 2 
53BoraginaceaePlagiobothrys collinus var. fulvescensCalifornia popcorn flower50 / 5 
54BrassicaceaeBrassica nigra*black mustard1 / 1 
55BrassicaceaeCaulanthus heterophyllus var. pseudosimulansslender-pod jewelflower2 / 150
56BrassicaceaeHirschfeldia incana*shortpod mustard99 / 910
57BrassicaceaeSisymbrium orientale*Oriental mustard1 / 1 
58BrassicaceaeSisymbrium officinale*hedge mustard / 30
59BrassicaceaeThysanocarpus curvipesfringe-pod / 30
60CaprifoliaceaeLonicera subspicata var. denudatasouthern honeysuckle10 / 31
61CaprifoliaceaeSambucus mexicanablue elderberry / 1
62CaryophyllaceaeCerastium glomeratum*mouse-ear chickweed99 / 310
63CaryophyllaceaeSagina decumbens ssp. occidentaliswestern pearlwort50 / 1 
64CaryophyllaceaeSilene antirrhinasnapdragon campion5 / 1 
65CaryophyllaceaeSilene gallica*windmill pink50 / 230
66CaryophyllaceaeSilene multinerviafire-following campion99 / 930
67CaryophyllaceaeSpergularia bocconei*sand spurrey3 / 3 
68CaryophyllaceaeSilene laciniata ssp. majorsouthern Indian pink / 10
69CaryophyllaceaeStellaria media*common chickweed / 50
70ConvolvulaceaeCalystegia macrostegiasouthern California morning-glory99 / 9 
71CrassulaceaeCrassula connatapygmy-weed99 / 950
72CucurbitaceaeMarah macrocarpus var. macrocarpuswild-cucumber99 / 91
73CuscutaceaeCuscuta californica var. papillosapapillate dodder2 / 11
74EricaceaeXylococcus bicolormission manzanita30 / 3 
75FabaceaeAstragalus pomonensisPomona locoweed20 / 120
76FabaceaeLathyrus vestitus var. alefeldiiSan Diego pea1 / 11
77FabaceaeLotus hamatusSan Diego birdsfoot lotus5 / 1 
78FabaceaeLotus scoparius var. brevialatusshort-winged deerweed50 / 3 
79FabaceaeLotus strigosusstrigose lotus99 / 999
80FabaceaeLupinus bicolordwarf lupine50 / 230
81FabaceaeMedicago polymorpha*California burclover5 / 120
82FabaceaeMelilotus indicus*sourclover10 / 220
83FabaceaeTrifolium ciliolatumtree clover30 / 3 
84FabaceaeTrifolium willdenoviitomcat clover50 / 210
85FabaceaeTrifolium gracilentum var. gracilentumpin-point clover / 10
86FabaceaeTrifolium hirtum*rose clover / 20
87FabaceaeVicia americana var. americanaAmerican vetch / 10
88FagaceaeQuercus acutidensTorrey's scrub oak99 / 720
89GentianaceaeCentaurium venustumcanchalagua65 / 2 
90GeraniaceaeErodium botrys*long-beaked filaree40 / 1 
91GeraniaceaeErodium cicutarium*redstem filaree99 / 920
92HydrophyllaceaeEriodictyon crassifolium var. crassifoliumthick-leaved yerba santa99 / 5 
93HydrophyllaceaeEmmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflorawhispering bells99 / 51
94HydrophyllaceaeEucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. chrysanthemifoliaeucrypta70 / 7 
95HydrophyllaceaeNemophila menziesii var. menziesiibaby blue eyes5 / 1 
96HydrophyllaceaePhacelia brachylobashort-lobed phacelia9 / 1 
97HydrophyllaceaePhacelia cicutaria var. hispidacaterpillar phacelia99 / 9 
98HydrophyllaceaePhacelia distanscommon phacelia1 / 1 
99HydrophyllaceaePhacelia minorwild canterbury bells99 / 999
100HydrophyllaceaePhacelia ramosissima var. latifoliabranching phacelia5 / 2 
101LamiaceaeSalvia columbariaechia30 / 220
102LamiaceaeSalvia melliferablack sage40 / 5 
103LamiaceaeScutellaria tuberosacommon skullcap99 / 1 
104MalvaceaeSidalcea malviflora ssp. sparsifoliacheckerbloom / 10
105OnagraceaeCamissonia bistortasouthern suncup1 / 1 
106OnagraceaeCamissonia intermediaintermediate sun-cups99 / 9 
107OnagraceaeClarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnerapurple clarkia15 / 320
108OnagraceaeEpilobium brachycarpumautumn willowweed5 / 3 
109PaeoniaceaePaeonia californicaCalifornia peony3 / 2 
110PapaveraceaeDicentra chrysanthagolden ear drops99 / 91
111PapaveraceaeEschscholzia californicaCalifornia poppy10 / 2 
112PapaveraceaePapaver californicumfire poppy99 / 7 
113PolemoniaceaeAllophyllum glutinosumsticky false-gilia40 / 5 
114PolemoniaceaeGilia angelensisangel's gilia20 / 130
115PolemoniaceaeGilia australissouthern gilia99 / 7 
116PolemoniaceaeLinanthus dianthiflorusground pink50 / 3 
117PolemoniaceaeNavarretia hamata ssp. hamatahooked skunkweed99 / 950
118PolygonaceaeEriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosumCalifornia buckwheat35 / 3 
119PolygonaceaeEriogonum gracile var. gracileslender buckwheat1 / 1 
120PolygonaceaePterostegia drymarioidesthreadstem99 / 910
121PolygonaceaeRumex crispus*curly dock4 / 2 
122PortulacaceaeCalandrinia breweriBrewer's calandrinia15 / 2 
123PortulacaceaeCalandrinia ciliatared maids15 / 2 
124PortulacaceaeCalyptridium monandrumsand cress99 / 9 
125PortulacaceaeClaytonia parviflora ssp. parvifloranarrow-leaved miner's lettuce10 / 32
126PortulacaceaeClaytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliataminer's lettuce99 / 9 
127PrimulaceaeAnagallis arvensis*scarlet pimpernel99 / 520
128RanunculaceaeDelphinium parryi ssp. parryiblue larkspur / 20
129RhamnaceaeRhamnus crocearedberry2 / 1 
130RhamnaceaeRhamnus ilicifoliahollyleaf redberry5 / 1 
131RosaceaeCercocarpus minutiflorusSan Diego mountain mahogany50 / 2 
132RosaceaeAdenostoma fasciculatumchamise99 / 999
133RosaceaeHeteromeles arbutifoliatoyon2 / 2 
134RubiaceaeGalium angustifolium ssp. angustifoliumnarrowleaf bedstraw5 / 25
135RubiaceaeGalium aparinecommon bedstraw / 30
136SaxifragaceaeJepsonia parryicoast jepsonia1 / 1 
137ScrophulariaceaeAntirrhinum kelloggiitwining snapdragon50 / 910
138ScrophulariaceaeAntirrhinum nuttallianum ssp. nuttallianumpurple snapdragon99 / 920
139ScrophulariaceaeCordylanthus rigidus ssp. setigerusbristly bird's beak3 / 150
140ScrophulariaceaeKeckiella antirrhinoides var. antirrhinoideschaparral beard-tongue7 / 1 
141ScrophulariaceaeKeckiella cordifoliaheartleaf penstemon1 / 1 
142ScrophulariaceaeLinaria canadensis var. texanarough-seeded blue toad-flax50 / 320
143ScrophulariaceaeMimulus aurantiacusbush monkeyflower10 / 3 
144ScrophulariaceaeMimulus floribundusfloriferous monkeyflower50 / 3 
145ScrophulariaceaeMimulus guttatuscommon monkeyflower3 / 1 
146ScrophulariaceaeMimulus pilosusfalse monkeyflower99 / 2 
147ScrophulariaceaeScrophularia californica ssp. floribundaCalifornia bee plant10 / 3 
148ScrophulariaceaeCastilleja exsertapurple owl's-clover / 20
149ScrophulariaceaeCollinsia heterophyllaChinese houses / 99
150SolanaceaeNicotiana glauca*tree tobacco2 / 2 
151SolanaceaeSolanum parishiiParish's purple nightshade40 / 420
152ValerianaceaePlectritis ciliosa ssp. insignislong-spurred plectritis / 99
153ViolaceaeViola pedunculatajohnny jump-up / 10
154CyperaceaeCarex triquetratriangular-fruit sedge5 / 52
155JuncaceaeJuncus bufoniustoad rush99 / 1 
156JuncaceaeJuncus tiehmiiTiehm's rush1 / 1 
157JuncaceaeJuncus textilisbasket rush / 20
158LiliaceaeBloomeria croceagoldenstar7 / 1 
159LiliaceaeCalochortus splendenssplendid mariposa lily50 / 3 
160LiliaceaeChlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianumsoap plant5 / 1 
161LiliaceaeDichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatumblue dicks99 / 930
162LiliaceaeYucca whippleichaparral yucca20 / 4 
163PoaceaeAvena barbata*slender wild oats20 / 2 
164PoaceaeAvena fatua*wild oats30 / 1 
165PoaceaeBromus diandrus*ripgut brome10 / 130
166PoaceaeBromus hordeaceus*soft chess99 / 330
167PoaceaeBromus madritensis ssp. rubens*red brome99 / 950
168PoaceaeGastridium ventricosum*nit grass30 / 3 
169PoaceaeHordeum murinum*foxtail barley10 / 1 
170PoaceaeLamarckia aurea*goldentop1 / 1 
171PoaceaeMelica imperfectacoast-range melic20 / 51
172PoaceaeNassella lepidafoothill needlegrass5 / 210
173PoaceaeSchismus barbatus*Mediterranean schismus99 / 950
174PoaceaeVulpia microstachyssmall fescue5 / 3 
175PoaceaeVulpia myuros*rattail fescue99 / 950
176PoaceaeLeymus condensatusgiant wild-rye / 10
177PolypodiaceaePolypodium californicumCalifornia polypody1 / 1 
178PteridaceaePellaea mucronata var. mucronatabird's-foot fern5 / 2 
179PteridaceaePentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularisgoldback fern2 / 2 

We thank Jeanne Gulley for help with part of the 25 April 2011 survey.

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Copyright © 2011 by Tom Chester, Dave Stith, Kay Madore, Mike Crouse, Michael Charters, and Marsha Hanson.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 2 May 2011