Plant Guide to Tovashal / Torino Trail Loop, Santa Rosa Plateau

This is a working list, about which we make no guarantees at all until we officially release it. Use at your own risk!

Introduction and Explanation of Plant Trail Guides

Highlights of This Trail
Fieldwork Dates and Summary of List Changes With Time
The Plant Guide
Comments On Specific Species


This is a loop hike beginning and ending at the signed Tovashal trailhead on Clinton Keith Road opposite the Visitor Center parking lot. The route takes the Torino Trail at mile 0.19 and follows it to its end at the junction with Sylvan Meadows Road. The route continues right on Sylvan Meadow Road to its junction with the Tovashal Trail, and then returns following the entire Tovashal Trail.

This loop hike is 2.4 miles round-trip, with 100 feet of elevation gain and loss.

Highlights of This Trail

The botanical highlights of this trail are:

Number of Unique Taxa On This Trail

The following histogram gives the number of trails in our database that contain each taxon on this trail. There were 90 trails in our database when this histogram was made; 16 of those trails, including this one, are at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. A number of "1" means the taxon has only been found only on this list, among all the trails in our database; numbers of "16" or smaller may indicate taxa found only in this area.

Number of Trails
Containing A Taxon
Number Of Taxa
On This Trail
% of Taxa
On This Trail

We found 1 additional species not in the above table, since it has not been fully identified yet. The unidentified ones are marked with ?, sp or ssp in the id? column in the guide, and have no entries in the #all column.

The taxa found only on this trail, or on only a few trails, as of 4/26/05, are:

#allCommon NameLatin Name
1slender popcorn flowerPlagiobothrys tenellus
1pygmy linanthusLinanthus pygmaeus ssp. continentalis
2*Australian bromeBromus arenarius
2winged water-starwortCallitriche marginata
2California popcorn flowerPlagiobothrys collinus var. fulvescens
2woolly marblesPsilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus

Fieldwork Dates and Summary of List Changes With Time

The following table gives the dates the trail was walked and taxa recorded. After each visit, the table gives the total number of taxa on the list and the breakdown of the taxa without positive identification. See Explanation of Plant Trail Guides to understand the symbols below.

Visit DateVisit ## taxa# "?"# "sp"# "~"# "ssp"

The fieldwork on 4/21/03 was only to the end of the Torino Trail. The numbers from 4/26/05 are given twice; first to that same end point, and then for the complete loop.

In addition, Kay Madore found two taxa new to the trail guide on 5/16/04, and one taxon new to the trail guide on 4/14/05. Dick Newell helped with the fieldwork on 1/25/06.

The Plant Guide

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The mileages have been adjusted to ones derived from a GPS recording of this route, so should be accurate to 0.01-0.02 miles.

Miles#id?Common NameLatin Name#here#all
0.00r  Beginning of Tovashal Trail at Clinton Keith Road at the tall white property line pole at end of white split rail fence; elevation 1800 feet (550 m)
0.00b1 *soft chessBromus hordeaceus99 / 940
0.00l2 California-asterLessingia filaginifolia var. filaginifolia50 / 951
0.00l3 saw-toothed goldenbushHazardia squarrosa var. grindelioides50 / 935
0.00l4 southern honeysuckleLonicera subspicata var. denudata50 / 940
0.00l5 blue dicksDichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum99 / 946
0.00l6 coast-range melicMelica imperfecta50 / 943
0.00l7 climbing bedstrawGalium nuttallii ssp. nuttallii20 / 930
0.00l8 chamiseAdenostoma fasciculatum50 / 937
0.00l9 leafy daisyErigeron foliosus var. foliosus30 / 944
0.00r10 *rattail fescueVulpia myuros var. myuros99 / 920
0.00r11 toad rushJuncus bufonius var. bufonius99 / 914
0.00r12 strigose lotusLotus strigosus99 / 933
0.00r13 golden yarrowEriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum50 / 955
0.00r14 *shortpod mustardHirschfeldia incana99 / 951
0.00r15 *smooth cat's earHypochaeris glabra99 / 935
0.00r16 *redstem filareeErodium cicutarium99 / 955
0.00r17 *narrowleaf filagoFilago gallica99 / 945
0.00r18 *sand spurreySpergularia bocconei5 / 114
0.00r19 Torrey's scrub oakQuercus acutidens20 / 926
0.00b20 hooked skunkweedNavarretia hamata ssp. hamata99 / 911
0.00l21 ground pinkLinanthus dianthiflorus20 / 59
0.00l22 popcorn flowerCryptantha intermedia99 / 927
0.00r  Jct. horse trail from La Cresta
0.00r23 dwarf lupineLupinus bicolor50 / 929
0.00r24 San Diego birdsfoot lotusLotus hamatus99 / 924
0.00r  Sign: "Tovashal Trail; To Sylvan Meadows Road 0.9 mi".
0.00r25 silver puffsUropappus lindleyi50 / 926
0.00r26 rattlesnake weedDaucus pusillus99 / 929
0.00b27 *red bromeBromus madritensis ssp. rubens99 / 953
0.00b28 goldfieldsLasthenia californica99 / 912
0.00l29 woolly-fruited lomatiumLomatium dasycarpum ssp. dasycarpum10 / 36
0.00r30 slender wreathplantStephanomeria exigua ssp. deanei10 / 914
0.00r31 tomcat cloverTrifolium willdenovii20 / 917
0.00r  Go through open gate; sign: "Open sunrise to sunset..."
0.00r32 angel's giliaGilia angelensis40 / 514
0.00r33 wild-cucumberMarah macrocarpus var. macrocarpus20 / 944
0.00r34 small-head field cloverTrifolium microcephalum20 / 410
0.00r35 San Diego peaLathyrus vestitus var. alefeldii10 / 321
0.00r36 yellow mariposa lilyCalochortus weedii var. weedii / 12
0.00r37 canchalaguaCentaurium venustum99 / 915
0.00r38 *prickly sow thistleSonchus asper ssp. asper30 / 530
0.00l39 narrow-leaved miner's lettuceClaytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora99 / 919
0.00l40 redberryRhamnus crocea30 / 915
0.00r41 intermediate sun-cupsCamissonia intermedia3 / 16
0.00l42 *sow thistleSonchus oleraceus5 / 242
0.00r43 California filagoFilago californica20 / 321
0.00r44 splendid mariposa lilyCalochortus splendens / 20
0.00r45 everlasting nest-strawStylocline gnaphaloides99 / 512
0.00r46 Tejon cryptanthaCryptantha microstachys20 / 36
0.00l47 wild celeryApiastrum angustifolium50 / 513
0.00l48 threadstemPterostegia drymarioides50 / 530
0.00r  Sign: "Mountain Lion .."
0.01l49 *common groundselSenecio vulgaris5 / 218
0.01l50 *mouse-ear chickweedCerastium glomeratum50 / 519
0.01l51 triangular-fruit sedgeCarex triquetra10 / 917
0.01l52 hollyleaf redberryRhamnus ilicifolia30 / 943
0.01l53 coast jepsoniaJepsonia parryi20 / 215
0.01l54 goldback fernPentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis5 / 324
0.01r55 twining snapdragonAntirrhinum kelloggii6 / 27
0.02r56 *ripgut bromeBromus diandrus99 / 952
0.02r57 deerweedLotus scoparius var. scoparius10 / 429
0.02l58 sharp-toothed sanicleSanicula arguta50 / 916
0.02r59 bird's-foot fernPellaea mucronata var. mucronata2 / 230
0.02r60 *hedge mustardSisymbrium officinale50 / 920
0.02r61 southern Indian pinkSilene laciniata ssp. major10 / 320
0.02l62 *foxtail barleyHordeum murinum ssp. leporinum99 / 514
0.02r63 California chicoryRafinesquia californica20 / 922
0.02b64 purple headAcourtia microcephala10 / 919
0.03l65 bush monkeyflowerMimulus aurantiacus10 / 942
0.03l66 narrowleaf bedstrawGalium angustifolium ssp. angustifolium23 / 950
0.03b67 foothill needlegrassNassella lepida20 / 521
0.03   Local high point on trail
0.03r68?unk young plant with opp lvs like penstemon?1 / 1 
0.04r69 checkerbloomSidalcea malviflora ssp. sparsifolia99 / 925
0.04l70 *prickly lettuceLactuca serriola99 / 942
0.04r71 *tocaloteCentaurea melitensis99 / 945
0.04r72 *scarlet pimpernelAnagallis arvensis50 / 933
0.05r73 tree cloverTrifolium ciliolatum50 / 912
0.05l74sspvariegated cloverTrifolium variegatum / 5
0.05b75 San Diego tarweedHemizonia paniculata99 / 98
0.05l76 red maidsCalandrinia ciliata6 / 217
0.05l77 Gambel's dwarf milk-vetchAstragalus gambelianus5 / 14
0.05b78 *slender wild oatsAvena barbata99 / 940
0.05b79 purple owl's cloverCastilleja exserta ssp. exserta99 / 913
0.05l80 small-flowered fiddleneckAmsinckia menziesii var. menziesii5 / 18
0.05b81 matchweedGutierrezia sarothrae30 / 99
0.05r82 bristly bird's beakCordylanthus rigidus ssp. setigerus99 / 928
0.05l83 *windmill pinkSilene gallica50 / 933
0.06r84 black sageSalvia mellifera10 / 540
0.06r85 wild canterbury bellsPhacelia minor20 / 321
0.07l86 slim vetchVicia ludoviciana var. ludoviciana5 / 39
0.07l87 Engelmann oakQuercus engelmannii20 / 923
0.07l88 common bedstrawGalium aparine99 / 738
0.07l89 *wild oatsAvena fatua20 / 326
0.08   Local low point on trail
0.08l90 sweetbushBebbia juncea var. aspera1 / 19
0.08   Local high point on trail
0.08r91 poison oakToxicodendron diversilobum99 / 943
0.09l92 *hedge parsleyTorilis nodosa99 / 914
0.09r93 pin-point cloverTrifolium gracilentum var. gracilentum10 / 58
0.09r94 *California burcloverMedicago polymorpha99 / 940
0.09r  The "groaning" trees. When the wind is blowing just right, the movement of one tree trunk on the other makes a sound like a gate groaning as it is pushed by the wind. Don't linger here!
0.09b95 coast live oakQuercus agrifolia var. agrifolia30 / 942
0.09   Local low point on trail
0.09r96 basketbushRhus trilobata20 / 924
0.09b97~*bull thistleCirsium vulgare2 / 219
0.09l  (California sagebrush, Artemisia californica)
0.09l98 *common chickweedStellaria media20 / 325
0.10b99 Chinese housesCollinsia heterophylla99 / 912
0.10b100 johnny jump-upViola pedunculata50 / 916
0.11r  (Pomona locoweed, Astragalus pomonensis)
0.11r  Path to La Cresta fenced off in early 2003 after the landowner next door complained about people using the trail on his property.
0.11b101 American vetchVicia americana var. americana20 / 38
0.12r102 canyon clarkiaClarkia epilobioides5 / 111
0.12l103 California everlastingGnaphalium californicum30 / 943
0.12r104 purple clarkiaClarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera99 / 926
0.12   Local high point on trail
0.12r105 giant wild-ryeLeymus condensatus10 / 927
0.13l106 goldenrodSolidago californica40 / 535
0.13r107 California bromeBromus carinatus var. carinatus20 / 324
0.13l108 blue wildryeElymus glaucus ssp. glaucus30 / 521
0.13   Local low point on trail
0.14l109 western sycamorePlatanus racemosa1 / 127
0.14   Local high point on trail
0.15r110 common fiddleneckAmsinckia menziesii var. intermedia10 / 215
0.15r111 California buckwheatEriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum20 / 551
0.15r112 horseweedConyza canadensis99 / 937
0.15r113 Coulter's snapdragonAntirrhinum coulterianum1 / 16
0.15b114 mustang mintMonardella lanceolata3 / 17
0.15r115 thyme-leafed spurgeChamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia10 / 22
0.15b116 telegraph weedHeterotheca grandiflora2 / 137
0.15l117 *London rocketSisymbrium irio+2 / 110
0.15l118 pit-seed goosefootChenopodium berlandieri3 / 18
0.16l119 hoaryleaf ceanothusCeanothus crassifolius1 / 112
0.16l120 slender popcorn flowerPlagiobothrys tenellus50 / 92
0.16l121~Vasey's prickly-pearOpuntia vaseyi1 / 124
0.16l122 California peonyPaeonia californica10 / 517
0.16b123 *tumble pigweedAmaranthus albus10 / 114
0.16   Cross drainage on four wooden planks
0.16r124 rusty-haired popcorn flowerPlagiobothrys nothofulvus50 / 913
0.16r125 *common cudweedGnaphalium luteo-album / 17
0.16b126 false monkeyflowerMimulus pilosus20 / 57
0.16   Trail turns left; path to La Cresta on right is fenced off as mentioned above.
0.16r127 purple needlegrassNassella pulchra99 / 920
0.16l128 western ragweedAmbrosia psilostachya50 / 937
0.16r129 owl's-cloverCastilleja densiflora+99 / 57
0.16b130 Spanish cloverLotus purshianus var. purshianus99 / 931
0.16b131 dove weedEremocarpus setigerus30 / 325
0.17b132 *short-fruited filareeErodium brachycarpum / 14
0.17b133 *grass polyLythrum hyssopifolia50 / 515
0.17b134 western vervainVerbena lasiostachys var. lasiostachys10 / 210
0.17l  (barnyard grass, Echinochloa crus-galli)
0.17b135 deergrassMuhlenbergia rigens30 / 521
0.17r136 wrinkled rushJuncus rugulosus50 / 613
0.17b137 Mexican rushJuncus mexicanus50 / 416
0.17r138 *charlockSinapis arvensis1 / 13
0.17r139 *sourcloverMelilotus indicus20 / 224
0.17r140 hybrid wild-ryeLeymus Xmultiflorus (L. condensatus X L. triticoides)20 / 46
    Check for first occurrence of Indian milkweed, Asclepias eriocarpa
0.17r141 narrow-leaf milkweedAsclepias fascicularis4 / 28
0.17c142 *knotweedPolygonum arenastrum1 / 120
0.17   Begin bridge over drainage; elevation ~1790 feet (545 m)
0.17r143 scarlet monkeyflowerMimulus cardinalis1 / 114
0.17b144 *rabbits-foot grassPolypogon monspeliensis20 / 224
0.17b145 cockleburXanthium strumarium5 / 117
0.17l  (whorled dock, Rumex conglomeratus)
0.17r sp(cattail, Typha sp.)
0.17r146 willow-leaved dockRumex salicifolius var. denticulatus1 / 19
0.17r  (orchard-grass, Dactylis glomerata)
0.17l147 mule fatBaccharis salicifolia3 / 239
0.17   End bridge over drainage
0.18b148 strigose sun-cupCamissonia strigulosa20 / 16
0.18l149 whispering bellsEmmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflora1 / 110
0.18r150 *Australian bromeBromus arenarius20 / 23
0.19   Y-junction. Go straight (left branch), now on Torino Trail
0.20l151 *shepherd's purseCapsella bursa-pastoris10 / 110
0.20l152 *weak blue grassPoa infirma10 / 16
0.20b153 *cut-leaved geraniumGeranium dissectum20 / 513
0.22l  (sacred datura, Datura wrightii; rigid hedge-nettle, Stachys ajugoides var. rigida; big leaf mistletoe, Phoradendron macrophyllum)
0.22b154 southern miner's lettuceClaytonia perfoliata ssp. mexicana99 / 226
0.22   Local high point on trail
0.23l  (annual sunflower, Helianthus annuus; red willow, Salix laevigata; field of mule fat, Baccharis salicifolia)
0.24r  Large (~10 inch) mushroom / fungus at base of dead tree
0.24r155 *pineapple weedChamomilla suaveolens10 / 119
0.24l  (common monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus)
0.24l156 *winter vetchVicia villosa ssp. varia20 / 219
0.24r157 blue elderberrySambucus mexicana2 / 248
0.24r  (coastal goldenbush, Isocoma menziesii)
0.24   Local low point on trail
0.25r158 Pomona locoweedAstragalus pomonensis30 / 711
0.25b159 slender madiaMadia gracilis30 / 919
 r160spwoodland starLithophragma affine3 / 16
0.25r  Beautiful huge patch of Chinese houses, Collinsia heterophylla
0.25r161 baby blue eyesNemophila menziesii var. menziesii20 / 57
0.28   Local high point on trail; trail is fairly flat from now on
0.30r162 blue larkspurDelphinium parryi ssp. parryi3 / 214
0.32r163 *rose cloverTrifolium hirtum30 / 213
0.32l164 chaparral beard-tongueKeckiella antirrhinoides var. antirrhinoides1 / 110
0.33r165 Jepson's blue wildryeElymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii20 / 511
 r166 slender cottonweedMicropus californicus var. californicus99 / 37
0.36l167 coastal goldenbushIsocoma menziesii+3 / 217
0.37l168 clustered toad rushJuncus bufonius var. congestus / 9
0.38r169 chaparral yuccaYucca whipplei10 / 431
0.39b170 common spikerushEleocharis macrostachya20 / 312
0.39b171 winged water-starwortCallitriche marginata10 / 25
0.39   Cross drainage with seasonal water, on 4 plank wooden bridge
0.40r172 Pacific sanicleSanicula crassicaulis10 / 920
0.41b173 *nit grassGastridium ventricosum99 / 926
0.42r174 seashore bentgrassAgrostis pallens30 / 611
0.43l175 rattlesnake weedChamaesyce albomarginata3 / 110
0.43c176 holly-leaf navarretiaNavarretia atractyloides20 / 29
 b177 *Mediterranean pygmy-weedCrassula tillaea20 / 17
0.45   Y-junction. Bicycle-cut unauthorized trail to left; stay right.
0.45l178 balloon cloverTrifolium depauperatum var. truncatum20 / 27
0.45r179 California popcorn flowerPlagiobothrys collinus var. fulvescens / 4
0.47r180 branching phaceliaPhacelia ramosissima var. latifolia5 / 234
0.47l  (vinegar weed, Trichostema lanceolatum)
0.47   Y-junction. Another cut to the unauthorized bicycle trail on left. Stay right.
0.48r181 *curly dockRumex crispus1 / 123
0.55r182 collar lupineLupinus truncatus10 / 324
0.55r  (laurel sumac, Malosma laurina)
0.58r  (Parish's purple nightshade, Solanum parishii)
0.61r183 laurel sumacMalosma laurina1 / 142
0.63r  Large patch of winter vetch, Vicia villosa, in 2005.
0.64r184 three spotOsmadenia tenella99 / 915
0.70r185 sapphire woolly-starEriastrum sapphirinum10 / 17
0.71r  A white owl's-clover, Castilleja densiflora
0.73r  Check for purple sanicle, Sanicula bipinnatifida
0.75   Trail curves left 90°
 r186 chiaSalvia columbariae20 / 221
 r187 rough-seeded blue toad-flaxLinaria canadensis var. texana1 / 110
0.76   Enter chaparral section
 r188 common tidy-tipsLayia platyglossa1 / 15
 l189ssppurple snapdragonAntirrhinum nuttallianum ssp. nuttallianum1 / 119
0.80l  (California bee plant, Scrophularia californica ssp. floribunda)
0.82r190 white-flowering currantRibes indecorum4 / 422
0.82l  Newly-cleared area with four boulders (for bench?) in September 2005
0.83l191 San Diego wreathplantStephanomeria diegensis5 / 322
0.87r192 giant needlegrassAchnatherum coronatum2 / 122
0.88r193 prostrate spineflowerChorizanthe procumbens10 / 14
0.88r  (Sliced-bread boulder)
0.89r194 fragrant everlastingGnaphalium canescens ssp. beneolens3 / 323
0.91b195 rush-roseHelianthemum scoparium10 / 314
0.91l  A light pink "purple owl's clover", Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta
0.91l196 short-winged deerweedLotus scoparius var. brevialatus10 / 223
0.94r197 white sageSalvia apiana10 / 338
0.95l  Jct. shortcut to unauthorized bicycle trail. Stay right.
0.97l  Jct. other end of unauthorized bicycle trail. Stay right.
1.03   Y-jct. to Sylvan Meadows Road; take right branch.
1.04   Jct. Sylvan Meadows Road; turn right
1.08l198 slender combseedPectocarya linearis ssp. ferocula1 / 16
1.11   Local high point
1.12   Begin long switchback left.
1.15   Cross wide shallow drainage at center of switchback
1.18c199 *annual blue grassPoa annua20 / 112
1.18l  Jct. use trail
1.21r  (Note huge boulder "holding up" a tree!)
1.27   Local low point on road; road is in sand; begin long switchback right.
1.28l  Jct. use trail
1.31   Road turns left 90°
1.33   Local high point on road, elevation ~1875 feet (572 m)
1.35l  Jct. use trail
1.36r200 vinegar weedTrichostema lanceolatum10 / 315
1.39l201 *long-beaked filareeErodium botrys30 / 211
1.39r  Jct. use trail to Tovashal Trail
1.42r  Jct. Tovashal Trail; turn right and take it
1.43r202 graceful tarplantHolocarpha virgata ssp. elongata10 / 115
1.44r  Jct. other end of use trail; note both species of owl's clover on right side by side, C. exserta and C. densiflora
1.54r203 long-leaved rushJuncus macrophyllus10 / 25
1.54b204 Parish's purple nightshadeSolanum parishii10 / 320
1.54r205 papillate dodderCuscuta californica var. papillosa2 / 24
1.55r206 common skullcapScutellaria tuberosa40 / 64
1.57l207 floriferous monkeyflowerMimulus floribundus40 / 56
1.61   Trail jags left
1.62b208 snapdragon campionSilene antirrhina10 / 27
1.62l209 minute-flowered cryptanthaCryptantha micromeres5 / 16
1.62l210 pygmy-weedCrassula connata20 / 128
1.62l211 six-weeks fescueVulpia octoflora var. octoflora10 / 14
1.62l  Check for different suncup, Camissonia sp.
1.62l212~cotton-batting plantGnaphalium stramineum5 / 116
1.65   Trail jags left
1.68l  Woodrat's nest
1.70l213 soap plantChlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum3 / 119
1.71r214 slender buckwheatEriogonum gracile var. gracile10 / 23
1.71r215~pygmy linanthusLinanthus pygmaeus ssp. continentalis10 / 11
1.72l216 fringed spineflowerChorizanthe fimbriata var. fimbriata20 / 18
1.73   Local low point on trail, containing enough seasonal water for algae to leave clumps
1.73l217spwoolly marblesPsilocarphus brevissimus var. brevissimus5 / 12
1.73l218 western lady's mantleAphanes occidentalis2 / 13
1.77   Local high point on trail; trail curves left
1.80r219 California sagebrushArtemisia californica1 / 147
1.81l220 heartleaf penstemonKeckiella cordifolia10 / 228
1.81   Local low point on trail
1.85l  (cobwebby thistle, Cirsium occidentale var. occidentale)
1.86l  (chick lupine, Lupinus microcarpus var. microcarpus)
1.86   Trail curves right
1.86l221 saltgrassDistichlis spicata2 / 118
1.90b  Good patch of American vetch, Vicia americana
1.91b222 Indian milkweedAsclepias eriocarpa5 / 218
1.91b223 basket rushJuncus textilis20 / 16
1.94r224 bristly goldenasterHeterotheca sessiliflora ssp. echioides2 / 18
1.96l  Field of Pomona locoweed, Astragalus pomonensis
2.03l  (arroyo willow, Salix lasiolepis)
2.09l  Patch of ~30 purple clarkia, Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera, with flowers in dense terminal clusters
2.10r225 Palmer's goldenbushEricameria palmeri var. pachylepis10 / 110
2.22r  Jct. Torino Trail; end plant guide; return to trailhead by going left
2.41   Back at Tovashal Trailhead at Clinton Keith Road.

Comments On Specific Species

Sisymbrium irio. This was a brand-new weed for the Santa Rosa Plateau plant list, observed for the first time on 1/25/06 in the drainage from the La Cresta homes, in an area frequented by horses. It could have come from drainage from the La Cresta homes, or from horses, or both. The two specimens were weeded out and vouchered for the plant list.

Isocoma menziesii. In our experience, the subspecies are not separable in Southern California. See Comments on the Jepson Manual and A Flora of Southern California by Munz: Isocoma menziesii.

Castilleja densiflora. We do not feel the subspecies defined in the Jepson Manual are valid in Southern California. See note in the Vernal Pool Trail Plant Guide.

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Copyright © 2003-2006 by Tom Chester and Kay Madore.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Updated 7 May 2006.