Plant Guide to Punta Mesa Trail, Santa Rosa Plateau This is a working list, about which we make no guarantees at all until we officially release it. Use at your own risk!
Introduction and Explanation of Plant Trail Guides
Highlights of This Trail
Fieldwork Dates and Summary of List Changes With Time
The Plant Guide
Comments On Specific Species
Introduction The Punta Mesa Trail begins at the Adobe Loop Trail and ends at a four-way junction with Monument Hill, Fault and Waterline Roads. To get to the beginning of this guide, follow the directions to get to the Adobe Loop Trail and take the Adobe Loop Trail 0.4 miles to the beginning of the Punta Mesa Trail.
The Punta Mesa Trail is 1.94 miles one-way, with 200 feet of elevation gain and loss.
This guide includes the portion of Monument Hill Road between Fault Road and the Vista Grande Trail, making the total length of this guide 2.13 miles, with 300 feet of elevation gain.
One unusual aspect of this trail is that it is almost entirely in the Bedford Canyon Formation, and shows numerous exposures of it. The rest of the trails at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve are either on the Santa Rosa Basalt, or show exposures primarily of the Woodson Mountain Granodiorite.
The trail also offers a good view of two 8 million year old stream valleys that were filled by the Santa Rosa Basalt when the basalt flowed over the landscape.
Highlights of This Trail The botanical highlights of this trail are:
Number of Unique Taxa On This Trail
The following histogram gives the number of trails in our database that contain each taxon on this trail. There were 93 trails in our database when this histogram was made; 16 of those trails, including this one, are at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. A number of "1" means the taxon has only been found only on this list, among all the trails in our database; numbers of "16" or smaller may indicate taxa found only in this area.
Number of Trails
Containing A TaxonNumber Of Taxa
On This Trail% of Taxa
On This Trail1 0 0% 2 3 1% 3 1 0% 4 3 1% 5 4 2% 1-5 11 5% 6-10 20 10% 11-15 38 19% 16-20 33 16% 21-25 31 15% 26-30 20 10% 31-35 13 6% 36-40 13 6% 41-45 15 7% 46-50 4 2% 51-55 5 2% 56-60 2 1% All 205 100% We found 3 additional species not in the above table, since they have not been fully identified yet. The unidentified ones are marked with ? or sp in the id? column in the guide, and have no entries in the #all column.
The taxa found only on this trail, or on only a few trails, or only mostly on trails at the Santa Rosa Plateau, as of 4/11/05, are:
#all Common Name Latin Name 2 Rainbow manzanita Arctostaphylos rainbowensis 2 California oxalis Oxalis albicans ssp. californica 3 *Himalaya blackberry Rubus discolor 3 *whorled dock Rumex conglomeratus 4 combseed Pectocarya penicillata 4 balloon clover Trifolium depauperatum var. truncatum 4 *spearmint Mentha spicata var. spicata 5 rattlesnake weed Chamaesyce albomarginata 7 rusty-haired popcorn flower Plagiobothrys nothofulvus
Fieldwork Dates and Summary of List Changes With Time The following table gives the dates the trail was walked and taxa recorded. After each visit, the table gives the total number of taxa on the list and the breakdown of the taxa without positive identification. See Explanation of Plant Trail Guides to understand the symbols below.
Visit Date Visit # # taxa # "?" # "sp" # "~" # "ssp" 11/6/2004 1 32 0 4 2 1 12/13/2004 2 114 3 10 19 4 2/2/2005 4 121 1 10 19 4 3/10/2005 5 136 3 8 19 3 4/7/2005 6 154 1 7 13 3 6/19/2005 7 198 0 3 11 0 8/18/2005 8 203 0 3 7 0 11/19/2005 9 208 0 3 7 0 2/26/2006 10 208 0 3 6 0 Only the first 0.34 miles was surveyed on 11/6/04. The fieldwork on 2/2/05 was minimal, since that was mostly a hiking trip. Only the first 0.02 miles was surveyed on 3/10/05, but note how many new taxa were added from annual and perennial herbs! Only the first 0.72 miles was surveyed on 4/7/05.
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Mile s # id? Common Name Latin Name #here #all 0.00 Begin trail at jct. with Adobe Loop Trail; elevation 1800 feet (550 m) 0.00 b 1 holly-leaf navarretia Navarretia atractyloides 99 / 9 9 0.00 l 2 *Crete weed Hedypnois cretica 99 / 5 20 0.00 l 3 *short-fruited filaree Erodium brachycarpum 99 / 9 14 0.00 l 4 *redstem filaree Erodium cicutarium / 57 0.00 l 5 *windmill pink Silene gallica / 33 0.00 l 6 San Diego birdsfoot lotus Lotus hamatus / 24 0.00 l 7 rattlesnake weed Daucus pusillus 99 / 9 30 0.00 b 8 *tiny bedstraw Galium murale / 2 0.00 l 9 *smooth cat's ear Hypochaeris glabra / 35 0.00 l 10 dwarf lupine Lupinus bicolor / 29 0.00 l 11 narrowleaf bedstraw Galium angustifolium ssp. angustifolium 20 / 9 50 0.00 r 12 black sage Salvia mellifera 20 / 9 40 0.00 b 13 miner's lettuce Claytonia perfoliata ssp. perfoliata / 22 0.00 r 14 *common chickweed Stellaria media / 25 0.00 l Sign: "Adobe Loop / Punta Mesa Trail" 0.00 b 15 California sagebrush Artemisia californica 99 / 9 47 0.00 r 16 San Diego pea Lathyrus vestitus var. alefeldii 2 / 2 21 0.00 b 17 *soft chess Bromus hordeaceus 20 / 3 40 0.00 b 18 saw-toothed goldenbush Hazardia squarrosa var. grindelioides 5 / 5 35 0.00 r 19 southern Indian pink Silene laciniata ssp. major 10 / 1 20 0.00 r 20 chamise Adenostoma fasciculatum 50 / 9 37 0.00 r 21 coast live oak Quercus agrifolia var. agrifolia 20 / 9 42 0.00 b 22 bush monkeyflower Mimulus aurantiacus 20 / 9 42 0.00 r 23 white everlasting Gnaphalium canescens ssp. microcephalum 10 / 5 37 0.00 r 24 silver puffs Uropappus lindleyi 10 / 1 26 0.00 r 25 *shortpod mustard Hirschfeldia incana 30 / 3 51 0.00 r 26 southern honeysuckle Lonicera subspicata var. denudata 30 / 9 40 0.00 r 27 deerweed Lotus scoparius var. scoparius 30 / 9 29 0.00 r 28 golden yarrow Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum 20 / 9 56 0.00 l 29 *rattail fescue Vulpia myuros var. myuros / 20 0.00 l 30 purple clarkia Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera 30 / 3 26 0.00 r 31 *hedge parsley Torilis nodosa 99 / 9 14 0.00 r 32 Pacific sanicle Sanicula crassicaulis 20 / 9 20 0.00 r 33 California everlasting Gnaphalium californicum 50 / 9 43 0.00 l 34 leafy daisy Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus 20 / 9 44 0.00 l 35 *red brome Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens / 55 0.00 l (canchalagua, Centaurium venustum) 0.00 r Bench with back, built by Daniel Pavoni and Murrieta Boy Scout Troop 304 0.00 b 36 *nit grass Gastridium ventricosum 99 / 9 27 0.00 b 37 Pomona locoweed Astragalus pomonensis 5 / 3 11 0.00 r 38 coast-range melic Melica imperfecta 30 / 9 43 0.00 l 39 California buckwheat Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum 10 / 5 51 0.00 r 40 *Australian brass-buttons Cotula australis 10 / 1 17 0.00 r 41 *scarlet pimpernel Anagallis arvensis 50 / 9 34 0.00 r 42 *narrowleaf filago Filago gallica 50 / 9 45 0.00 l (bicolored everlasting, Gnaphalium bicolor) 0.00 r 43 basketbush Rhus trilobata 1 / 1 25 0.00 r 44 wild-cucumber Marah macrocarpus var. macrocarpus 10 / 9 45 0.00 r 45 checkerbloom Sidalcea malviflora ssp. sparsifolia / 25 0.00 r 46 Torrey's scrub oak Quercus acutidens 5 / 3 26 0.00 l 47 rusty-haired popcorn flower Plagiobothrys nothofulvus 10 / 2 13 0.00 l 48 pygmy-weed Crassula connata / 27 0.00 r 49 climbing bedstraw Galium nuttallii ssp. nuttallii 3 / 3 31 0.00 r 50 Rainbow manzanita Arctostaphylos rainbowensis 4 / 3 2 0.00 b 51 canchalagua Centaurium venustum 99 / 9 15 0.00 r 52 sp canyon clarkia? Clarkia epilobioides? 2 / 1 0.00 Gate 0.01 r 53 heartleaf penstemon Keckiella cordifolia 30 / 9 28 0.01 c 54 *pineapple weed Chamomilla suaveolens 1 / 1 19 0.01 r 55 *mouse-ear chickweed Cerastium glomeratum / 19 0.01 l 56 bicolored everlasting Gnaphalium bicolor 2 / 1 32 0.01 r 57 white-flowering currant Ribes indecorum 3 / 3 24 0.01 r 58 popcorn flower Cryptantha intermedia / 27 0.01 r 59 bristly bird's beak Cordylanthus rigidus ssp. setigerus 30 / 9 28 0.01 r 60 blue dicks Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum / 46 0.02 l 61 threadstem Pterostegia drymarioides / 31 0.02 l Trail is now lined with fringed spineflower, Chorizanthe fimbriata 0.02 l 62 fringed spineflower Chorizanthe fimbriata var. fimbriata 99 / 9 8 0.02 l 63 combseed Pectocarya penicillata / 4 0.02 c 64 angel's gilia Gilia angelensis 1 / 1 13 0.02 b 65 collar lupine Lupinus truncatus / 24 0.02 b 66 goldback fern Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis 30 / 3 24 0.03 Trail is now additionally lined with hooked skunkweed, Navarretia hamata, as well as lesser numbers of canchalagua, Centaurium venustum: 0.03 l 67 hooked skunkweed Navarretia hamata ssp. hamata 99 / 9 11 0.03 r 68 coyote bush Baccharis pilularis 2 / 2 25 0.04 r Second occurrence of Rainbow manzanita, Arctostaphylos rainbowensis. 0.05 Trail is now on Bedford Canyon Formation, which has many exposures along nearly the entire trail. 0.05 l 69 chaparral yucca Yucca whipplei 2 / 2 31 0.06 b 70 *tocalote Centaurea melitensis 99 / 9 45 0.06 l 71 mission manzanita Xylococcus bicolor 1 / 1 14 0.07 l 72 *goldentop Lamarckia aurea / 22 0.07 l 73 fragrant everlasting Gnaphalium canescens ssp. beneolens 2 / 2 25 0.07 l 74 horseweed Conyza canadensis 20 / 9 42 0.07 l 75 *prickly lettuce Lactuca serriola 50 / 9 42 0.09 r 76 laurel sumac Malosma laurina 5 / 5 42 0.10 r 77 *Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon 10 / 9 34 0.11 r 78 ~ Vasey's prickly-pear Opuntia vaseyi 4 / 4 24 0.12 r Arborescent form of Tucker's scrub oak, Q. acutidens 0.13 l 79 slender tarweed Hemizonia fasciculata 50 / 9 18 0.13 r 80 sapphire woolly-star Eriastrum sapphirinum 20 / 3 7 0.13 r 81 *common cudweed Gnaphalium luteo-album 10 / 2 18 0.14 b 82 hoaryleaf ceanothus Ceanothus crassifolius 40 / 9 12 0.15 c 83 *Mediterranean schismus Schismus barbatus / 24 0.17 l (wild canterbury bells, Phacelia minor) 0.17 r 84 San Diego wreathplant Stephanomeria diegensis 20 / 7 24 0.20 l 85 yellow mariposa lily Calochortus weedii var. weedii 3 / 1 12 0.21 l 86 *sow thistle Sonchus oleraceus 10 / 9 42 0.21 l 87 toyon Heteromeles arbutifolia 5 / 5 44 0.23 l 88 Jepson's blue wildrye Elymus glaucus ssp. jepsonii 50 / 9 12 0.23 b 89 cotton-batting plant Gnaphalium stramineum / 20 0.23 r Fencepost 0.25 l Opening in chaparral, formerly with large "X" for aerial photographs. 0.25 b 90 sharp-toothed sanicle Sanicula arguta / 16 0.25 l 91 graceful tarplant Holocarpha virgata ssp. elongata 40 / 9 15 0.25 b 92 Spanish clover Lotus purshianus var. purshianus 10 / 3 31 0.25 l 93 ~ tree clover Trifolium ciliolatum / 12 0.25 l 94 balloon clover Trifolium depauperatum var. truncatum / 7 0.25 l 95 ~ splendid mariposa lily Calochortus splendens+ / 20 0.25 r 96 purple needlegrass Nassella pulchra / 20 0.25 l 97 red maids Calandrinia ciliata / 17 0.25 b 98 Indian milkweed Asclepias eriocarpa / 18 0.25 l 99 short-winged deerweed Lotus scoparius var. brevialatus 10 / 2 24 0.28 l 100 vinegar weed Trichostema lanceolatum 20 / 9 15 0.29 Best view of 8 million year old river valley filled by Santa Rosa Basalt, at 2 o'clock. 0.33 r 101 Engelmann oak Quercus engelmannii 2 / 2 23 0.33 l 102 white sage Salvia apiana 10 / 9 38 0.34 Long switchback right. 0.39 l 103 *little horseweed Conyza bonariensis 4 / 4 20 0.39 r 104 chaparral bush mallow Malacothamnus fasciculatus 5 / 3 14 0.40 Trail curves slightly left 0.41 l 105 three spot Osmadenia tenella 20 / 1 15 0.41 l 106 *slender wild oats Avena barbata / 40 0.41 r 107 soap plant Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum 10 / 9 19 0.41 r 108 purple snapdragon Antirrhinum nuttallianum ssp. nuttallianum / 19 0.42 r 109 slim vetch Vicia ludoviciana var. ludoviciana / 9 0.45 l 110 California-aster Lessingia filaginifolia var. filaginifolia 20 / 9 52 0.45 r 111 bird's-foot fern Pellaea mucronata var. mucronata 1 / 1 30 0.46 r (wood rat's nest) 0.48 Long switchback left. 0.48 r (blue elderberry, Sambucus mexicana) 0.50 r Jct. use trail 0.50 b 112 *ripgut brome Bromus diandrus / 53 0.50 r 113 San Diego mountain mahogany Cercocarpus minutiflorus 1 / 1 12 0.50 l 114 sticky false-gilia Allophyllum glutinosum 10 / 1 8 0.52 r (California dodder, Cuscuta californica var. californica; silky lotus, Lotus heermannii var. heermannii) 0.52 r (Check for black willow, Salix gooddingii) 0.53 l 115 *horehound Marrubium vulgare 50 / 9 33 0.53 l 116 poison oak Toxicodendron diversilobum 10 / 3 43 0.53 r 117 western sycamore Platanus racemosa 1 / 1 28 0.57 r (California wood fern, Dryopteris arguta) 0.57 r splendid mariposa lily Calochortus splendens+ / 0.58 r 118 hollyleaf redberry Rhamnus ilicifolia / 43 0.58 l 119 autumn willowweed Epilobium brachycarpum 1 / 1 5 0.60 r Third occurrence of Rainbow manzanita, Arctostaphylos rainbowensis, whacked on 2/26/06 0.60 l 120 California thistle Cirsium occidentale var. californicum 20 / 5 11 0.60 l (Parish's purple nightshade, Solanum parishii) 0.60 l Beautiful set of weathered Bedford Canyon Formation boulders 0.62 l 121 California oxalis Oxalis albicans ssp. californica 3 / 1 4 0.64 r Vasey's prickly-pear Opuntia vaseyi+ / 0.64 r 122 slender madia Madia gracilis / 19 0.66 r 123 California four o'clock Mirabilis californica / 23 0.67 r 124 *hedge mustard Sisymbrium officinale / 20 0.68 b 125 *cut-leaved geranium Geranium dissectum 99 / 3 13 0.70 l 126 coffee fern Pellaea andromedifolia 1 / 1 22 0.70 r 127 *bull thistle Cirsium vulgare 20 / 9 20 0.70 l 128 California bee plant Scrophularia californica ssp. floribunda 5 / 2 17 0.71 r 129 giant wild-rye Leymus condensatus 5 / 1 28 0.71 l 130 milk maids Cardamine californica var. californica 20 / 1 6 0.71 b 131 western ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya 10 / 2 39 0.71 b 132 mugwort Artemisia douglasiana 20 / 1 28 0.71 b 133 *California burclover Medicago polymorpha / 40 0.71 l 134 eucrypta Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. chrysanthemifolia / 25 0.71 l 135 deergrass Muhlenbergia rigens 3 / 2 21 0.72 b 136 *sourclover Melilotus indicus 10 / 1 25 0.72 r 137 *knotweed Polygonum arenastrum 20 / 5 21 0.72 b 138 rigid hedge-nettle Stachys ajugoides var. rigida 10 / 1 15 0.72 Beginning of bridge to cross creek, a tributary of the De Luz River; low point on trail, elevation 1605 feet (490 m) 0.72 b 139 arroyo willow Salix lasiolepis 1 / 1 36 0.72 l 140 red willow Salix laevigata 1 / 1 23 0.72 b 141 *fennel Foeniculum vulgare+ 4 / 1 13 0.72 r (narrow-leaf milkweed, Asclepias fascicularis) 0.72 b 142 *Himalaya blackberry Rubus discolor 5 / 1 3 0.72 r 143 sp short sedge Carex sp. 1 / 1 0.72 r 144 *grass poly Lythrum hyssopifolia 10 / 1 15 0.72 l 145 ~ leather root Hoita macrostachya 1 / 1 2 0.72 l 146 *bristly ox-tongue Picris echioides 3 / 1 12 0.72 b 147 *common plantain Plantago major 3 / 1 9 0.72 l 148 *dallis grass Paspalum dilatatum 10 / 1 10 0.72 l 149 scarlet monkeyflower Mimulus cardinalis 10 / 1 16 0.72 b 150 *spearmint Mentha spicata var. spicata 10 / 1 4 0.72 b 151 *rabbits-foot grass Polypogon monspeliensis 10 / 1 26 0.72 l 152 water cress Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum 5 / 1 12 0.72 l 153 common spikerush Eleocharis macrostachya 1 / 1 12 0.72 l 154 sand spikerush Eleocharis montevidensis 2 / 1 7 0.72 l 155 *whorled dock Rumex conglomeratus 5 / 2 12 0.72 l 156 *green bentgrass Agrostis viridis 1 / 1 5 0.72 l 157 *curly dock Rumex crispus 5 / 2 23 0.72 l 158 knot grass Paspalum distichum 3 / 1 7 0.72 l 159 wrinkled rush Juncus rugulosus 1 / 1 14 0.72 l (long-leaved rush, Juncus macrophyllus; Pacific rush, Juncus effusus var. pacificus) 0.72 b 160 sticky cinquefoil Potentilla glandulosa ssp. glandulosa 3 / 2 17 0.72 l 161 clustered toad rush Juncus bufonius var. congestus 1 / 1 9 0.72 End bridge 0.72 l 162 mule fat Baccharis salicifolia 3 / 2 39 0.72 l 163 *winter vetch Vicia villosa ssp. varia 10 / 1 19 0.72 l (goldenrod, Solidago californica) 0.73 r Concrete slab; from former Arizona crossing? 0.73 r 164 cocklebur Xanthium strumarium 1 / 1 17 0.73 l 165 nodding needlegrass Nassella cernua / 17 0.73 l 166 California brome Bromus carinatus var. carinatus / 24 0.75 l 167 branching phacelia Phacelia ramosissima var. latifolia 5 / 1 34 0.76 Trail curves left 90° 0.78 l 168 stinging lupine Lupinus hirsutissimus 1 / 1 15 0.82 r 169 goldenrod Solidago californica 10 / 1 35 0.83 l 170 *English plantain Plantago lanceolata 50 / 9 20 0.85 r 171 triangular-fruit sedge Carex triquetra / 17 0.86 r 172 southern miner's lettuce Claytonia perfoliata ssp. mexicana / 25 0.90 r 173 *Italian rye-grass Lolium multiflorum / 19 0.90 r 174 *field hedge-parsley Torilis arvensis 50 / 2 6 0.92 l 175 grand mountain dandelion Agoseris grandiflora / 11 0.92 l 176 ~ wild celery Apiastrum angustifolium 10 / 1 13 0.92 l 177 common bedstraw Galium aparine 10 / 1 39 0.95 l 178 purple sanicle Sanicula bipinnatifida / 11 0.95 l 179 sp owl's clover Castilleja sp. / 0.95 b 180 bush lupine Lupinus excubitus var. hallii 10 / 5 10 0.95 l Housing for wildlife camera 0.99 l 181 coastal goldenbush Isocoma menziesii+ 1 / 1 17 1.11 c 182 *Mediterranean pygmy-weed Crassula tillaea 20 / 1 7 1.12 c 183 common fiddleneck Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia 10 / 2 15 1.16 r Jct. road to Punta Mesa Research area, closed to the public, with a gate across it. 1.16 r (stinking gourd, Cucurbita foetidissima) 1.19 r (Field of rigid hedge-nettle, Stachys ajugoides var. rigida, in drainage) 1.24 l 184 ~ California chicory Rafinesquia californica 1 / 1 22 1.28 l 185 *yellow salsify Tragopogon dubius+ 1 / 1 13 1.28 b 186 Mexican rush Juncus mexicanus 20 / 1 17 1.28 r 187 *olive Olea europaea 1 / 1 10 1.29 l 188 southern California morning-glory Calystegia macrostegia ssp. arida+ 2 / 2 15 1.29 r (Some very old and very large western sycamore trees, Platanus racemosa.) 1.33 l 189 *Italian thistle Carduus pycnocephalus 10 / 1 21 1.34 c 190 California poppy Eschscholzia californica 30 / 9 29 1.37 r (California fuchsia, Epilobium canum ssp. canum) 1.38 Cross main drainage; creek is now on your left 1.39 r 191 Ramona-lilac Ceanothus tomentosus var. olivaceus 4 / 2 9 1.41 r 192 blue elderberry Sambucus mexicana 1 / 1 48 1.42 r 193 Parish's purple nightshade Solanum parishii / 20 1.45 Cross main drainage; creek is now on your right again 1.46 r 194 California fuchsia Epilobium canum ssp. canum 3 / 1 22 1.46 (slender sunflower, Helianthus gracilentus) 1.47 r 195 western marsh cudweed Gnaphalium palustre 10 / 1 5 1.47 r 196 *tumble pigweed Amaranthus albus 10 / 1 14 1.47 Cross main drainage; creek is now on your left again 1.47 r 197 purple everlasting Gnaphalium purpureum 10 / 1 5 1.51 Cross small side drainage; main creek is still on your left 1.52 r 198 slender sunflower Helianthus gracilentus 1 / 1 13 1.53 c 199 telegraph weed Heterotheca grandiflora 2 / 2 37 1.58 r 200 dove weed Eremocarpus setigerus 10 / 3 26 1.59 r 201 Palmer's goldenbush Ericameria palmeri var. pachylepis 2 / 2 10 1.62 r Field of solid tocalote, Centaurea melitensis for next 0.05 miles 1.72 r Field of solid prickly lettuce, Lactuca serriola, and shortpod mustard, Hirschfeldia incana, for next 0.11 miles 1.72 r 202 *wild oats Avena fatua 20 / 9 27 1.86 r 203 western vervain Verbena lasiostachys var. lasiostachys 2 / 1 10 1.89 r (Tenaja with year-round water) 1.89 r 204 *white-stemmed filaree Erodium moschatum / 21 1.90 Cross drainage from tenaja 1.90 r 205 creeping wild rye Leymus triticoides 10 / 1 12 1.90 Cross through open gate 1.94 c 206 *shepherd's purse Capsella bursa-pastoris 20 / 1 10 1.94 Jct. Monument Hill / Faultline Roads; elevation 1800 feet (550 m); turn left onto Monument Hill Road 1.95 Cross main drainage 2.04 l 207 long-stemmed buckwheat Eriogonum elongatum var. elongatum 3 / 1 29 2.08 r 208 rattlesnake weed Chamaesyce albomarginata 5 / 1 11 2.13 r Jct. Vista Grande Trail; elevation 1920 feet (585 m); end this plant guide.
Comments On Specific Species Calochortus splendens. A definite id was made at mile 0.52, which is listed separately but not numbered. It is likely, but not 100% certain, that the plant at mile 0.25 is this id.
Opuntia vaseyi. The first occurrence at mile 0.11 is a young plant; a definite identification was made at mile 0.59.
Foeniculum vulgare. We are trying to remove the infestation here, so we hope you don't see any of this species here! If you do, please yank them out.
Isocoma menziesii. In our experience, the subspecies are not separable in Southern California. See Comments on the Jepson Manual and A Flora of Southern California by Munz: Isocoma menziesii.
There is only a single plant on this trail, and it occurs almost right in the middle of the trail. Hence it frequently gets mowed down, making it pretty hard to spot.
Tragopogon dubius. The single plant that occurred here was weeded out.
Calystegia macrostegia ssp. arida. About half the plants at the SRP appear to be ssp. arida, with the other half split between sspp. "intermedia" and "tenuifolia". It has long troubled Tom to be finding three subspecies in the small area of the SRP. Worse, the classification of a given plant has changed with time, which was extremely puzzling.
These difficulties were resolved when Tom found clear evidence that subspecies "intermedia" and "tenuifolia" are bogus. Hence we assign all the SRP plants to ssp. arida.
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Copyright © 2004-2006 by Tom Chester and Kay Madore
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Updated 19 April 2006.