Flora of Sawmill Road / Stone Creek Trail Area of Dark Canyon, San Jacinto Mountains This flora comes from seven surveys of the Stone Creek Trail and Sawmill Road area, although only three of the surveys were full-blown plant surveys for all species:
- Stone Creek Trail / Lower Sawmill Road on 23 August 2014, by Tom Chester, Dave Stith, and Adrienne Ballwey.
- Sawmill Road on 28 August 2014, by Tom Chester, Dave Stith, and Adrienne Ballwey.
- A Ponderosa / Jeffrey pine survey of the Stone Creek Trail / Upper Sawmill Road on 21 September 2014 by Tom Chester, Adrienne Ballwey, Bob Smith, and Elize Van Zandt.
- A Ponderosa / Jeffrey pine survey of the lower Sawmill Road on 7 November 2014 by Tom Chester, Mike Crouse, and Frank Harris.
- A plants-in-flower survey of Lower Sawmill Road on 22 June 2015 by Bruce Watts.
- A Galium angustifolium study on the Stone Creek Trail / Upper Sawmill Road on 8 July 2015 by Tom Chester and Bruce Watts.
- Stone Creek Trail / Upper Sawmill Road on 28 September 2018, by Tom Chester and Lance Woolley.
Note that none of these surveys were done during prime time in a good year, so the flora is undoubtedly incomplete for some annuals and perennials.
In addition, Bruce Watts did a Pyrola picta flower check of Lower Sawmill Road on 6 July 2015, and a Lilium parryi survey of the Lowermost Sawmill Road on 4 July 2016.
The column #Pls is the minimum number of plants seen from a union of all surveys. If there is a qualifier in front of the number, the species assignment is uncertain.
See also The Hiram Roach Dark Canyon Sawmill.
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Copyright © 2014-2018 by Tom Chester, Dave Stith, Adrienne Ballwey, Bruce Watts, and Lance Woolley.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Updated 1 October 2018.