Flora of Baldy Mountain, San Jacinto Mountains
Jordan Zylstra and Tom Chester
Fig. 1. Map showing the Baldy Mountain area, southeast of Mountain Center and northwest of Lake Hemet, along with places where Tom has recorded species in his two surveys. Jordan's surveys have been concentrated in the area on top of Baldy Mountain, roughly shown by the circle of Tom's GPS points there. The gated Forest Service access road to the top (5S08) from SR74 traverses private property; permission is needed to use that section of the road even by foot.Introduction
This checklist for Baldy Mountain has been compiled from four sources:
- Vouchers, 102 vouchers of 54 taxa, searched on 23 May 2020 from the Consortium of California Herbaria. 96 of those vouchers were from Scott White and co-collectors taken on two days, 27 May 2000 and 19 June 2008.
- An "incidental observation list" from Jordan Zylstra from May 2018, containing 198 taxa, compiled during the course of his focused surveys for a few species for the Forest Service, primarily from the Baldy Meadow area.
- A list of 150 species observed by Tom Chester, along with estimated abundances for each species, from survey trips up the powerline road on 24 May 2020 from near its lower end to the beginning of Baldy Meadow, and a follow-up trip on 8 June 2020 to extend the survey using the loop road around the top of Baldy Mountain.
- The single iNat observation in this area as of 23 May 2020, Githopsis diffusa, by Jordan Zylstra. Tom has since added a few other iNat observations.
The total checklist contains 246 taxa.
The powerline road can be accessed from SR74 across from the Herkey Creek Campground, but there is space only to park a single car at its entrance. The road is fairly easy to follow, but is quite steep with very poor footing in places.
The Checklist
The following gives some basic information about this checklist.
- Notes on the Scientific Names Used At This Site and
- Information about the links from the Scientific Name and Common Name.
An asterisk before the common name indicates a non-native species.
The column with header #Pls indicates the minimum number of plants observed by Tom Chester on 24 May 2020 and 8 June 2020, augmented by the number of plants for Githopsis diffusa from Jordan's iNat observation. Species not seen by Tom are denoted by JV if they were on Jordan's list and vouchered; JZ if they were only on Jordan's list; and V if they were only vouchered.
Version for printing, without the other text on this page: html (6 pages) or pdf Clickbook booklet (2 double-sided pages). (See printing instructions for an explanation of these options)
Voucher data provided by the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/).
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Copyright © 2020 by Jordan Zylstra and Tom Chester
Commercial rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce any or all of this page for individual or non-profit institutional internal use as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 11 June 2020