Introduction Flora of Mt. Lowe Area, San Gabriel Mountains
The FloraIntroduction
The Flora
The column #V gives the number of vouchers, with a maximum of 9 vouchers recorded in that field. If there is no entry in that field, that taxon was vouchered in a nearby area, or, for two species, Linanthus concinnus and Yucca whipplei, added by RT Hawke from his prior observations at Table Mountain.
The column Obs indicates whether a taxon was observed on a CNPS SnGb field trip on 10 May 2014, or on a scouting trip just before, by Jane Tirrell and John Thompson. An X indicates a confidently-identified taxon; a question mark indicates uncertainty whether that taxon is the correct identification.
The column #Pls gives the minimum number of plants observed on 18 May 2014, by Adrienne Ballwey, Tom Chester, Michael Charters, and Walt Fidler, up to a maximum of 99. This is a tentative list made for a review of the abundances. Some species names are just placeholders, awaiting further work on their identification.
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Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria ( on 17 May 2014.
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