Bloom Identification Guide For The San Gabriel Mountains - White Blooms

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 White  Pink   Red  Orange Cream Yellow Yellow 
Green Blue Purple


White flowers, no woody stems, plants less than 12" tall
Sweet Alyssum*
Lobularia maritima
  fullfullfullfullendingendingendinggone   Sweet Alyssum*
Lobularia maritima
Common Chickweed*
Stellaria media
  fullending         Common Chickweed*
Stellaria media
Granite Prickly Gilia
Leptodactylon pungens
     beginningfullendingendinggone   Granite Prickly Gilia
Leptodactylon pungens
Linanthus sp.      beginningfullendingendinggone   Linanthus sp.
Mariposa Lily
Calochortus sp.
     beginning       Mariposa Lily
Calochortus sp.
Miner's Lettuce
Claytonia perfoliata
  fullfullfullfull       Miner's Lettuce
Claytonia perfoliata
Popcorn Flower
Cryptantha spp.
Plagiobothrys spp.
   fullfullfullfullendinggone    Popcorn Flower
Cryptantha spp.
Plagiobothrys spp.
Rattlesnake Weed
Chamaesyce albomarginata
 beginningfull          Rattlesnake Weed
Chamaesyce albomarginata
White flowers, no woody stems, plants more than 12" tall
Galium aparine
   beginningfullfullfullendinggone    Bedstraw*
Galium aparine
California Blackberry
Rubus ursinus
     beginningfullfruit  gone  California Blackberry
Rubus ursinus
California Buckwheat
Eriogonum fasciculatum
     beginningfullfullendingendingendinggone California Buckwheat
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Malacothrix saxatilis
     beginningfullfullendingendingendingending Cliff-Aster
Malacothrix saxatilis
Corn Lily
Veratrum californicum
      beginningfullendinggone   Corn Lily
Veratrum californicum
Cow Parsnip
Heracleum lanatum
   fullfull        Cow Parsnip
Heracleum lanatum
Wild Cucumber
Marah macrocarpus
"porcupine eggs"
 beginningfullfullfullending       Wild Cucumber
Marah macrocarpus
"porcupine eggs"
Marrubium vulgare
   beginningfullfullending      Horehound*
Marrubium vulgare
Morning Glory
Calystegia macrostegia
   fullfullfullfullfullendinggone   Morning Glory
Calystegia macrostegia
Solanum douglasii
 fullfullfullfullfullfull      Nightshade
Solanum douglasii
Imbricate Phacelia
Phacelia imbricata
     beginningfullendinggone    Imbricate Phacelia
Phacelia imbricata
Poison Hemlock*
Conium maculatum
   fullfullendinggone      Poison Hemlock*
Conium maculatum
Prickly Poppy
Argemone munita
     beginningfullfullendinggone   Prickly Poppy
Argemone munita
Shooting Star
Dodecatheon redolens
     beginningfullgone     Shooting Star
Dodecatheon redolens
Wild Sweet Pea
Lathyrus vestitus
  fullfullfullfullendingendinggone    Wild Sweet Pea
Lathyrus vestitus
Rubus parviflorus
     beginningfullfruit  gone  Thimbleberry
Rubus parviflorus
Virgin's bower
Clematis ligusticifolia
     beginningfullseedendinggone   Virgin's bower
Clematis ligusticifolia
Water Cress*
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum
    beginningfullending      Water Cress*
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum
White Sage
Salvia apiana
     beginningfullfullendinggone   White Sage
Salvia apiana
Achillea millefolium
     beginningfullfullendinggone   Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
Smoothleaf Yerba Santa
Eriodictyon trichocalyx
     beginningfullendingendinggone   Smoothleaf Yerba Santa
Eriodictyon trichocalyx
White flowers, multiple woody stems
Hoaryleaf Ceanothus
C. crassifolius
 fullfullfullfullendinggone      Hoaryleaf Ceanothus
C. crassifolius
Adenostoma fasciculatum
    beginningbeginningfullendingendinggone   Chamise
Adenostoma fasciculatum
Chaparral Whitethorn
  beginningfullfullendingendinggone     Chaparral Whitethorn
Prunus virginiana
        fruit gone  Chokecherry
Prunus virginiana
Holly-leaf Cherry
Prunus ilicifolia
   full  fruit      Holly-leaf Cherry
Prunus ilicifolia
Fremont Cottonwood
Populus fremontii
   full      leaf  Fremont Cottonwood
Populus fremontii
Laurel Sumac
Malosma laurina
      beginningfullendinggone   Laurel Sumac
Malosma laurina
Big-berry Manzanita
Arctostaphylos glauca
fullendingendingfruit         Big-berry Manzanita
Arctostaphylos glauca
Arctostaphylos sp.
    fullending       Manzanita
Arctostaphylos sp.
Mountain Mahogany
Cercocarpus betuloides
    beginningfullfullseedendingendinggone  Mountain Mahogany
Cercocarpus betuloides
Poison oak
Toxicodendron diversilobum
   beginning  leaf   gone  Poison oak
Toxicodendron diversilobum
Cistus ladaniferus
   beginningfullfullfullendinggone    Rockrose*
Cistus ladaniferus
Amelanchier alnifolia
        fruit gone  Serviceberry
Amelanchier alnifolia
Sugar Bush
Rhus ovata
 beginningfullfullfull        Sugar Bush
Rhus ovata
* = non-native

"Full bloom" means the majority of the plants are in full bloom.
"Beginning" means that some plants are blooming somewhere.
"Ending" means that the majority of plants have finished blooming, although some plants in some locations may still be in full bloom.
"Gone" means we haven't seen any in bloom anywhere.
The nicknames for dodder and cucumber were found by Jane Strong in an unremembered reference.

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Copyright © 1997-2000 by Jane Strong and Tom Chester.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Jane Strong | Tom Chester
Last update: 2 February 2000.