Flora of Vallecito Hills Area, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park



This checklist is a start at a flora of the hills south of the Vallecito Stage Station, which we'll refer to as the Vallecito Hills here. See Fig. 1 for a map of the area.

Fig. 1. The Vallecito Hills Area. Field surveys are shown and labeled. Click on the map for a version showing a larger area.

The checklist was compiled from three field surveys and from vouchers. There were essentially no Calflora or iNaturalist observations in this area.

Field Surveys:

The main intent of the first and third survey was to try to find the Abutilon palmeri vouchered from Near base of hills south of Vallecito Stage Station on 30 April 1941. No survey has yet relocated those plants, and no one else has ever vouchered this species from this area. It is possible these were waifs from traffic to the Stage Station from Arizona.

Note on the Bromus ~carinatus from the surveys. On the first survey we found about 10 plants of a grass that we didn't recognize from the desert. The culms were all from last year, and very dead. They looked like those of an Achnatherum (now Stipa), with long glumes (9 and 13 mm) left on a robust stalk, but the plants did not look like S. parishii even though the leaves were 4 mm wide. The grass had at least four florets, with a lemma body of 15 mm and an awn of 5 mm, with 7 prominent veins. Nominally, this appears to be B. carinatus, but if the awn was broken off, it could be B. berteroanus. Interestingly, Larry Hendrickson collected vouchers determined as each of these species, with consecutive collection numbers, in Mason Valley, the next valley upstream from Vallecito Valley.

Vouchers. It is very difficult to pick out just the vouchers that were taken in the Vallecito Hills, since the vast majority of older vouchers just give the location as "Vallecitos" or similar. For example, some of Jepson's vouchers with a location of just "Vallecitos" were actually taken from the hills between Mason Valley and Vallecito Valley. See Jepson's field journal compared to the voucher locality online for some of his vouchers numbered 8620 to 8636, and, for example, his voucher #8628.

Worse, vouchers often just list the nearest locality to where they collected a voucher, so some of these vouchers could have been taken from miles away from our floral area.

We have attempted to toss the most obvious vouchers that are not in this locality using the following steps. We first searched for all georeferenced vouchers in the area from 32.95 to 32.98° north latitude and -116.37 to -116.32° east longitude. The localities were examined from each of those, and any that appeared to be from outside our area were tossed, including vouchers with vague localities such as Colorado Desert, east of Valecitos Stage Station and Colorado Desert, along old stage route.

The remaining vouchers were sorted by collection time, and sets of vouchers that appeared to be from elsewhere were tossed. For example, Woglum collected three vouchers of Bernardia incana, Calochotus concolor, and Muilla maritima, which no one else has seen in this area, and were probably collected farther south in The Potrero. Three vouchers by Bowers gave an elevation of 213 m and a locality of Vallecitos Creek, and were almost surely collected near the junction with Carrizo Creek.

Vouchers with only the locality of Vallecito, with no other clues that they might not be from here, were retained.

One voucher of Lupinus excubitus var. hallii was rejected as either a misdetermination or as being collected from outside this area, even though it was in the set of vouchers collected by Jepson in this area (this voucher was collected by Dutton during Jepson's trip and given to Jepson).

This procedure left 483 vouchers, which undoubtedly still contains species not actually present in the Vallecito Hills.

Checklist for Vallecito Hills Area


An asterisk before the common name indicates a non-native species.

The column #V is the number of vouchers for each taxon from the Consortium from the Vallecito Hills Area as defined above. Warning! Not all the vouchered species were actually taken from this area.

The column labeled #Pls gives a minimum estimate of the number of plants from our surveys. A FC in this column indicates a species observed by Fred Melgert and Carla Hoegen, for which no abundance estimate was made.

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#FamScientific Name
Link goes to the Jepson eflora
(*)Common Name
Link goes to Calphotos
1SelSelaginella eremophiladesert spike-moss199
2PteCheilanthes covilleibeady lipfern2 
3PteCheilanthes parryiwoolly lipfern150
4PteNotholaena californicaCalifornia cloak fern15
5EphEphedra asperaMormon tea199
6EphEphedra californicadesert tea2 
7SauAnemopsis californicayerba mansa1 
8AcaJusticia californicachuparosa975
9ApiApium graveolens*celery1 
10ApiDaucus pusillusrattlesnake weed1 
11ApiSpermolepis lateriflorabristly spermolepis1 
12ApoAsclepias albicanswhite-stemmed milkweed1 
13ApoFunastrum hirtellumrambling milkweed63
14ApoMatelea parvifoliaspearleaf 1
15AstAcamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. sphaerocephalusgoldenhead 40
16AstAdenophyllum porophylloidesSan Felipe dogweed135
17AstAmbrosia acanthicarpabur-ragweed1 
18AstAmbrosia dumosaburroweed299
19AstAmbrosia salsola var. salsolacheesebush299
20AstBaccharis brachyphyllashort-leaved baccharis  
21AstBahiopsis parishiiParish's goldeneye240
22AstBebbia juncea var. asperasweetbush1FC
23AstBrickellia atractyloides var. argutaCalifornia spear-leaved brickellia1 
24AstBrickellia frutescensshrubby brickellia1 
25AstCalycoseris parryiyellow tackstem1 
26AstCalycoseris wrightiiwhite tackstem1 
27AstChaenactis carphoclinia var. carphocliniapebble pincushion 99
28AstChaenactis fremontiiFremont pincushion299
29AstChaenactis stevioidesdesert pincushion 35
30AstDicoria canescensdesert dicoria2 
31AstEncelia farinosabrittlebush 99
32AstEncelia frutescensbutton encelia1 
33AstEricameria brachylepisboundary goldenbush 6
34AstEricameria paniculatablackbanded rabbitbrush21
35AstEriophyllum lanosumwhite easter-bonnets335
36AstEriophyllum pringleiPringle's woolly sunflower3 
37AstEriophyllum wallaceiWallace's woolly daisy5 
38AstEriophyllum wallacei var. wallaceiWallace's woolly daisy199
39AstGutierrezia sarothraematchweed 20
40AstIsocoma acradenia var. eremophilatoothed-leaved alkali goldenbush330
41AstLayia glandulosawhite tidy-tips1 
42AstLogfia depressadwarf filago27
43AstLogfia filaginoidesCalifornia filago 20
44AstMalacothrix glabratadesert dandelion599
45AstMonoptilon bellioidesdesert star2 
46AstPalafoxia arida var. aridaSpanish needle31
47AstPectis papposa var. papposachinch-weed2 
48AstPerityle emoryiEmory's rock-daisy31
49AstPleurocoronis plurisetaarrow-leaf 10
50AstPluchea sericeaarrow-weed3 
51AstPorophyllum gracileodora250
52AstRafinesquia neomexicanadesert chicory45
53AstSenecio flaccidus var. monoensisMono ragwort1 
54AstSenecio mohavensisMojave ragwort250
55AstStephanomeria exigua ssp. exiguaslender wreathplant 15
56AstStephanomeria pauciflorawire-lettuce199
57AstStylocline intertextatangled nest-straw219
58AstTrichoptilium incisumyellow-head530
59AstTrixis californica var. californicaCalifornia trixis311
60AstUropappus lindleyisilver puffs1 
61AstXylorhiza orcuttiiOrcutt's woody-aster1 
62BigChilopsis linearis ssp. arcuatadesert-willow315
63BorAmsinckia intermediacommon fiddleneck 50
64BorCryptantha angustifolianarrow-leaved cryptantha199
65BorCryptantha barbigera var. barbigerabearded cryptantha ~99
66BorCryptantha maritimaGuadalupe cryptantha199
67BorCryptantha micrantha var. micranthared-root cryptantha399
68BorCryptantha nevadensis var. nevadensisNevada cryptantha310
69BorEmmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflorawhispering bells27
70BorEriodictyon trichocalyx var. lanatumsmoothleaf yerba santa 9
71BorEucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. bipinnatifidaeucrypta11
72BorEucrypta micranthadesert eucrypta3 
73BorHeliotropium curassavicum var. oculatumseaside heliotrope540
74BorNama demissa var. demissapurple mat699
75BorPectocarya heterocarpachuckwalla pectocarya 99
76BorPectocarya platycarpabroad-fruited combseed1 
77BorPectocarya recurvatacurvenut combseed199
78BorPhacelia crenulata var. minutifloralittle-flowered heliotrope phacelia399
79BorPhacelia cryptanthalimestone phacelia1 
80BorPhacelia distanscommon phacelia299
81BorPlagiobothrys arizonicusArizona popcorn flower 75
82BorTiquilia canescens var. canescensgray coldenia 1
83BorTiquilia plicataplicate coldenia599
84BraBrassica tournefortii*Sahara mustard ~1
85BraCaulanthus cooperiCooper's jewel-flower2 
86BraCaulanthus lasiophyllusCalifornia mustard430
87BraDescurainia incanasoft mountain tansy-mustard1 
88BraDescurainia pinnatawestern tansy-mustard199
89BraDithyrea californicaspectacle-pod3 
90BraDraba cuneifoliawedge-leaved draba225
91BraDraba reptans*Carolina draba1 
92BraErysimum capitatum var. capitatumwestern wallflower3 
93BraLepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpumhairy-podded pepper-grass499
94BraLyrocarpa coulteriCoulter's lyrepod730
95BraNasturtium officinalewater cress1 
96BraSisymbrium orientale*Oriental mustard1~99
97BraThysanocarpus curvipes ssp. eradiatusfringe-pod2 
98BraThysanocarpus rigiduslace-pod1 
99CacCylindropuntia bigeloviiteddy-bear cholla199
100CacCylindropuntia fosbergiipink teddy-bear cholla1FC
101CacCylindropuntia ganderiGander's cholla299
102CacEchinocereus engelmanniiEngelmann's hedgehog cactus199
103CacFerocactus cylindraceusCalifornia barrel cactus 12
104CacMammillaria dioicaCalifornia fish-hook cactus199
105CacMammillaria tetrancistradesert fish-hook cactus13
106CacOpuntia basilaris var. basilarisbeavertail cactus 99
107CamNemacladus glanduliferusglandular nemacladus1 
108CamNemacladus orientaliseastern glandular nemacladus1 
109CamNemacladus rubescensdesert nemacladus2 
110CamNemacladus tenuis var. tenuisdesert threadplant2 
111CarAchyronychia cooperifrost mat2 
112CarLoeflingia squarrosaspreading loeflingia1 
113CheAllenrolfea occidentalisiodine-bush2 
114CheAtriplex lentiformis ssp. lentiformisbig saltbush199
115CheAtriplex polycarpacattle saltbush399
116CheSuaeda nigrabush seepweed 99
117ConCuscuta salinasaltmarsh dodder1 
118CraCrassula connatapygmy-weed1 
119CraDudleya arizonicaArizona chalk dudleya 20
120EupChamaesyce micromeraSonoran spurge1 
121EupChamaesyce pediculiferaCarrizo Mountain spurge2 
122EupChamaesyce polycarpasmall-seeded spurge 99
123EupCroton californicusCalifornia croton2 
124EupDitaxis lanceolatanarrowleaf ditaxis325
125EupEuphorbia erianthabeetle spurge4 
126EupStillingia linearifolialinear-leaved stillingia215
127FabAcmispon glaber var. brevialatusshort-winged deerweed1 
128FabAcmispon maritimus var. brevivexillusshort-bannered coastal lotus12
129FabAcmispon rigidusdesert lotus330
130FabAcmispon strigosusstrigose lotus215
131FabAcmispon wrangelianusCalifornia lotus1 
132FabAstragalus aridusannual desert milk-vetch1 
133FabAstragalus didymocarpus var. dispermusdwarf white milk-vetch2 
134FabAstragalus nuttallianus var. cedrosensisCedros milk-vetch2 
135FabDalea mollissimadowny dalea45
136FabLupinus arizonicusArizona lupine2~15
137FabLupinus bicolordwarf lupine2 
138FabLupinus concinnusbajada lupine21
139FabMarina parryiParry's marina5~2
140FabProsopis glandulosa var. torreyanahoney mesquite799
141FabProsopis pubescensscrew-bean mesquite4 
142FabPsorothamnus schottiiindigo bush350
143FabPsorothamnus spinosussmoke tree 4
144FabSenegalia greggiicatclaw299
145FouFouquieria splendens ssp. splendensocotillo699
146GenEustoma exaltatum ssp. exaltatumcatchfly prairie-gentian6 
147GerErodium cicutarium*redstem filaree199
148KraKrameria bicolorwhite rhatany699
149KraKrameria erectaPima rhatany225
150LamHyptis emoryidesert-lavender330
151LamSalvia apianawhite sage1 
152LamSalvia columbariaechia 99
153LoaMentzelia affinisyellow blazing star1 
154LoaMentzelia albicauliswhite-stemmed blazing star4~99
155LoaMentzelia hirsutissimahairy stickleaf 18
156LoaPetalonyx thurberi ssp. thurberiThurber's sandpaper-plant135
157MalAbutilon palmeriPalmer's abutilon6 
158MalAyenia compactaayenia27
159MalEremalche exiliswhite mallow1 
160MalHibiscus denudatusrock hibiscus2FC
161MalHorsfordia newberryiNewberry's velvet mallow1 
162MalSphaeralcea ambiguaapricot mallow117
163MarProboscidea althaeifoliadesert unicorn-plant41
164MonCalyptridium monandrumsand cress1 
165NycAbronia villosa var. villosahairy sand-verbena13
166NycAllionia incarnata var. villosalarge-flowered trailing four o'clock1 
167NycBoerhavia wrightiiWright's spiderling1 
168NycMirabilis laevis var. crassifoliaCalifornia four o'clock1 
169NycMirabilis laevis var. retrorsaBigelow's desert four-o'clock 99
170NycMirabilis laevis var. villosaBigelow's desert four-o'clock1 
171OnaCamissoniopsis pallida ssp. pallidapale suncup220
172OnaChylismia claviformis ssp. peirsoniibrown-eyed primrose299
173OnaEremothera boothii ssp. condensataBooth's evening primrose455
174OnaEremothera chamaenerioideslong-fruit suncup2 
175OnaEremothera refractanarrow-leaf suncup2 
176OnaEulobus californicusCalifornia suncup299
177OroOrobanche cooperiCooper's broomrape1 
178PapEschscholzia minutiflora ssp. minutiflorasmall-flowered poppy615
179PapEschscholzia parishiiParish's poppy25
180PhrMimulus bigelovii var. bigeloviiBigelow's monkeyflower42
181PlaAntirrhinum filipesdesert twining snapdragon21
182PlaCollinsia concolorsouthern Chinese houses1 
183PlaMohavea confertifloraghost flower1 
184PlaPenstemon clevelandii var. clevelandiiCleveland's beardtongue7 
185PlaPlantago ovatadesert plantain499
186PlaPlantago patagonicaPatagonia plantain1 
187PolEriastrum diffusumminiature woolly-star5 
188PolEriastrum eremicum ssp. eremicumdesert woolly-star299
189PolGilia stellatastar gilia52
190PolLeptosiphon aureusgolden linanthus1 
191PolLeptosiphon aureus ssp. aureusgolden linanthus1 
192PolLeptosiphon lemmoniiLemmon's linanthus1 
193PolLoeseliastrum schottiiSchott's calico425
194PolCentrostegia thurberired triangles1 
195PolChorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornubrittle spineflower3 
196PolChorizanthe rigidadevil's spineflower380
197PolEriogonum fasciculatum var. polifoliumCalifornia buckwheat 30
198PolEriogonum inflatumdesert trumpet590
199PolEriogonum maculatumspotted buckwheat2 
200PolEriogonum reniformekidney-leaf buckwheat3 
201PolEriogonum thomasiiThomas' buckwheat499
202PolEriogonum thurberiThurber's buckwheat1 
203PolEriogonum wrightii var. nodosumWright's buckwheat 99
204PolLastarriaea coriacealeather spineflower1 
205PolPterostegia drymarioidesfairy bowties, threadstem1 
206RanDelphinium parishii ssp. subglobosumintermediate larkspur375
207ResOligomeris linifolialineleaf whitepuff499
208RubGalium stellatumstar-flowered bedstraw225
209SimSimmondsia chinensisjojoba199
210SolLycium andersoniiAnderson's boxthorn630
211SolLycium fremontiiFremont's boxthorn750
212SolNicotiana clevelandiiCleveland's tobacco1 
213SolNicotiana obtusifoliadesert tobacco1 
214SolPhysalis crassifoliathick-leaved ground cherry31
215TamTamarix ramosissima*saltcedar1 
216UrtParietaria hespera var. hesperapellitory 99
217VisPhoradendron californicumdesert mistletoe799
218ZygFagonia laevisCalifornia fagonia840
219ZygLarrea tridentatacreosote bush999
220AgaAgave deserti var. desertidesert agave 99
221AgaHesperocallis undulatadesert lily29
222AllAllium fimbriatum var. fimbriatumfringed onion1 
223CypEleocharis rostellatabeaked spikerush1 
224CypSchoenoplectus americanusAmerican tule2 
225PoaAristida adscensionissix-weeks three-awn23
226PoaAristida purpureapurple three-awn 4
227PoaAristida purpurea var. purpureapurple three-awn1 
228PoaBromus carinatus var. marginatus (see note)Mountain brome ~10
229PoaBromus madritensis ssp. rubens*red brome299
230PoaDasyochloa pulchellafluff grass1 
231PoaDistichlis spicatasaltgrass1 
232PoaHilaria rigidabig galleta399
233PoaHordeum murinum*foxtail barley1 
234PoaMelica frutescenstall melica2 
235PoaMuhlenbergia microspermalittleseed muhly1 
236PoaPhalaris minor*little-seed canarygrass1 
237PoaPolypogon monspeliensis*rabbits-foot grass1 
238PoaSchismus barbatus*Mediterranean schismus199
239PoaSporobolus airoidesalkali sacaton1 
240PoaStipa speciosadesert needlegrass15
241ZanZannichellia palustrishorned pondweed1 

Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/)

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Copyright © 2012-2018 by Tom Chester, Nancy Accola, Vince Balch, Mike Crouse, James Dillane, Kate Harper, Carla Hoegen, and Fred Melgert
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 19 February 2018