Flora of Rattlesnake Canyon and Surrounding Area, ABDSP



This is a flora of the Rattlesnake Canyon in ABDSP, reached via the Villager Peak Trail, and not to be confused with the Rattlesnake Canyon in Poway.

The flora is from our field trips and from iNat observations. There are only four vouchers in this area, but one of them contributes one species to the flora.

Field trips were done on the Villager Peak Trail on 29 January 2008, 25 March 2008, 17 December 2010, 8 February 2011, and 14 April 2018. Field trips were done in Rattlesnake Canyon on 15 December 2011, 19 December 2011, 7 March 2012, 18 January 2019, and 3 and 12 February 2019.

For completeness, this Checklist also includes species found in the neighboring canyons to the east of Rattlesnake Canyon, as well as species found on the Villager Peak Trail.

For more information on hiking Rattlesnake Canyon, see Fred Melgert and Carla Hoegen's page. Their plant list may also have been more recently updated than the one here.

See also Fred and Carla's Villager Peak page.

Checklist for Rattlesnake Canyon and Surrounding Area


An asterisk before the common name indicates a non-native species.

The column with header Famil gives the first five letters of the Family Name.

The column with label BW links to the photo gallery page for each species at Fred Melgert and Carla Hoegen's BorregoWildflowers site.

The column with label VP gives the minimum number of plants found in the area of the Villager Peak Trail, up to a maximum of 99 plants.

The column with header RS gives the minimum number of plants seen in Rattlesnake Canyon above the Villager Peak Trail. Most of these plants are in the first 2.3 miles of Rattlesnake Canyon. If that column contains iNat, there is an iNaturalist observation of that species that we have not yet seen. The V in that column indicates the single species vouchered at Rattlesnake Spring not seen by us.

Species with no entry in either of the last two columns have been found in Palo Verde or Smoke Tree Canyon.

Version for printing, without lines and other text on this page: html (5 pages) or pdf Clickbook booklet (2 double-sided pages) (also a short form fitting into a single double-sided page by stripping out the clade headers). (See printing instructions for an explanation of these options)

#FamilScientific Name
Link goes to the Jepson eflora
(*)Common Name
Link goes to Calphotos
1PteriCheilanthes parryiwoolly lipfernBW1299
2PteriNotholaena californica ssp. californicaCalifornia cloak fernBW 4
3EphedEphedra asperaMormon teaBW 99
4AmaraAmaranthus fimbriatusfringed amaranthBW1 
5ApiacTauschia argutasouthern tauschiaBW  
6ApocyAsclepias albicanswhite-stemmed milkweedBW  
7ApocyAsclepias subulatarush milkweedBW8 
8ApocyFunastrum hirtellumrambling milkweedBW 99
9AsterAcamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. sphaerocephalusgoldenheadBW2 
10AsterAdenophyllum porophylloidesSan Felipe dogweedBW14
11AsterAmbrosia dumosaburroweedBW9999
12AsterAmbrosia salsola var. salsolacheesebushBW9999
13AsterBaccharis brachyphyllashort-leaved baccharisBW iNat
14AsterBahiopsis parishiiParish's goldeneyeBW 4
15AsterBebbia juncea var. asperasweetbushBW3063
16AsterBrickellia desertorumdesert brickelliaBW 2
17AsterCalycoseris wrightiiwhite tackstemBW502
18AsterChaenactis carphoclinia var. carphocliniapebble pincushionBW9999
19AsterChaenactis fremontiiFremont pincushionBW 1
20AsterChaenactis stevioidesdesert pincushionBW10 
21AsterEncelia farinosabrittlebushBW9999
22AsterEncelia farinosa var. farinosabrittlebushBW iNat
23AsterEncelia farinosa var. phenicodontapurple disk flower brittlebushBW 1
24AsterEncelia frutescensbutton enceliaBW20 
25AsterGeraea canescenshairy desert-sunflowerBW1 
26AsterGutierrezia sarothraematchweedBW11
27AsterLogfia filaginoidesCalifornia filagoBW5050
28AsterMalacothrix glabratadesert dandelionBW101
29AsterMonoptilon bellioidesdesert starBW20iNat
30AsterPalafoxia arida var. aridaSpanish needleBW2 
31AsterPectis papposa var. papposachinch-weedBW99 
32AsterPerityle emoryiEmory's rock-daisyBW9999
33AsterPeucephyllum schottiipygmy-cedarBW1060
34AsterPleurocoronis plurisetaarrow-leafBW 99
35AsterPrenanthella exiguabright-white 20 
36AsterPsathyrotes ramosissimaturtlebackBW  
37AsterRafinesquia neomexicanadesert chicoryBW103
38AsterSenecio mohavensisMojave ragwortBW5020
39AsterSonchus oleraceus*sow thistleBW  
40AsterStephanomeria pauciflorawire-lettuceBW3099
41AsterTrichoptilium incisumyellow-headBW13iNat
42AsterTrixis californica var. californicaCalifornia trixisBW1025
43BoragCryptantha angustifolianarrow-leaved cryptanthaBW9999
44BoragCryptantha barbigera var. barbigerabearded cryptanthaBW6050
45BoragCryptantha barbigera var. fergusoniaeSanta Rosa Mountain bearded cryptanthaBW299
46BoragCryptantha maritimaGuadalupe cryptanthaBW9999
47BoragCryptantha nevadensis var. nevadensisNevada cryptanthaBW3 
48BoragCryptantha pterocaryawing-nut cryptanthaBW  
49BoragCryptantha racemosabushy cryptanthaBW  
50BoragCryptantha utahensisscented cryptanthaBW 25
51BoragEmmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflorawhispering bellsBW54
52BoragEucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. bipinnatifidaeucryptaBW 30
53BoragEucrypta micranthadesert eucryptaBW 60
54BoragPectocarya heterocarpachuckwalla pectocaryaBW5 
55BoragPectocarya peninsularisBaja pectocaryaBW560
56BoragPectocarya platycarpabroad-fruited combseedBW2 
57BoragPectocarya recurvatacurvenut combseedBW5099
58BoragPhacelia crenulata var. ambiguaheliotrope phaceliaBW9999
59BoragPhacelia crenulata var. minutifloralittle-flowered heliotrope phaceliaBW 50
60BoragPhacelia distanscommon phaceliaBW 40
61BoragPhacelia ivesianaIves' phaceliaBW iNat
62BoragPhacelia pedicellatapedicellate phaceliaBW 3
63BoragPlagiobothrys jonesiiJones' popcorn flower  99
64BoragTiquilia palmeriPalmer's coldeniaBW10 
65BrassBrassica tournefortii*Sahara mustardBW9960
66BrassCaulanthus lasiophyllusCalifornia mustardBW199
67BrassDescurainia pinnatawestern tansy-mustardBW 4
68BrassDithyrea californicaspectacle-podBW89 
69BrassDraba cuneifoliawedge-leaved drabaBW 99
70BrassLepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpumhairy-podded pepper-grassBW5299
71BrassSisymbrium irio*London rocketBW 20
72BrassSisymbrium orientale*Oriental mustardBW  
73CactaCylindropuntia bigeloviiteddy-bear chollaBW9999
74CactaCylindropuntia echinocarpasilver chollaBW99 
75CactaCylindropuntia ganderiGander's chollaBW9940
76CactaCylindropuntia ramosissimapencil chollaBW30iNat
77CactaEchinocactus polycephalus var. polycephaluscottontop cactusBW11
78CactaEchinocereus engelmanniiEngelmann's hedgehog cactusBW 2
79CactaFerocactus cylindraceusCalifornia barrel cactusBW9999
80CactaMammillaria tetrancistradesert fish-hook cactusBW2 
81CactaOpuntia basilaris var. basilarisbeavertail cactusBW6015
82CampaNemacladus glanduliferusglandular nemacladusBW2030
83CaryoAchyronychia cooperifrost matBW99 
84ChenoAtriplex hymenelytradesert hollyBW  
85ChenoChenopodium murale*nettle-leaved goosefootBW  
86CrassCrassula connatapygmy-weedBW9930
87CrossCrossosoma bigeloviirock crossosomaBW 12
88EuphoChamaesyce micromeraSonoran spurgeBWV 
89EuphoChamaesyce polycarpasmall-seeded spurgeBW5060
90EuphoChamaesyce setilobastarfish (Yuma) spurgeBW120
91EuphoCroton californicusCalifornia crotonBWV 
92EuphoDitaxis lanceolatanarrowleaf ditaxisBW993
93EuphoDitaxis neomexicanaNew Mexico ditaxisBW  
94EuphoEuphorbia erianthabeetle spurgeBW115
95EuphoStillingia spinulosaannual stillingiaBW  
96FabacAcmispon maritimus var. brevivexillusshort-bannered coastal lotusBW 10
97FabacAcmispon rigidusdesert lotusBW 4
98FabacAcmispon strigosusstrigose lotusBW32
99FabacAstragalus nuttallianus var. imperfectusturkey-peasBW iNat
100FabacDalea mollissilky daleaBW63 
101FabacDalea mollissimadowny daleaBW3 
102FabacLupinus arizonicusArizona lupineBW9999
103FabacLupinus concinnusbajada lupineBW11
104FabacMarina parryiParry's marinaBW 9
105FabacOlneya tesotaironwoodBW 1
106FabacParkinsonia floridablue palo verdeBW572
107FabacProsopis glandulosa var. torreyanahoney mesquiteBW 1
108FabacPsorothamnus emoryiEmory's indigo-bushBW2 
109FabacPsorothamnus schottiiindigo bushBW5050
110FabacPsorothamnus spinosussmoke treeBW1011
111FabacSenegalia greggiicatclawBW570
112FabacSenna covesiidesert sennaBW 3
113FouquFouquieria splendens ssp. splendensocotilloBW9999
114GeranErodium cicutarium*redstem filareeBW 18
115GeranErodium texanumTexas filareeBW5 
116KrameKrameria bicolorwhite rhatanyBW7510
117KrameKrameria erectaPima rhatanyBW991
118LamiaHyptis emoryidesert-lavenderBW3099
119LamiaSalvia columbariaechiaBW 5
120LamiaSalvia vaseyiVasey's sageBW 30
121LoasaMentzelia albicauliswhite-stemmed blazing starBW1 
122LoasaMentzelia involucratabracted blazing starBW2520
123LoasaPetalonyx thurberi ssp. thurberiThurber's sandpaper-plantBW30 
124MalvaAyenia compactaayeniaBW 1
125MalvaEremalche rotundifoliadesert five-spotBW5 
126MalvaHibiscus denudatusrock hibiscusBW9960
127MalvaHorsfordia newberryiNewberry's velvet mallowBW 50
128MalvaSphaeralcea ambigua var. ambiguaapricot mallowBW 4
129MalvaSphaeralcea ambigua var. rosacearosy apricot mallowBW iNat
130MolluMollugo cerviana*carpet-weedBW  
131MontiCalyptridium monandrumsand cressBW7 
132NyctaAbronia villosa var. villosahairy sand-verbenaBW20 
133NyctaAllionia incarnata var. incarnatasmall-flowered trailing four o'clockBW10iNat
134NyctaBoerhavia triquetra var. intermediafivewing spiderlingBW301
135NyctaBoerhavia wrightiiWright's spiderlingBW  
136NyctaMirabilis laevis var. retrorsaBigelow's desert four-o'clockBW3099
137OnagrCamissoniopsis pallida ssp. pallidapale suncupBW  
138OnagrChylismia cardiophylla ssp. cardiophyllaheartleaf suncupBW 15
139OnagrChylismia claviformis ssp. peirsoniibrown-eyed primroseBW99 
140OnagrEremothera boothii ssp. condensataBooth's evening primroseBW9950
141OnagrEremothera chamaenerioideslong-fruit suncupBW 25
142OnagrEulobus californicusCalifornia suncupBW9999
143OnagrOenothera deltoides ssp. deltoidesdune primroseBW20 
144OrobaOrobanche cooperiCooper's broomrapeBW1 
145PapavEschscholzia minutiflora ssp. minutiflorasmall-flowered poppyBW9920
146PapavEschscholzia parishiiParish's poppyBW2099
147PlantMohavea confertifloraghost flowerBW57
148PlantPlantago ovatadesert plantainBW9950
149PolemAliciella latifolia ssp. latifoliabroad-leaf giliaBW 13
150PolemEriastrum eremicum ssp. eremicumdesert woolly-starBW 45
151PolemGilia stellatastar giliaBW1010
152PolemLangloisia setosissima ssp. setosissimabristly langloisiaBW5 
153PolemLinanthus jonesiiJones' linanthusBW50iNat
154PolemLoeseliastrum matthewsiidesert calicoBW  
155PolemLoeseliastrum schottiiSchott's calicoBW15 
156PolygChorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornubrittle spineflowerBW9920
157PolygChorizanthe rigidadevil's spineflowerBW10 
158PolygEriogonum fasciculatum var. polifoliumCalifornia buckwheatBW 8
159PolygEriogonum inflatumdesert trumpetBW3080
160PolygEriogonum thomasiiThomas' buckwheatBW2099
161PolygEriogonum trichopeslittle desert trumpetBW5 
162PolygEriogonum wrightii var. nodosumWright's buckwheatBW 8
163PolygPterostegia drymarioidesfairy bowties, threadstemBW2040
164ResedOligomeris linifolialineleaf whitepuffBWV 
165RubiaGalium stellatumstar-flowered bedstrawBW 5
166SimmoSimmondsia chinensisjojobaBW 5
167SolanDatura discolordesert thornappleBW  
168SolanLycium parishiiParish's boxthornBW  
169SolanNicotiana obtusifoliadesert tobaccoBW 10
170SolanPhysalis crassifoliathick-leaved ground cherryBW13
171ViscaPhoradendron californicumdesert mistletoeBW1750
172ZygopFagonia laevisCalifornia fagoniaBW656
173ZygopFagonia pachyacanthasticky fagoniaBW 99
174ZygopKallstroemia californicaCalifornia caltropBWV 
175ZygopLarrea tridentatacreosote bushBW9999
176AgavaAgave deserti var. desertidesert agaveBW9999
177AgavaHesperocallis undulatadesert lilyBW26 
178OrchiEpipactis giganteastream orchidBW V
179PoaceAristida adscensionissix-weeks three-awnBW992
180PoaceAristida californicaCalifornia three-awn V 
181PoaceAristida purpureapurple three-awnBW3020
182PoaceBouteloua aristidoides var. aristidoidesneedle gramaBW iNat
183PoaceBromus madritensis ssp. rubens*red bromeBW 5
184PoaceFestuca bromoides*brome fescue  10
185PoaceHilaria rigidabig galletaBW4575
186PoacePennisetum setaceum*fountain grassBW  
187PoaceSchismus barbatus*Mediterranean schismusBW9999
188RuscaNolina parryiParry's nolinaBW iNat

Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/; Sun Dec 18 2011)

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Copyright © 2011-2019 by Tom Chester, Mike Crouse, Vince Balch, Carla Hoegen, Fred Melgert, Kate Harper, Nancy Accola, Walt Fidler, RT Hawke, Wayne Armstrong, and Joe Woods
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 13 February 2019