Flora of Canyon Sin Nombre Area, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Fig. 1. Map showing the Canyon Sin Nombre Area, with the surveyed areas (red lines) and voucher locations (blue diamonds). Many of the voucher locations are not very accurate since the georeferencing was done from vague localities. The blue line shows a short survey south of Sweeney Pass.
This flora is targeted to the Canyon Sin Nombre Area, including the portion of S2 from Carrizo Creek to Sweeney Pass and a bit east; the part of the Carrizo Badlands south of Carrizo Creek, and the westernmost part of the Coyote Mountains; see Fig. 1.
This list has been compiled from vouchers; from a number of field trips by Carla Hoegen and Fred Melgert; a field trip on 28 November 2016 by Nancy Accola, Tom Chester, Kate Harper, Carla Hoegen, Fred Melgert, Keir Morse, and Jim Roberts; and from a field trip by Tom Chester and Kate Harper in the Sweeney Pass area.
The vouchers were obtained by a search for georeferenced vouchers in the following area: 32.82 to 32.87° N. latitude, and -116.20 to -116.10° E. Longitude. Vouchers that were outside our target area, such as the ones from Carrizo Creek and the Domelands, were removed. The georeferenced voucher locations are shown in Fig. 1. Many of the voucher locations are not very accurate since the georeferencing was done from vague localities such as "about 2 miles southwest of Carrizo Station".
Field trips by Carla and Fred are shown in Fig. 1. Beautiful pictures of the area and of a large number of the species they found are on their pages for each trip:
- Sin Nombre Slot Loop: a 6.7 mile loop with ~800 feet of elevation gain and loss, from 670 to 1100 feet elevation
- Sin Nombre Slot Loop 2: a 7 mile loop with ~850 feet of elevation gain and loss, from 670 to 1400 feet elevation
- Sin Nombre Loop: a 12 mile loop with ~850 feet of elevation gain and loss, from 550 to 1170 feet elevation
- Sin Nombre East Fork Loop: a 5.5 mile loop with ~700 feet of elevation gain and loss, from 600 to 1120 feet elevation
- Sin Nombre Carrizo East Loop: an 11.1 mile loop hike with ~850 feet of elevation gain and loss, from 510 to 970 feet elevation
Although our targeted area is along S2 and north of it, we have included six species from one survey in a drainage south of Sweeney Pass, since it seems likely that at least some of those species will be found in our targeted area, such as chia, Salvia columbariae.
- Notes on the Scientific Names Used At This Site and
- Information about the links from the Scientific Name and Common Name.
An asterisk before the common name indicates a non-native species.
The column #V gives the number of vouchers in the Canyon Sin Nombre area. Due to the imprecision of the locality for some vouchers, some vouchered species may not actually be present in this area.
The column labeled #Pls gives the minimum number of plants for each species, up to a maximum of 99 plants, recorded in the 28 November 2016 survey. Since that was not an optimal time of year for annuals and some perennials, many of those numbers are severe underestimates. An x, ~ or ? in this column denotes a species observed in this area by Carla Hoegen and Fred Melgert on prior trips when no abundance estimate was made. An x indicates a solid determination; a ~ indicates a probable determination; and a ? indicates that the determination is just a guess at the moment.
Species with no entries in either column were from the single survey south of Sweeney Pass.
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Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/)
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Copyright © 2016 by Tom Chester, Carla Hoegen, Fred Melgert, Nancy Accola, Kate Harper, Keir Morse, and Jim Roberts
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 2 December 2016