Flora of Borrego Springs Desert Floor Area



This flora is for the Desert Floor in the Borrego Springs area, especially the areas along the roads that people drive in the Borrego Springs area to look for wildflowers. See Fig. 1 for the boundary of this flora.

Fig. 1. The boundary for this flora of the Borrego Desert Floor is inside the pink boundary line.

This flora includes Borrego Springs itself, except for the developed portions of town, and the flattish areas surrounding it, such as along Coyote Creek Wash at the end of Di Giorgio Road and upstream; Henderson Canyon Road; the Visitor Center area up to the base of the mountains to the west; the Hellhole Canyon alluvial fan area up to the base of the surrounding mountains, etc. It does not include any species that are found only on the slopes above these flat areas; or only in the Badlands or Borrego Mountain; etc.

This checklist does not include weeds found in the town of Borrego Springs bordering developed areas, planted specimens, or specimens growing in any irrigated area.

See also Desert Floor Survey on 14 March 2017 to see which species were found at the locations surveyed on that day.

Checklist for Borrego Springs Desert Floor Area


An asterisk before the common name indicates a species not native to the Borrego Valley. That includes Baileya multiradiata, which has been seeded along the southern part of Borrego Springs Road in the town of Borrego Springs.

Many of these species grow only on the edge of the desert floor near the base of the surrounding mountains. Those species are identified in the last column as being "edge" species. Presumably, if the surrounding mountains were not in this area, the non-edge species are the only ones that would be seen.

There are numerous additional species that grow right at the edge of the desert floor at the base of the surrounding mountains. Those species are not given in this list.

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#FamScientific Name(*)Common NameOnly
1PteCheilanthes parryiwoolly lipfernedge
2PteNotholaena californica ssp. californicaCalifornia cloak fernedge
3AcaCarlowrightia arizonicaArizona carlowrightiaedge
4AcaJusticia californicachuparosa
5AizTrianthema portulacastrumhorse-purslane
6AmaAmaranthus albus*tumble pigweed
7AmaAmaranthus blitoides*mat amaranth
8AmaAmaranthus fimbriatusfringed amaranthedge
9ApiSpermolepis infernensisHellhole Canyon spermolepis
10ApiSpermolepis lateriflorabristly spermolepis
11ApoAsclepias subulatarush milkweed
12ApoFunastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegiiclimbing milkweed
13AstAdenophyllum porophylloidesSan Felipe dogweededge
14AstAmbrosia acanthicarpabur-ragweededge
15AstAmbrosia dumosaburroweed
16AstAmbrosia salsola var. salsolacheesebush
17AstBaccharis salicifolia ssp. salicifoliamule fat
18AstBahiopsis parishiiParish's viguieraedge
19AstBaileya multiradiata*desert marigold
20AstBaileya pauciradiataColorado Desert marigold
21AstBebbia juncea var. asperasweetbush
22AstCalycoseris parryiyellow tackstemedge
23AstCalycoseris wrightiiwhite tackstem
24AstChaenactis carphoclinia var. carphocliniapebble pincushionedge
25AstChaenactis fremontiiFremont pincushion
26AstChaenactis stevioidesdesert pincushion
27AstDicoria canescensdesert dicoria
28AstEncelia farinosabrittlebush
29AstEncelia frutescensbutton encelia
30AstEriophyllum wallacei var. wallaceiWallace's woolly daisy
31AstGeraea canescenshairy desert-sunflower
32AstHelianthus petiolaris ssp. canescensgray desert sunflower
33AstIsocoma acradenia var. eremophilatoothed-leaved alkali goldenbush
34AstLogfia depressadwarf filago
35AstLogfia filaginoidesCalifornia filago
36AstMalacothrix glabratadesert dandelion
37AstMonoptilon bellioidesdesert star
38AstPalafoxia arida var. aridaSpanish needle
39AstPectis papposa var. papposachinch-weed
40AstPerityle emoryiEmory's rock-daisy
41AstPleurocoronis plurisetaarrow-leafedge
42AstPsathyrotes ramosissimaturtleback
43AstRafinesquia neomexicanadesert chicory
44AstSenecio mohavensisMojave ragwortedge
45AstStephanomeria exigua ssp. exiguaslender wreathplant
46AstStephanomeria pauciflorawire-lettuce
47AstStylocline gnaphaloideseverlasting nest-straw
48AstTrichoptilium incisumyellow-head
49AstTrixis californica var. californicaCalifornia trixisedge
50AstUropappus lindleyisilver puffsedge
51AstVolutaria tubuliflora*Mediterranean desert knapweed
52BigChilopsis linearis ssp. arcuatadesert-willow
53BorAmsinckia intermediacommon fiddleneckedge
54BorAmsinckia tessellata var. tessellatabristly fiddleneck
55BorCryptantha angustifolianarrow-leaved cryptantha
56BorCryptantha barbigera var. barbigerabearded cryptantha
57BorCryptantha costataribbed cryptantha
58BorCryptantha decipiensgravel cryptanthaedge
59BorCryptantha ganderiGander's cryptantha
60BorCryptantha intermedia var. intermediapopcorn floweredge
61BorCryptantha maritimaGuadalupe cryptantha
62BorCryptantha micrantha var. micranthared-root cryptantha
63BorCryptantha nevadensis var. nevadensisNevada cryptanthaedge
64BorCryptantha pterocaryawing-nut cryptanthaedge
65BorEmmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflorawhispering bells
66BorEucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. bipinnatifidaeucryptaedge
67BorEucrypta micranthadesert eucryptaedge
68BorNama demissa var. demissapurple mat
69BorPectocarya heterocarpachuckwalla pectocarya
70BorPectocarya peninsularisBaja pectocarya
71BorPectocarya platycarpabroad-fruited combseededge
72BorPectocarya recurvatacurvenut combseededge
73BorPhacelia brachylobashort-lobed phacelia
74BorPhacelia crenulata var. minutifloralittle-flowered heliotrope phaceliaedge
75BorPhacelia distanscommon phacelia
76BorPhacelia ivesianaIves' phacelia
77BorPhacelia minorwild canterbury bellsedge
78BorPhacelia pedicellatapedicellate phacelia
79BorPholistoma membranaceumwhite fiesta floweredge
80BorTiquilia palmeriPalmer's coldenia
81BorTiquilia plicataplicate coldenia
82BraBrassica tournefortii*Sahara mustard
83BraCaulanthus halliiHall's caulanthusedge
84BraCaulanthus lasiophyllusCalifornia mustard
85BraDescurainia pinnatawestern tansy-mustard
86BraDithyrea californicaspectacle-pod
87BraHirschfeldia incana*shortpod mustard
88BraLepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpumhairy-podded pepper-grass
89BraLobularia maritima*sweet alyssum
90BraSisymbrium irio*London rocket
91BraSisymbrium orientale*Oriental mustard
92BraStreptanthella longirostrislongbeak streptanthella
93BraThysanocarpus curvipesfringe-podedge
94CacCylindropuntia bigeloviiteddy-bear cholla
95CacCylindropuntia echinocarpasilver cholla
96CacCylindropuntia ganderiGander's cholla
97CacCylindropuntia ramosissimapencil cholla
98CacEchinocereus engelmanniiEngelmann's hedgehog cactus
99CacFerocactus cylindraceusCalifornia barrel cactus
100CacMammillaria dioicaCalifornia fish-hook cactus
101CacOpuntia basilaris var. basilarisbeavertail cactus
102CamNemacladus glanduliferusglandular nemacladusedge
103CamNemacladus rubescensdesert nemacladusedge
104CarAchyronychia cooperifrost mat
105CarLoeflingia squarrosaspreading loeflingia
106CheAtriplex canescens var. laciniataCaleb saltbush
107CheAtriplex polycarpacattle saltbush
108CheChenopodium murale*nettle-leaved goosefoot
109CheMonolepis nuttallianaNuttall's poverty weed
110CheSalsola paulsenii*Paulsen's Russian thistle
111CheSalsola tragus*Russian thistle
112CheSuaeda nigrabush seepweed
113ClePeritoma arborea var. angustatadesert bladderpodedge
114ConCuscuta californica var. papillosapapillate dodder
115CraCrassula connatapygmy-weed
116CucCucurbita palmatacoyote melonedge
117EupChamaesyce micromeraSonoran spurgeedge
118EupChamaesyce polycarpasmall-seeded spurge
119EupCroton californicusCalifornia croton
120EupDitaxis lanceolatanarrowleaf ditaxisedge
121EupDitaxis neomexicanaNew Mexico ditaxis
122EupEuphorbia erianthabeetle spurge
123EupStillingia linearifolialinear-leaved stillingiaedge
124EupStillingia spinulosaannual stillingia
125FabAcacia sp. (non-native)*Acacia sp. (non-native)
126FabAcmispon maritimus var. brevivexillusshort-bannered coastal lotusedge
127FabAcmispon rigidusdesert lotusedge
128FabAcmispon strigosusstrigose lotusedge
129FabAstragalus aridusannual desert milk-vetch
130FabAstragalus didymocarpus var. dispermusdwarf white milk-vetch
131FabAstragalus lentiginosus var. borreganusBorrego milk-vetch
132FabDalea mollissilky dalea
133FabDalea mollissimadowny dalea
134FabLupinus arizonicusArizona lupine
135FabLupinus concinnusbajada lupine
136FabLupinus microcarpus var. densifloruschick lupine
137FabLupinus shockleyidesert lupine
138FabOlneya tesotaironwood
139FabParkinsonia floridablue palo verde
140FabProsopis glandulosa var. torreyanahoney mesquite
141FabPsorothamnus emoryiEmory's indigo-bush
142FabPsorothamnus schottiiindigo bush
143FabPsorothamnus spinosussmoke tree
144FabSenegalia greggiicatclawedge
145FabSenna armataspiny senna
146FouFouquieria splendens ssp. splendensocotillo
147GerErodium cicutarium*redstem filaree
148GerErodium texanumTexas filaree
149KraKrameria bicolorwhite rhatany
150KraKrameria erectaPima rhatany
151LamHyptis emoryidesert-lavender
152LamSalvia columbariaechia
153LoaMentzelia affinisyellow blazing star
154LoaMentzelia albicauliswhite-stemmed blazing star
155LoaMentzelia involucratabracted blazing staredge
156LoaPetalonyx thurberi ssp. thurberiThurber's sandpaper-plant
157MalAyenia compactaayeniaedge
158MalEremalche exiliswhite mallow
159MalEremalche rotundifoliadesert five-spot
160MalHibiscus denudatusrock hibiscusedge
161MalMalva parviflora*cheeseweed
162MalSphaeralcea ambigua var. ambiguaapricot mallow
163MolMollugo cervianacarpet-weed
164MonCalyptridium monandrumsand cress
165NycAbronia villosa var. villosahairy sand-verbena
166NycAllionia incarnata var. incarnatasmall-flowered trailing four o'clock
167NycBoerhavia triquetra var. intermediafivewing spiderlingedge
168NycMirabilis laevis var. retrorsaBigelow's desert four-o'clockedge
169OnaCamissoniopsis pallida ssp. pallidapale suncup
170OnaChylismia cardiophylla ssp. cardiophyllaheartleaf suncupedge
171OnaChylismia claviformis ssp. peirsoniibrown-eyed primrose
172OnaEremothera boothii ssp. condensataBooth's evening primrose
173OnaEremothera chamaenerioideslong-fruit suncupedge
174OnaEulobus californicusCalifornia suncup
175OnaOenothera deltoides ssp. deltoidesdune primrose
176OroOrobanche cooperiCooper's broomrape
177PapArgemone munitaprickly poppyedge
178PapEschscholzia minutiflora ssp. minutiflorasmall-flowered poppy
179PapEschscholzia parishiiParish's poppy
180PhrMimulus bigelovii var. bigeloviiBigelow's monkeyflower
181PlaAntirrhinum filipesdesert twining snapdragon
182PlaLinaria maroccana*Moroccan toad-flax
183PlaMohavea confertifloraghost floweredge
184PlaPlantago ovatadesert plantain
185PolAliciella latifolia ssp. latifoliabroad-leaf gilia
186PolEriastrum diffusumminiature woolly-star
187PolEriastrum eremicum ssp. eremicumdesert woolly-star
188PolEriastrum harwoodiiHarwood's woolly-star
189PolGilia scopulorumrock gilia
190PolGilia stellatastar gilia
191PolLinanthus jonesiiJones' linanthus
192PolLoeseliastrum matthewsiidesert calico
193PolLoeseliastrum schottiiSchott's calico
194PolSaltugilia australissouthern giliaedge
195PolSaltugilia caruifoliacaraway-leaved gilia
196PolChorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornubrittle spineflower
197PolChorizanthe rigidadevil's spineflower
198PolEriogonum inflatumdesert trumpet
199PolEriogonum thomasiiThomas' buckwheat
200PolEriogonum trichopeslittle desert trumpet
201ResOligomeris linifolialineleaf whitepuff
202SimSimmondsia chinensisjojoba
203SolDatura discolordesert thornapple
204SolDatura wrightiisacred datura
205SolLycium andersoniiAnderson's boxthornedge
206SolLycium brevipes var. brevipesdesert boxthorn
207SolNicotiana obtusifoliadesert tobaccoedge
208SolPhysalis crassifoliathick-leaved ground cherry
209TamTamarix aphylla*athel
210TamTamarix ramosissima*saltcedar
211UrtParietaria hespera var. hesperapellitoryedge
212VisPhoradendron californicumdesert mistletoeedge
213ZygFagonia laevisCalifornia fagonia
214ZygKallstroemia californicaCalifornia caltrop
215ZygLarrea tridentatacreosote bush
216ZygTribulus terrestris*puncture-vine
217AgaAgave deserti var. desertidesert agave
218AgaHesperocallis undulatadesert lily
219PoaAristida adscensionissix-weeks three-awnedge
220PoaBouteloua aristidoides var. aristidoidesneedle gramaedge
221PoaBromus madritensis ssp. rubens*red brome
222PoaCynodon dactylon*Bermuda grass
223PoaFestuca octoflorahairy six-weeks fescue
224PoaHilaria rigidabig galleta
225PoaHordeum murinum*foxtail barley
226PoaPennisetum setaceum*fountain grassedge
227PoaPhalaris minor*little-seed canarygrass
228PoaSchismus barbatus*Mediterranean schismus
229TheDichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatumblue dicksedge

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Copyright © 2016-2021 by Tom Chester, Nancy Accola, Kate Harper, Carla Hoegen, Fred Melgert, and Don Rideout. Authors are listed alphabetically after the first author.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 23 June 2021