Flora of Bisnaga Alta Wash Area, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Introduction This checklist is a start at a flora of Bisnaga Alta Wash. It was compiled from a single field survey on 9 February 2012 by the authors, augmented with a search of vouchers with coordinates taken in the area containing all but the uppermost reaches of Bisnaga Alta Wash.
For photographs of some of the species from our survey, see Wayne Armstrong's Bisnaga Wash 2/9/12, and Michael Charters' Photo Gallery from Bisnaga Alta Wash on 2/9/12.
Three additional checklists are included in order to make this checklist more complete: the checklist for the nearby Agua Caliente County Park; a few additional plants found on the Moonlight Canyon Trail that were not yet added to the Agua Caliente Checklist; and plants found in a survey of Rainbow Canyon on 3 February 2012.
Of course, that completeness comes at the cost of including species not present in the Bisnaga Alta Wash area itself. The checklist below indicates the source for the inclusion of each species, so species from the additional checklists can be noted.
The field survey on 9 February 2012 surveyed a total of 3.9 miles:
- 1.7 miles of Bisnaga Alta Wash above S2;
- 0.3 miles between that Wash and the canyon to the west that is in-between Smuggler Canyon and Bisnaga Alta Wash;
- 1.5 miles down that Canyon to S2; and
- 0.4 miles along S2 back to Bisnaga Alta Wash.
This survey found 109 taxa, 25 of which were not on the Bisnaga Alta Wash area voucher list.
The Bisnaga Alta Wash vouchers come from a search on 6 February 2012 of the Consortium of California Herbaria.
The Consortium records were searched for vouchers with coordinates between 32.96 and 33.02° N. Latitude, and -116.36 and -116.28 E. Longitude. This search returned 423 vouchers of 219 taxa after tossing out one voucher determined only to the species not actually in this area. Of those 219 taxa, 130 were additions not found in our field survey.
The Agua Caliente County Park flora, including the Moonlight Canyon additional species, contributed an additional 91 taxa.
The Rainbow Canyon survey contributed an additional 15 taxa.
The final checklist contains a total of 347 taxa.
Checklist for Bisnaga Alta Wash Area The Checklist is sorted first by category - dicots, monocots, and ferns - and then by family and scientific name. The Family and Scientific Name are from the 1993 First Edition Jepson Manual.
For the 2012 Second Edition Version of this checklist, which also includes additional species from Potrero Canyon, see Flora of Bisnaga Alta Wash Area, TJM2 version.
The column #Pl is the number of plants seen in the 9 February 2012 survey in the surveyed loop including Bisnaga Alta Wash, the Canyon to the West, and our route in-between them.
The column #V is the number of vouchers for each taxon from the Consortium from the Bisnaga Alta Wash Area as defined above.
The column AC contains a number if that taxon was in the Agua Caliente County Park Checklist. The number is a code giving how that taxon was placed on the Agua Caliente List; see the table in Agua Caliente County Park for its meaning.
Species with no entries in any of those columns were the Moonlight and Rainbow Canyon additional species, and may not be actually present in the Bisnaga Alta Wash area.
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# JM Family Scientific Name (*)Common Name #Pl #V AC 1 Pte Cheilanthes covillei beady lipfern 2 2 Pte Cheilanthes parryi woolly lipfern 99 1 4 3 Pte Cheilanthes viscida sticky lipfern 1 6 4 Pte Notholaena californica California cloak fern 20 1 6 5 Pte Pellaea mucronata var. mucronata bird's-foot fern 6 Sel Selaginella bigelovii Bigelow's spike-moss 7 Sel Selaginella eremophila desert spike-moss 20 1 8 Cup Juniperus californica California juniper 7 9 Eph Ephedra aspera Mormon tea ~99 4 7 10 Eph Ephedra californica desert tea 2 11 Eph Ephedra nevadensis Nevada ephedra 12 Aca Justicia californica chuparosa 99 5 1 13 Ama Amaranthus fimbriatus fringed amaranth 1 7 14 Api Apium graveolens *celery 1 15 Api Daucus pusillus rattlesnake weed 1 16 Api Spermolepis echinata bristly spermolepis 1 17 Asc Asclepias albicans white-stemmed milkweed 7 1 6 18 Asc Asclepias erosa desert milkweed 1 19 Asc Asclepias subulata rush milkweed 1 20 Asc Cynanchum utahense Utah vine milkweed 1 21 Asc Matelea parvifolia spearleaf 7 22 Asc Sarcostemma cynanchoides ssp. hartwegii climbing milkweed 2 23 Asc Sarcostemma hirtellum rambling milkweed 15 7 6 24 Ast Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus var. sphaerocephalus goldenhead 25 Ast Adenophyllum porophylloides San Felipe dogweed 75 1 4 26 Ast Ambrosia acanthicarpa bur-ragweed 1 27 Ast Ambrosia dumosa burroweed 99 4 4 28 Ast Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. albula white mugwort 2 29 Ast Baccharis brachyphylla short-leaved baccharis 2 7 30 Ast Baccharis sergiloides desert baccharis 4 31 Ast Bebbia juncea var. aspera sweetbush 15 4 32 Ast Brickellia arguta California spear-leaved brickellia 33 Ast Brickellia arguta var. arguta California spear-leaved brickellia 6 34 Ast Brickellia arguta var. odontolepis California spear-leaved brickellia 1 35 Ast Brickellia desertorum desert brickellia 7 36 Ast Brickellia frutescens shrubby brickellia 1 37 Ast Calycoseris parryi yellow tackstem 1 38 Ast Calycoseris wrightii white tackstem 1 1 39 Ast Chaenactis carphoclinia var. carphoclinia pebble pincushion 99 6 40 Ast Chaenactis fremontii Fremont pincushion ~99 4 1 41 Ast Chaenactis stevioides desert pincushion 99 1 7 42 Ast Chrysothamnus paniculatus blackbanded rabbitbrush 1 7 43 Ast Coreopsis californica var. californica California coreopsis 2 44 Ast Dicoria canescens desert dicoria 1 6 45 Ast Encelia actoni Acton encelia 1 46 Ast Encelia farinosa brittlebush 99 1 1 47 Ast Encelia frutescens button encelia 7 48 Ast Ericameria brachylepis boundary goldenbush 1 49 Ast Ericameria linearifolia narrowleaf goldenbush 50 Ast Eriophyllum ambiguum var. paleaceum annual woolly sunflower 6 51 Ast Eriophyllum lanosum white easter-bonnets 2 7 52 Ast Eriophyllum pringlei Pringle's woolly sunflower 3 53 Ast Eriophyllum wallacei Wallace's woolly daisy 4 1 54 Ast Eriophyllum wallacei var. wallacei Wallace's woolly daisy 99 55 Ast Filago arizonica Arizona herba impia 56 Ast Filago californica California filago 20 1 7 57 Ast Filago depressa dwarf filago 12 3 7 58 Ast Geraea canescens hairy desert-sunflower 1 59 Ast Gutierrezia californica California matchweed 1 60 Ast Gutierrezia sarothrae matchweed 6 61 Ast Helianthus niveus ssp. canescens gray desert sunflower 1 62 Ast Hymenoclea salsola var. salsola cheesebush 60 1 1 63 Ast Isocoma acradenia var. eremophila solitary-leaved alkali goldenbush 4 64 Ast Layia glandulosa white tidy-tips 1 65 Ast Malacothrix glabrata desert dandelion ~10 2 1 66 Ast Monoptilon bellioides desert star 1 2 1 67 Ast Palafoxia arida var. arida desert needle 1 1 68 Ast Pectis papposa var. papposa chinch-weed 1 69 Ast Perityle emoryi Emory's rock-daisy 15 3 1 70 Ast Pleurocoronis pluriseta arrow-leaf 4 71 Ast Pluchea odorata salt marsh fleabane 6 72 Ast Pluchea sericea arrow-weed 4 73 Ast Porophyllum gracile odora 10 2 4 74 Ast Psathyrotes ramosissima turtleback 1 75 Ast Rafinesquia neomexicana desert chicory 3 1 76 Ast Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii bush senecio 1 77 Ast Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis Mono ragwort 1 78 Ast Senecio mohavensis Mojave ragwort 99 3 4 79 Ast Stephanomeria exigua ssp. exigua slender wreathplant 2 80 Ast Stephanomeria pauciflora var. pauciflora wire-lettuce 8 1 7 81 Ast Stylocline intertexta tangled nest-straw 1 82 Ast Trichoptilium incisum yellow-head 60 4 1 83 Ast Trixis californica var. californica California trixis 4 3 4 84 Ast Uropappus lindleyi silver puffs 1 85 Ast Viguiera parishii Parish's viguiera 15 3 4 86 Ast Xylorhiza orcuttii Orcutt's woody-aster 1 87 Big Chilopsis linearis ssp. arcuata desert-willow 1 88 Bor Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia common fiddleneck 89 Bor Cryptantha angustifolia narrow-leaved cryptantha 20 2 1 90 Bor Cryptantha barbigera bearded cryptantha 2 7 91 Bor Cryptantha barbigera var. barbigera bearded cryptantha 20 92 Bor Cryptantha intermedia popcorn flower 1 93 Bor Cryptantha maritima Guadalupe cryptantha 99 5 7 94 Bor Cryptantha micrantha purple-root cryptantha 99 7 95 Bor Cryptantha nevadensis Nevada cryptantha 15 1 96 Bor Cryptantha pterocarya wing-nut cryptantha 3 97 Bor Cryptantha pterocarya var. cycloptera wing-nut cryptantha 7 98 Bor Cryptantha racemosa bushy cryptantha 1 99 Bor Heliotropium curassavicum seaside heliotrope 2 4 100 Bor Pectocarya heterocarpa chuckwalla pectocarya 10 7 101 Bor Pectocarya platycarpa broad-fruited combseed 3 102 Bor Pectocarya recurvata curvenut combseed 40 2 103 Bor Plagiobothrys arizonicus Arizona popcorn flower 104 Bor Tiquilia plicata plicate coldenia 7 105 Bra Arabis perennans perennial rock-cress 106 Bra Brassica tournefortii *Asian mustard 99 1 7 107 Bra Caulanthus cooperi Cooper's jewel-flower 2 108 Bra Dithyrea californica spectacle-pod 50 1 2 109 Bra Draba cuneifolia wedge-leaved draba 14 2 7 110 Bra Draba reptans *Carolina draba 1 111 Bra Erysimum capitatum ssp. capitatum western wallflower 1 112 Bra Guillenia lasiophylla California mustard 13 7 113 Bra Lepidium lasiocarpum var. lasiocarpum hairy-podded pepper-grass 50 6 4 114 Bra Lepidium virginicum var. pubescens wild pepper-grass 5 115 Bra Lyrocarpa coulteri var. palmeri Coulter's lyrepod 99 3 4 116 Bra Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum water cress 1 117 Bra Sisymbrium irio *London rocket 20 7 118 Bra Stanleya pinnata var. pinnata prince's plume 1 119 Bra Streptanthella longirostris longbeak streptanthella 6 120 Bra Thysanocarpus curvipes fringe-pod 2 121 Bra Tropidocarpum gracile slender tropidocarpum 122 Bur Bursera microphylla elephant tree 2 123 Cac Echinocereus engelmannii Engelmann's hedgehog cactus 99 2 1 124 Cac Ferocactus cylindraceus California barrel cactus 99 6 125 Cac Mammillaria dioica California fish-hook cactus 99 2 7 126 Cac Mammillaria tetrancistra fish-hook cactus 7 127 Cac Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris beavertail cactus 99 1 128 Cac Opuntia bigelovii teddy-bear cholla 99 1 129 Cac Opuntia echinocarpa silver cholla 7 130 Cac Opuntia fosbergii pink teddy-bear cholla 1 7 131 Cac Opuntia ganderi Gander's cholla 99 1 7 132 Cac Opuntia phaeacantha desert prickly-pear 2 133 Cac Opuntia ramosissima pencil cholla 99 4 134 Cam Nemacladus glanduliferus glandular nemacladus 2 135 Cam Nemacladus glanduliferus var. orientalis eastern glandular nemacladus 1 7 136 Cam Nemacladus longiflorus var. breviflorus thread plant 2 137 Cam Nemacladus rubescens desert nemacladus 4 2 138 Cam Nemacladus tenuis var. tenuis desert threadplant 1 139 Car Achyronychia cooperi frost mat 2 6 140 Car Loeflingia squarrosa var. squarrosa spreading loeflingia 1 141 Che Allenrolfea occidentalis iodine-bush 1 142 Che Atriplex canescens var. canescens four-wing saltbush 1 143 Che Atriplex hymenelytra desert holly 1 144 Che Atriplex polycarpa cattle saltbush 25 2 4 145 Che Suaeda moquinii bush seepweed 4 146 Cra Crassula connata pygmy-weed 1 147 Cra Dudleya pulverulenta ssp. arizonica Arizona chalk dudleya 45 1 4 148 Cra Dudleya pulverulenta ssp. pulverulenta California chalk lettuce 6 149 Cuc Cucurbita palmata coyote melon 6 150 Cus Cuscuta californica var. papillosa papillate dodder 50 1 151 Cus Cuscuta denticulata desert dodder 7 152 Cus Cuscuta salina saltmarsh dodder 1 153 Eup Acalypha californica California acalypha 7 154 Eup Bernardia myricifolia western bernardia 2 155 Eup Chamaesyce albomarginata rattlesnake weed 1 156 Eup Chamaesyce melanadenia red-gland spurge 1 157 Eup Chamaesyce micromera Sonoran spurge 158 Eup Chamaesyce pediculifera Carrizo Mountain spurge 16 2 6 159 Eup Chamaesyce polycarpa small-seeded spurge 25 4 160 Eup Chamaesyce revoluta rolled-leaf spurge 7 161 Eup Chamaesyce setiloba starfish (Yuma) spurge 162 Eup Croton californicus California croton 1 163 Eup Ditaxis lanceolata narrowleaf ditaxis 99 4 4 164 Eup Ditaxis neomexicana New Mexico ditaxis 165 Eup Euphorbia eriantha beetle spurge 5 3 4 166 Eup Stillingia linearifolia linear-leaved stillingia 3 6 167 Eup Stillingia spinulosa annual stillingia 7 168 Fab Acacia greggii catclaw 50 2 169 Fab Astragalus crotalariae Salton milk-vetch 7 170 Fab Astragalus didymocarpus var. dispermus dwarf white milk-vetch 1 7 171 Fab Astragalus insularis var. harwoodii Harwood's milk-vetch 7 172 Fab Astragalus nuttallianus var. cedrosensis Cedros milk-vetch 1 173 Fab Astragalus palmeri Palmer's milk-vetch 1 6 174 Fab Calliandra eriophylla fairyduster 1 1 175 Fab Dalea mollis silky dalea 6 176 Fab Dalea mollissima downy dalea 3 177 Fab Lotus haydonii pygmy lotus 1 178 Fab Lotus rigidus desert lotus 40 1 4 179 Fab Lotus salsuginosus var. brevivexillus short-bannered coastal lotus 2 7 180 Fab Lotus scoparius var. brevialatus short-winged deerweed 3 181 Fab Lotus strigosus strigose lotus 2 1 182 Fab Lotus wrangelianus California lotus 1 183 Fab Lupinus arizonicus Arizona lupine 35 2 7 184 Fab Lupinus bicolor dwarf lupine 1 185 Fab Lupinus concinnus bajada lupine 3 186 Fab Lupinus hirsutissimus stinging lupine 187 Fab Lupinus sparsiflorus Coulter's lupine 1 188 Fab Marina parryi Parry's marina 1 1 189 Fab Olneya tesota ironwood 6 190 Fab Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana honey mesquite 1 1 191 Fab Prosopis pubescens screw-bean mesquite 2 4 192 Fab Psorothamnus emoryi Emory's indigo-bush 4 193 Fab Psorothamnus schottii indigo bush 99 1 4 194 Fab Psorothamnus spinosus smoke tree 4 195 Fab Senna armata spiny senna 7 196 Fou Fouquieria splendens ssp. splendens ocotillo 99 4 1 197 Gen Eustoma exaltatum catchfly prairie-gentian 1 198 Ger Erodium cicutarium *redstem filaree 99 1 2 199 Hyd Emmenanthe penduliflora var. penduliflora whispering bells 99 3 7 200 Hyd Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia var. bipinnatifida eucrypta 1 201 Hyd Eucrypta micrantha desert eucrypta 25 1 7 202 Hyd Nama demissum var. demissum purple mat 60 3 1 203 Hyd Phacelia campanularia ssp. campanularia desert bluebells 1 204 Hyd Phacelia cicutaria var. hispida caterpillar phacelia 1 7 205 Hyd Phacelia crenulata var. ambigua heliotrope phacelia 3 206 Hyd Phacelia crenulata var. minutiflora little-flowered heliotrope phacelia 2 7 207 Hyd Phacelia cryptantha limestone phacelia 1 208 Hyd Phacelia distans common phacelia 99 2 1 209 Hyd Pholistoma auritum var. arizonicum Arizona pholistoma 210 Kra Krameria erecta Pima rhatany 99 2 4 211 Kra Krameria grayi white rhatany 11 2 1 212 Lam Hyptis emoryi desert-lavender 99 4 1 213 Lam Salvia apiana white sage 2 214 Lam Salvia carduacea thistle sage 1 215 Lam Salvia columbariae chia 99 2 1 216 Len Pholisma arenarium sand plant 5 217 Loa Mentzelia albicaulis white-stemmed blazing star ~99 2 218 Loa Mentzelia hirsutissima hairy stickleaf 1 6 219 Loa Mentzelia involucrata bracted blazing star 1 220 Loa Mentzelia jonesii Jones' blazing star 1 7 221 Loa Petalonyx linearis narrow-leaf sandpaper-plant 7 222 Loa Petalonyx thurberi ssp. thurberi Thurber's sandpaper-plant 1 223 Lyt Lythrum californicum California loosestrife 6 224 Mal Abutilon palmeri Palmer's abutilon 1 225 Mal Eremalche exilis white mallow 6 226 Mal Eremalche rotundifolia desert five-spot 1 227 Mal Hibiscus denudatus rock hibiscus 75 2 6 228 Mal Horsfordia alata pink velvet mallow 1 229 Mal Horsfordia newberryi Newberry's velvet mallow 10 1 4 230 Mal Sphaeralcea ambigua apricot mallow 231 Mal Sphaeralcea ambigua var. ambigua apricot mallow 1 1 232 Mal Sphaeralcea ambigua var. rosacea rosy apricot mallow 7 233 Mar Proboscidea althaeifolia desert unicorn-plant 1 5 234 Mol Mollugo cerviana *carpet-weed 1 235 Nyc Abronia villosa hairy sand verbena 236 Nyc Abronia villosa var. aurita hairy sand verbena 7 237 Nyc Abronia villosa var. villosa hairy sand-verbena 1 238 Nyc Allionia incarnata trailing four o'clock 1 239 Nyc Allionia incarnata var. incarnata trailing four o'clock 5 240 Nyc Allionia incarnata var. villosa trailing four o'clock 1 241 Nyc Boerhavia intermedia fivewing spiderling 2 7 242 Nyc Boerhavia wrightii Wright's spiderling 1 243 Nyc Mirabilis bigelovii var. bigelovii Bigelow's desert four-o'clock 6 244 Nyc Mirabilis bigelovii var. retrorsa Bigelow's desert four-o'clock 99 3 245 Nyc Mirabilis californica California four o'clock 1 246 Ona Camissonia boothii ssp. condensata Booth's evening primrose 30 4 6 247 Ona Camissonia californica California suncup 99 3 4 248 Ona Camissonia claviformis ssp. aurantiaca brown-eyed primrose 3 249 Ona Camissonia claviformis ssp. peirsonii brown-eyed primrose 99 4 250 Ona Camissonia micrantha small-flowered evening-primrose 7 251 Ona Camissonia pallida ssp. pallida pale sun-cup 17 1 252 Ona Camissonia refracta narrow-leaf sun-cup 99 3 7 253 Ona Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium mountain California-fuchsia 4 254 Ona Oenothera deltoides ssp. deltoides dune primrose 1 255 Oro Orobanche cooperi Cooper's broom-rape 1 6 256 Pap Argemone munita prickly poppy 2 257 Pap Eschscholzia californica California poppy 1 7 258 Pap Eschscholzia minutiflora ssp. minutiflora small-flowered poppy 99 4 4 259 Pap Eschscholzia parishii Parish's poppy 10 6 2 260 Pla Plantago ovata desert plantain 99 3 4 261 Pla Plantago patagonica Patagonia plantain 1 262 Pol Eriastrum diffusum miniature woolly-star 3 263 Pol Eriastrum eremicum ssp. eremicum desert woolly-star 3 264 Pol Gilia stellata star gilia 6 7 265 Pol Langloisia setosissima ssp. setosissima bristly langloisia 1 266 Pol Leptodactylon pungens granite prickly phlox 1 267 Pol Linanthus aureus ssp. aureus golden linanthus 1 268 Pol Linanthus floribundus ssp. glaber summer snow 1 269 Pol Loeseliastrum schottii Schott's calico 50 4 6 270 Pol Centrostegia thurberi Thurber's spineflower 4 271 Pol Chorizanthe brevicornu var. brevicornu brittle spineflower 3 272 Pol Chorizanthe rigida devil's spineflower 2 273 Pol Eriogonum fasciculatum var. polifolium California buckwheat 15 4 274 Pol Eriogonum gracile var. incultum slender buckwheat 275 Pol Eriogonum inflatum desert trumpet 99 3 4 276 Pol Eriogonum maculatum spotted buckwheat 1 277 Pol Eriogonum thomasii Thomas' buckwheat ~25 6 4 278 Pol Eriogonum wrightii var. nodosum Wright's buckwheat 1 4 279 Pol Lastarriaea coriacea leather spineflower 1 280 Pol Pterostegia drymarioides threadstem 5 2 281 Por Calyptridium monandrum sand cress ~11 7 282 Por Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora narrow-leaved miner's lettuce 1 283 Ran Delphinium parishii ssp. subglobosum intermediate larkspur 99 3 4 284 Res Oligomeris linifolia lineleaf whitepuff 3 285 Ros Prunus fremontii desert apricot 4 286 Rub Galium angustifolium ssp. borregoense Borrego bedstraw 1 287 Rub Galium stellatum var. eremicum star-flowered bedstraw 30 3 4 288 Rut Thamnosma montana turpentine broom 1 289 Sal Salix exigua narrowleaf willow 290 Sal Salix gooddingii black willow 1 7 291 Sal Salix laevigata red willow 7 292 Sau Anemopsis californica yerba mansa 1 293 Scr Antirrhinum filipes desert twining snapdragon 4 2 294 Scr Collinsia concolor southern Chinese houses 1 295 Scr Mimulus bigelovii var. bigelovii Bigelow's monkeyflower 60 5 1 296 Scr Mohavea confertiflora ghost flower 2 1 297 Scr Penstemon clevelandii var. connatus San Jacinto beardtongue 6 298 Sim Simmondsia chinensis jojoba 99 1 1 299 Sol Datura wrightii sacred datura 6 300 Sol Lycium andersonii Anderson's desert-thorn 3 7 301 Sol Lycium brevipes var. brevipes desert-thorn 302 Sol Lycium cooperi Cooper's box-thorn 1 303 Sol Lycium fremontii Fremont box-thorn 6 4 304 Sol Lycium parishii Parish's desert-thorn 7 305 Sol Nicotiana clevelandii Cleveland's tobacco 2 6 306 Sol Nicotiana glauca *tree tobacco 6 307 Sol Nicotiana obtusifolia desert tobacco 7 1 308 Sol Physalis crassifolia thick-leaved ground cherry 10 4 4 309 Ste Ayenia compacta ayenia 53 4 4 310 Tam Tamarix aphylla *athel 6 311 Tam Tamarix ramosissima *saltcedar 7 312 Urt Parietaria hespera var. hespera pellitory 25 313 Vis Phoradendron californicum desert mistletoe 14 3 4 314 Zyg Fagonia laevis California fagonia 99 5 1 315 Zyg Larrea tridentata creosote bush 99 5 1 316 Are Washingtonia filifera California fan palm 6 317 Cyp Eleocharis macrostachya common spikerush 6 318 Cyp Eleocharis rostellata beaked spikerush 1 319 Cyp Scirpus americanus American tule 1 6 320 Jun Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii spiny rush 4 321 Jun Juncus ambiguus saline toad rush 6 322 Jun Juncus bufonius toad rush 6 323 Jun Juncus mexicanus Mexican rush 324 Lil Agave deserti desert agave 99 2 325 Lil Calochortus concolor golden-bowl mariposa 1 326 Lil Hesperocallis undulata desert lily 3 1 327 Lil Yucca schidigera Mohave yucca 1 328 Orc Epipactis gigantea stream orchid 1 4 329 Poa Achnatherum parishii Parish's needlegrass 2 330 Poa Achnatherum speciosum desert needlegrass 1 331 Poa Andropogon glomeratus var. scabriglumis southwestern bushy bluestem 6 332 Poa Aristida adscensionis six-weeks three-awn 40 2 7 333 Poa Aristida purpurea purple three-awn 8 334 Poa Aristida purpurea var. purpurea purple three-awn 1 335 Poa Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens *red brome 1 336 Poa Cynodon dactylon *Bermuda grass 337 Poa Distichlis spicata saltgrass 1 6 338 Poa Erioneuron pulchellum fluff grass 1 7 339 Poa Melica frutescens tall melica 3 340 Poa Muhlenbergia rigens deergrass 341 Poa Phragmites australis common reed 4 342 Poa Pleuraphis rigida big galleta 26 2 4 343 Poa Polypogon monspeliensis *rabbits-foot grass 1 344 Poa Schismus barbatus *Mediterranean schismus 99 3 7 345 Poa Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton 1 4 346 Typ Typha domingensis southern cattail 7 347 Zan Zannichellia palustris horned pondweed 1
Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/)
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Copyright © 2012 by Tom Chester, Wayne Armstrong, Vince Balch, Michael Charters, Mike Crouse, James Dillane and Kate Harper
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 15 February 2012