Plant Checklist for South Fork Meadow Area, San Bernardino Mountains
Introduction This checklist was made from a voucher search of the Consortium of California Herbaria on 6 September 2017; field work on 7 September 2017 by Tom Chester, Nancy Accola and Don Rideout; and the following photogalleries by Michael Charters:
- Trail To South Fork Meadows, July 2008
- South Fork Meadows, September 2008
- South Fork Meadows And Flume Trail, July 2010.
See also Michael Charters' Poopout Hill To San Gorgonio Summit, July 2010, which also includes species in areas beyond the area covered by this flora.
The voucher search was for georeferenced vouchers found within the rectangle from 34.12 to 34.16° N. latitude and -116.87 to -116.83° E. Longitude; the search found 2,176 vouchers. Vouchers from west of the South Fork Trail, or in Lost Creek, were eliminated, leaving 1,575 vouchers in this area. Some of the remaining vouchers were tossed if we judged the determination unreasonable using other vouchers and the Jepson Manual distribution information.
The following is an incomplete list of voucher determinations not included here; some others are subspecies or varieties not likely to be present here, and we did not keep track of those.
Antennaria dioica
Bromus canadensis
Bromus vulgaris
Carex serratodens
Cerastium vulgatum
Chenopodium rubrum var. humile
Descurainia incana ssp. incisa
Gentiana aquatica
Gentiana viridula
Gilia tenuiflora
Hemizonia wheeleri
Mimulus inodorus
Monardella odoratissima
Rorippa sinuata
Sisyrinchium demissum
Taraxacum lividumNo species were recorded in the field on 6 September 2017, since it would have prevented us from making it to South Fork Meadow. A plant list was made a few days later from memory of species seen in the field, aided by photographs of some species, and by scanning the voucher list here, the Flora of the Upper Santa Ana Watershed (Fraga et al 2011), and Michael Charters' field galleries. For each of those recalled species, an estimate of the number of plants seen was also made from memory.
See also iNaturalist observations for this area, including 40 observations by Don Rideout on 6 September 2017.
Checklist See:
- Notes on the Scientific Names Used At This Site and
- Information about the order in which the species are presented, and the links from the Scientific Name and Common Name.
An asterisk (*) before the common name indicates a non-native taxon.
The column #V gives the number of vouchers found in this area.
The column #Pls gives the estimated number of plants seen on the 6 September 2017 hike, from memory a few days later. Species with MC in the column were not seen by us on that hike, but are present in Michael Charters' photo galleries.
Version for printing, without lines and other text on this page: html (8 pages) or pdf Clickbook booklet (2 double-sided pages). (See printing instructions for an explanation of these options)
Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (
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Copyright © 2017 by Tom Chester, Michael Charters, Nancy Accola, and Don Rideout.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 12 September 2017