Arroyo Seco, San Gabriel Mountains, Flora: A Check List

Bob Muns, April 2001

#, Latin NameCommon NameLife
Habitat /
Plant Community

Ferns and Fern Allies

DennstaedtiaceaeBracken Family
1 Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens BrackenP9-11 moist, shaded places
DryopteridaceaeWoodfern Family
2 Dryopteris arguta WoodfernP4-11 Ch, MEF, shaded sl
PolypodiaceaePolypody Family
3 Polypodium californicum California PolypodyP1-5 moist rocky slopes
PteridaceaeFern Family
4 Pellaea andromedifolia Coffee FernP1-4 Ch, CSS, dry places
5 Pentagramma triangularis Goldback FernP12-4 shaded, rocky places
SelaginellaceaeSpike Moss Family
6 Selaginella bigelovii Spike MossP - dry, rocky, banks


AceraceaeMaple Family
7 Acer macrophyllum Big Leaf MapleT4-5 Ch, CSS, MEF, Rp
AnacardiaceaeSumac Family
8 Malosma laurina Laurel SumacS6-7 Ch, CSS, cis
9 Rhus integrifolia Lemonade BerryS2-5 Ch, CSS, coast bluffs
10 Rhus ovata Sugar BushS3-5 Ch, CSS
11 Rhus trilobata Squaw BushS3-4 Ch, CSS, OW
12 Toxicodendron diversilobum Poison OakS4-5 Ch, CSS
ApiaceaeCarrot Family
13 Anthriscus caucalis Bur Chervil*A 4-6 W, shaded places
14 Conium maculatum Poison Hemlock*A4-9 low waste places
15 Daucus pusillus Rattlesnake WeedA4-6 Ch, CSS, OW
16 Tauschia arguta TauschiaP4-6 Ch, CSS
ApocynaceaeDogbane Family
17 Nerium oleander Oleander*S - cultivated
18 Vinca major Periwinkle*P3-7 garden escape
AraliaceaeGinseng Family
19 Hedera helix English Ivy*P - garden escape
AsteraceaeSunflower Family
20 Ageratina adenophora Eupatory*P1-12by streams
21 Ambrosia acanthicarpa Bur WeedA8-11 CSS, FW, VG, W
22 Ambrosia psilostachya Western RagweedP7-11 Ch, CSS, cis
23 Anthemis cotula Dog Fennel, Mayweed*A4-8 W, fields, &
24 Artemisia californica California Sagebrush S8-12 Ch, CSS
25 Artemisia douglasiana MugwortP6-10 Ch, W
26 Artemisia dracunculus Wild TarragonP8-10 Mont, cis, MC
27 Baccharis salicifolia Mule FatS1-12 Rp, cis, des
28 Bidens pilosa var. pilosa Beggar-Ticks*A5-11 W
29 Brickellia californica California Brickellbush S8-10 Ch, CSS, cis, des
30 Brickellia nevinii Little BrickellbushS9-11 Ch, CSS, dry slopes
31 Carduus pycnocephalus Italian Thistle*A5-7 roadsides, W
32 Centaurea melitensis Yellow Star Thistle*A5-6 roadsides, W
33 Chamomilla suaveolens Pineapple Weed*A5-8 W
34 Cirsium occidentale Western Thistle A/B 4-7 Ch, CSS, &
35 Conyza bonariensis Little Horseweed*A6-8 W
36 Conyza canadensis HorseweedA6-9 W
37 Cotula australis Australian Brassbutton*A1-5 W
38 Ericameria pinifolia Pine Bush S 4-6, 9-1 Ch, CSS, OW
39 Erigeron foliosus Fleabane AsterP5-7 Ch, OW, YPF
40 Eriophyllum confertiflorum Golden YarrowSS4-8 Ch, CSS
41 Filago gallica Filago*A4-6 W, burns
42 Gnaphalium bicolor Bicolor Everlasting B/P 1-5 Ch, CSS, cis
43 Gnaphalium californicum Green everlasting B/P 1-7 Ch, &
44 Gnaphalium canescens Felt Leaf B/P 7-10 Ch
45 Gnaphalium luteo-album Cudweed*A1-12 W
46 Gnaphalium purpureum Purple CudweedA4-7 W
47 Gnaphalium sp. Everlasting - - -
48 Hazardia squarrosa Saw Tooth GoldenbushS9-11 Ch, CSS
49 Hedypnois cretica Crete Weed*A 3-5 W
50 Helianthus annuus Common SunflowerA2-10 MC
51 Heterotheca grandiflora Telegraph Weed A/B most CSS, Ch, OW, cis
52 Heterotheca villosa Golden AsterSS7-11 Ch, CSS, YPF, VG
53 Hypochaeris glabra Cat's Ear*A3-6 W, fields
54 Lactuca serriola Prickly Lettuce*A5-9 W
55 Lepidospartum squamatum Scale BroomS8-10 Ch, CSS, des
56 Lessingia filaginifolia Cudweed AsterSS7-10 Ch, CSS, YPF, &
57 Malacothrix saxatilis Cliff Aster P most CSS, &
58 Rafinesquia californica California White ChicoryA4-7 Ch, CSS, burns
59 Senecio flaccidus Douglas SenecioS6-10 Ch, CSS, VG, &
60 Sonchus oleraceus Sow Thistle*A1-12 W
61 Stephanomeria cichoriacea Tejon Milk AsterP8-10 Ch, YPF, rocky slopes
62 Taraxacum officinale Dandelion*P1-12 damp places
63 Tetradymia sp. Horsebrush - - -
64 Xanthium strumarium Cockle BurA7-10 W, moist places
BetulaceaeBirch Family
65 Alnus rhombifolia White AlderT1-4 Ch, YPF, Rp
BoraginaceaeBorage Family
66 Cryptantha sp. Popcorn FlowerA - Ch, CSS
67 Pectocarya sp. Comb Bur - - -
BrassicaceaeMustard Family
68 Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's Purse*A1-12 W
69 Coronopus didymus Wart Cress*A3-7 W
70 Erysimum capitatum Wallflower B/P 3-7 Ch, MEF
71 Hirschfeldia incana Mediterranean Mustard *A/B 5-10 W, cis
72 Lepidium virginicum Pepper GrassA3-8 Ch, CSS, etc.
73 Lobularia maritima Sweet Alyssum*1-12 W
74 Raphanus sativus Wild Radish*A2-7 W
75 Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum Water CressP3-11 Rp, in streams
76 Sisymbrium irio London Rocket*A1-4 W
77 Sisymbrium officinale Hedge Mustard*A4-7 OW, W
78 Sisymbrium orientale Oriental Hedge Mustard*A4-5 W
79 Thysanocarpus laciniatus Fringe PodA3-5 MC
CactaceaeCactus Family
80 Opuntia ficus-indica Mission Cactus *S/T 5-6 -
81 Opuntia sp. Prickly Pear* - -
CaprifoliaceaeHoneysuckle Family
82 Lonicera subspicata Wild HoneysuckleS4-6 Ch
83 Sambucus mexicana Elderberry S/T 3-9 Ch, CSS, OW
CaryophyllaceaePink Family
84 Polycarpon tetraphyllum Polycarp*A5-7 W, cis
85 Silene gallica Catchfly*A2-6 W
86 Silene laciniata ssp. major Indian PinkP5-7 Ch, CSS
87 Spergularia sp. Sand Spurrey*A - -
88 Stellaria media Chickweed*A2-9 shaded places, cis
ChenopodiaceaeGoosefoot Family
89 Chenopodium album Lamb's Quarters*A6-2 W
90 Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican Tea *A/P 7-10 W
91 Chenopodium botrys Jerusalem Oak*A6-10 -
92 Chenopodium murale Nettle-leaved Goosefoot *A1-12 W
ConvolvulaceaeMorning Glory Family
93 Calystegia macrostegia Morning GloryP5-6 Ch, CSS, dry slopes
CrassulaceaeStonecrop Family
94 Crassula connata Pygmy WeedA2-5 open places, cis, des
95 Dudleya lanceolata Lance Leaf Dudleya P5-7 Ch, CSS
96 Dudleya sp. Live-ForeverP - -
CucurbitaceaeGourd Family
97 Cucurbita foetidissima Wild GourdP6-8 CSS, VG, des
98 Marah macrocarpus Wild CucumberP1-4 Ch, CSS, OW
CuscutaceaeDodder Family
99 Cuscuta sp. DodderA - Ch, CSS, &
EuphorbiaceaeSpurge Family
100 Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge*A2-8 W
101 Ricinus communis Castor Bean*S1-12 W
FabaceaePea Family
102 Cytisus scoparius Scotch Broom* 4-6 W
103 Lathyrus vestitus Wild Sweet PeaP4-6 Ch, CSS
104 Lotus purshianus var. purshianus Spanish CloverA5-10 MC
105 Lotus salsuginosus Alkali LotusA3-6 Ch, CSS
106 Lotus scoparius Deerweed S/SS 3-8 Ch, CSS, &
107 Lotus sp. Annual LotusA - -
108 Lupinus hirsutissimus Stinging LupineA3-5 Ch, CSS, burns
109 Lupinus sp. Bush LupineS - -
110 Lupinus truncatus Collar LupineA3-5 Ch, CSS
111 Medicago polymorpha Bur Clover*A3-6 W
112 Melilotus indica Yellow Sweet Clover*A3-6 W
113 Spartium junceum Spanish Broom*S4-6 roadcuts, W
FagaceaeOak Family
114 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live OakT3-4 OW, MEF, Rp
115 Quercus berberidifolia Scrub OakS3-5 Ch, OW, &
116 Quercus chrysolepis Canyon OakT 4-5 MEF, Rp
117 Quercus sp. Oak - - -
GeraniaceaeGeranium Family
118 Erodium botrys Big Beak Filaree*A3-5 grassy places
119 Erodium cicutarium Red Stem Filaree*A2-5 W, cis, des
120 Erodium moschatum White Stem Filaree*A2-5 W
121 Geranium molle? Geranium*A 5-7 W, lawns
GrossulariaceaeGooseberry Family
122 Ribes aureum Golden CurrantS 2-4 OW, brushy pl
123 Ribes malvaceum Chaparral CurrantS10-3 Ch, FW, CCPF
HydrophyllaceaePhacelia Family
124 Eriodictyon crassifolium Hoary Yerba SantaS4-5 Ch, PJW, etc.
125 Eucrypta chrysanthemifolia EucryptaA3-6 Ch, CSS, OW
126 Phacelia cicutaria Caterpillar PhaceliaA3-5 Ch, CSS, OW
127 Phacelia distans Fern Leaf Phacelia A3-6 Ch, CSS, &
128 Phacelia minor Wild Canterbury BellsA3-6 Ch, CSS
129 Phacelia ramosissima Branching PhaceliaP5-8 Ch, YPF
LamiaceaeMint Family
130 Lamium amplexicaule Dead Nettle*A4-9 W
131 Marrubium vulgare Horehound*P4-8 Ch, CSS, W
132 Salvia apiana White SageS4-7 Ch, CSS, YPF
133 Salvia apiana X S. mellifera Hybrid White SageS - Ch
134 Salvia columbariae ChiaA3-6 Ch, CSS, cis, des
135 Salvia mellifera Black SageS4-7 Ch, CSS
LauraceaeLaurel Family
136 Umbellularia californica California Bay S/T 12-5 Ch, lower YPF, FW
MalvaceaeMallow Family
137 Malva parviflora Round Leaf Mallow *A1-12 W
NyctaginaceaeFour-O'Clock Family
138 Mirabilis californica Wishbone BushP3-5 Ch, CSS, FW
OleaceaeOlive Family
139 Fraxinus sp. AshT - -
OnagraceaeEvening Primrose
140 Camissonia californica Mustard SuncupA4-5 Ch, CSS, &
141 Camissonia sp. Suncup - - -
142 Clarkia sp. Lilac ClarkiaA - -
143 Clarkia unguiculata Elegant ClarkiaA5-6 Ch, VG, CSS, &
144 Epilobium canum California Fuchsia SS7-11 Ch, CSS, OW
145 Epilobium ciliatum Willow HerbA7-9 streamside, moist places
146 Oenothera elata Hooker's Eve. PrimroseB6-8 Ch, CSS
OxalidaceaeWood-Sorrel Family
147 Oxalis pes-caprae Bermuda buttercup*P11-3 W
PapaveraceaePoppy Family
148 Eschscholzia californica California Poppy A/P 2-9 grassy, open places
PlantaginaceaePlantain Family
149 Plantago indica? Sand Plantain*A7-11 W
150 Plantago lanceolata English Plantain*P4-8 moist pl, &
151 Plantago major Common Plantain*P4-9 W, damp pl, &
PlatanaceaeSycamore Family
152 Platanus racemosa Western SycamoreT2-4 Rp, by streams
PolemoniaceaePhlox Family
153 Gilia capitata Globe GiliaA4-5 Ch, CSS, YPF, &
154 Leptodactylon californicum Prickly PhloxS3-6 Ch, FW
PolygonaceaeBuckwheat Family
155 Eriogonum elongatum var. elongatum Wand BuckwheatP8-11 Ch, CSS, &
156 Eriogonum fasciculatum California Buckwheat S1-12 Ch, CSS, PJW, CBS
157 Polygonum arenastrum Knotweed*A2-10 W
158 Pterostegia drymarioides Thread StemA3-5 MC
159 Rumex crispus Curly Dock*P3-6weed in low pl
PortulacaceaePurslane Family
160 Claytonia perfoliata Miner's LettuceA2-5 Ch, CSS, OW
PrimulaceaePrimrose Family
161 Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel*A3-7 W
RanunculaceaeButtercup Family
162 Clematis lasiantha Virgin's BowerS 3-6 Ch, in canyons, near streams
163 Delphinium cardinale Scarlet LarkspurP5-6 Ch, CSS, &
RhamnaceaeBuckthorn Family
164 Ceanothus leucodermis Chaparral White Thorn S4-6 Ch, OW, dry slopes
165 Ceanothus oliganthus Hairy CeanothusS2-4 Ch, dry slopes
166 Rhamnus californica Coffee BerryS5-6 Ch, CSS
167 Rhamnus crocea Red BerryS3-4 Ch, CSS, OW
168 Rhamnus ilicifolia Holly Leaf Red Berry S3-6 Ch, YPF
RosaceaeRose Family
169 Adenostoma fasciculatum ChamiseS5-6 Ch
170 Cercocarpus betuloides Mountain Mahogany S/T 3-4 Ch, dry slopes, washes
171 Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon S/T 6-7 Ch, CSS
172 Prunus ilicifolia Holly Leaf Cherry S4-5 Ch, dry slopes, &
173 Rubus discolor Himalaya Berry*S5-8 W, open places
174 Rubus ursinus Black BerryS2-5 W, MC
RubiaceaeBedstraw Family
175 Galium angustifolium Linear Leaf Bedstraw SS4-6 MC, many var
176 Galium aparine CleaversA3-7 shaded pl, MC
SalicaceaeWillow Family
177 Salix gooddingii Black Willow S/T - stream banks, wet pl
178 Salix lasiolepis Arroyo Willow S/T 1-3stream banks, wet pl
SaxifragaceaeSaxifrage Family
179 Boykinia rotundifolia Round Leaf Boykinia P6-7 wet places, in canyons
ScrophulariaceaeSnapdragon Family
180 Castilleja foliolosa Indian PaintbrushP 3-6 CSS, Ch, dry rocky pl
181 Keckiella cordifolia Heart-Leaf Penstemon S 3-6 Ch, CSS, OW
182 Mimulus aurantiacus Bush Monkey Flower SS/S 1-5 Ch, CSS
183 Mimulus cardinalis Scarlet Monkey Flower P 4-10 Ch, CSS, MCF, wet pl
184 Mimulus guttatus Creek Monkey Flower P/A 3-8 wet places, MC
185 Verbascum blattaria Moth Mullein*B5-9 W
186 Verbascum thapsus Common Mullein*B6-9 W
187 Veronica anagallis-aquatica Great-Water Speedwell*P5-9 by streams, wet places
SimaroubaceaeQuassia Family
188 Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven*T5-6 widely naturalized, cis
SolanaceaeNightshade Family
189 Datura wrightii Jimson WeedP 4-10 Ch, CSS, grassy pl, W
190 Nicotiana glauca Tree Tobacco*S 3-10 W
191 Solanum douglasii White Nightshade SS/S 1-12 Ch, CSS
192 Solanum xanti Purple Nightshade SS/S 2-6 Ch, OW
UrticaceaeNettle Family
193 Hesperocnide tenella Black-Hair NettleA 4-6 Ch, CSS, shaded places
194 Parietaria hespera PellitoryA 4-5 moist, shaded places
195 Urtica urens Annual Stinging Nettle *A 1-4 W, gardens, orchards
ViscaceaeMistletoe Family
196 Phoradendron macrophyllum? Sycamore MistletoeP 10-3 Rp
VitaceaeGrape Family
197 Vitis girdiana Wild GrapeS 5-6 CSS, OW, &


CyperaceaeSedge Family
198 Carex sp. Sedge (spreading)P - Rp, shaded places
199 Carex sp. Sedge (bunch)P - streamside
200 Cyperus eragrostis Umbrella PlantP - streamside
JuncaceaeRush Family
201 Juncus textilis Indian RushP 5-6 moist places, MC
202 Juncus xiphioides Iris-Leaved Rush P 5-10streamside
LiliaceaeLily Family
203 Agave americana Century Plant *P - W, ornamental
204 Bloomeria crocea Yellow Star Lily P 4-6 Ch, CSS, OW, VG
205 Dichelostemma capitatum Blue DicksP 3-5 Ch, CSS, VG, &
206 Yucca whipplei Chaparral Yucca - 4-5 Ch, CSS, CSB, dry stony slopes
PoaceaeGrass Family
207 Arundo donax Giant Reed*S3-9by streams, moist pl
208 Avena barbata Slim Oats*A3-6 Grassy pl, W
209 Avena fatua Wild Oats*A4-6 Grassy pl, W
210 Bromus diandrus Rip Gut*A4-6 W
211 Bromus hordeaceus Soft Chess*A4-7 W
212 Bromus madritensis Red Brome*A3-6 W, cis, des
213 Bromus sp. Brome Grass* - -
214 Cynodon dactylon Bermuda Grass*P4-10 W
215 Echinochloa crus-galli Barnyard Grass *A7-10 W
216 Hordeum murinum Foxtail Barley*A - W
217 Lamarckia aurea Golden Top*A2-5 Ch, CSS, W
218 Leymus condensatus Giant Rye Grass P 6-8 Ch, CSS, OW
219 Lolium sp. Rye*A - W
220 Melica imperfecta Chaparral Melic P 4-5 Ch, cis, des
221 Nassella sp. Needlegrass (Stipa)P - -
222 Piptatherum miliaceum Smilo Grass*P4-9 W
223 Poa annua Annual Blue Grass*A1-7 MC
224 Poa sp. Blue Grass - - by streams
225 Schismus sp. Medit. Grass* - -
226 Vulpia sp. Ann. Fescue* - -
TyphaceaeCat Tail Family
227 Typha sp. Cat TailP - wet pl, FWM

T = Tree
S = Shrub
SS = Subshrub
A = Annual
P = Perennial
B = Biennial
* = Introduced
FW = Foothill Woodland
Ch = Chaparral
CSS = Coastal Sage
OW = Oak Woodland
VG = Valley Grassland
FWM = Freshwater Marsh
YPF = Yellow Pine Forest
MCF = Montane Coniferous
MEF = Mixed Evergreen Forest
PJW = Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
CBS = Creosote Bush Scrub
W = Weedy, Waste or Disturbed
MC = Many Plant Communities
Rp = Riparian
Mont = Montane
& = And Other Communities
pl = places
sl = slopes
cis = Cismontane
des = Desert

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Copyright © 2002-2003 by Bob Muns, Tom Chester and Michael Charters
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester | Michael Charters, who will relay comments to Bob.
Last update: 6 January 2003