Flora of NW Area, Joshua Tree National Park This flora was compiled from vouchers, iNaturalist observations, and from five days of fieldwork in November, after this area had received monsoonal rain eight weeks earlier, on the weekend of 10 September 2017.
On 3 November 2017, Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, Mike Crouse, Michael Charters and Bill Bulger surveyed the first two miles of the Boy Scout Trail area, along with a brief excursion south of the Quail Springs Picnic Area. We recorded at least 2,724 plants of 47 species in bloom. See the list of species in bloom, and pictures of some of the species we observed in bloom.
On 7 November 2017, Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, Nancy Accola and Mike Crouse surveyed three areas: near the west entrance station; the drainage 0.4 miles south of the Boy Scout Trail; and an area in Queen Valley about 0.4 miles sw of the Desert Queen Well, along with a brief excursion south of the Quail Springs Picnic Area. We recorded at least 2,776 plants of 60 species in bloom. See the list of species in bloom, and pictures of some of the species we observed in bloom.
For a list of all the species observed in those two days of surveys, see Surveys in Joshua Tree National Park in November 2017.
On 13 November 2017, Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, Nancy Accola, Mike Crouse and RT Hawke surveyed a three mile figure 8 loop from the Barker Dam Trailhead parking lot to the hill 0.85 miles to the east / northeast.
On 17 November 2017, Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, Mike Crouse, James Dillane, and Michael Charters surveyed the lowermost mile of Wonderland Ranch Wash. Walt had previously surveyed the Wash more extensively just prior to this trip.
On 21 November 2017, Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, and Nancy Accola botanized more of Wonderland Ranch Wash. Walt had previously surveyed more of the Queen Valley Area.
The vouchers were first searched for the area of the Boy Scout Trail, as detailed on that page.
For this flora, additional vouchers were added from a search of georeferenced vouchers at the Consortium of California Herbaria on 11 November 2017, in the rectangle from 34.02 to 34.03° N. Latitude, and -116.16 to -116.12° E. Longitude. Species found only at Barker Dam were placed in a separate list.
Basic information about the checklist presentation and links:
- Notes on the Scientific Names Used At This Site and
- Information about the links from the Scientific Name and Common Name.
This checklist contains 314 taxa.
This version does not contain the number of vouchers, or number of plants observed in each of the surveys, in order to make the list more manageable to use in the field. See the links above for the number of plants observed, and for most of the voucher and iNaturalist information.
The column with header Fam gives the first three letters of the Plant Family used in the 2012 Second Edition Jepson Manual.
The column with header WW gives the minimum number of plants seen in Wonderland Ranch Wash, up to a maximum of 99 plants. Some plants seen by Walt have no abundance estimate, and were just indicated as being seen by having WF in this column.
The column with header QV gives the minimum number of plants seen in the 13 November survey, along with the part of the 7 November survey that was in Queen Valley, and from further surveys done in Queen Valley by Walt Fidler.
An asterisk before the Common Name indicates a non-native taxon.
Version for printing, without other text on this page: html (8 pages) or pdf Clickbook booklet (2 double-sided pages). (See printing instructions for an explanation of these options)
Voucher data provided by the participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria (ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/; 1 and 11 November 2017).
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Copyright © 2017 by Tom Chester, Walt Fidler, Mike Crouse, Nancy Accola, Michael Charters, James Dillane, RT Hawke and Bill Bulger.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last update: 24 November 2017