Plant Species of the Bright Angel Trail:
common bedstraw, Galium aparine

See Plant Guide to Bright Angel Trail for an introduction to this page, especially the Introduction To These Species Pages.

This is a non-native taxon.


Identification status: 100%. This annual is distinctive.

From a SEINet search on 19 May 2008, there are vouchers of this species from the Coconino County portion of the Grand Canyon. The nearest are at: ; and . Note that there may be additional vouchers at other herbaria not available through SEINet.

First occurrence on Bright Angel Trail: mile 3.51, elevation 4350 feet (1325 m).

Number of plants along Trail: just a single plant was found in at single location in May 2008.


From 6 May 2008, mile 3.51:

This was a very small plant, and so did not develop its usual whorls of 6-8 leaves. What appears to be a stalked leaf emerging from the rosette of five leaves is probably just an inflorescence branch that wasn't able to develop any flowers or additional leaves.


See Resources for Grand Canyon Flora for further information on most of these references. Entries in the second column are either the name used in that source or a page reference. The name is linked to online pages when available. If a given reference does not contain this taxon, the entry is either left blank or contains a hyphen.

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Copyright © 2008 by Tom Chester.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to me at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last Update: 19 May 2008