Update Log for Borrego Desert Website

Some updates are only given on the main Plants Site Update Log.

5 October 2024 started 2024 to 2025 blooms page.

5 April 2024 made last update to blooms page.

30 March 2024 added page on hybrid between ambrosia dumosa and a. salsola.

7 March 2024 updated blooms page.

4 March 2024 updated blooms page.

3 March 2024 updated results of desert lily survey on 28 February 2024.

1 March 2024 added results of desert lily survey on 28 February 2024 to fact sheet.

6 February 2024 replaced the first perityle emoryi baby pix with a slightly better one, and removed the second perityle pix. added ditaxis lanceolata.

3 February 2024 added Parietaria, Pterostegia, Phacelia minor, Phacelia campanularia, and Centrostegia thurberi to baby page.

2 February 2024 added eriophyllum wallacei, astragalus didy dispermus, and salvia eremostachya to baby page.

28 January 2024 corrected baby pix of pectocarya recurvata. somehow i had picked an interloper seedling of a cryptantha instead of one of the many p. recurvata there.

12 January 2024 added blooms page for this year.

20 December 2023 added page on the 1,000 desert ironwood trees north of agua caliente airport.

10 December 2023 added results of 12/3/23 stem segment measurements for 5 ocotillo plants.

20 November 2023 added more baby plants to page: senegalia, parkinsonia, and prosopis.

24 April 2023 replaced my pix of a fasciated ferocactus with dave swanson's pix.

14 April 2023 added more examples to fasciated plants page, and re-organized it based in life form.

27 March 2023 added page showing fasciated plants.

23 March 2023 updated equisetum species in borrego palm canyon flora

20 March 2023 added page on stipa capensis.

18 March 2023 updated blooms page.

11 March 2023 updated blooms page, including adding the last six weeks of bot reports.

1 March 2023 updated lupinus arizonicus page with new data on the two sizes of flowers forms.

28 February 2023 updated page on eriogonum inflatum and trichopes with the latest confusing data.

24 February 2023 updated page discussing the small-flowered form of Lupinus arizonicus to include past measurements of the corolla sizes.

23 February 2023 updated page showing the leaves and flowers of Eriogonum inflatum, thomasii, and trichopes to give a second row of leaf pix showing some of the variation.

21 February 2023 added page discussing the small-flowered form of Lupinus arizonicus.

20 February 2023 added page to hold pix of Linanthus jonesii (Leptosiphon jonesii) photographed near noon and near sunset.

14 February 2023 added page showing the leaves and flowers of Eriogonum inflatum, thomasii, and trichopes.

13 February 2023 added pix of leaves from don's bs yard for eriogonum inflatum and trichopes.

6 February 2023 updated page on baby ocotillos with two more data points.

30 January 2023 added page on baby ocotillos.

29 January 2023 updated eucnide page with the results of walt fidler's amazing surveys that increased the total known plants by almost a factor of ten!

24 January 2023 added anne kelly's perceptive comments on the cylindropuntia bigelovii death rate to that page. added page on echinocereus in order to list the maximum number of stems seen.

23 January 2023 updated blooms page.

21 January 2023 added analysis of Eriogonum inflatum vs. E. trichopes.

17 January 2023 added comments about how much the anticline xylorhiza plant grew in just 38 days, and link to fred and carla's page on xylorhiza.

16 January 2023 added my pix of the xylorhiza at the anticline from 2010.

15 January 2023 updated xylorhiza page to show pix of the famous xylorhiza growing next to the anticline.

11 January 2023 updated blooms page.

10 January 2023 don rideout updated the scientific names for the Nifty-Fifty species page.

5 January 2023 added links to iNat Borrego Desert project. added list of obscured species at iNat, and recommendations for which ones to remove the obscuration.

17 December 2022 updated blooms page.

16 December 2022 updated elephant tree page with repeat pix from 2022.

8 December 2022 updated blooms page with reports from a number of hikes not previously included there.

7 December 2022 updated blooms page.

29 November 2022 updated eucnide page to include a link to an iNat obs showing the leaf hairs of both eucnide and perityle.

24 November 2022 updated blooms page.

19 November 2022 updated eucnide page with the results of the 11/15/22 survey; also added a bunch of additional info we learned in 2018.

8 November 2022 updated blooms page with the first page for the 2022 to 2023 season. this year i added links to detailed trip reports for each hike.

23 September 2022 added pix of baby cucurbita to baby annuals page, from Karyn Sauber.

15 March 2022 updated blooms page.

5 March 2022 updated blooms page.

27 February 2022 updated hybrid dudleya webpage to discuss the possibility that these are ancient hybrids.

25 February 2022 added webpage showing pix of all analyzed specimens of dudleya arizonica,d d. saxosa, and their hybrid, and another webpage with the details on the PCA.

24 February 2022 added webpage on hybrids of dudleya arizonica and d. saxosa.

22 February 2022 updated baby annuals page to add more pix, and to number pix that are of the same species.

21 February 2022 updated blooms page.

17 February 2022 completed first draft of Tiquilia canescens page.

15 February 2022 updated blooms page.

12 February 2022 added pix of plants and discussion of habitat to tiquilia canescens page.

11 February 2022 updated link to fred's page on xylorhiza.

6 February 2022 more updates to volutaria page to make it current; updated blooms page.

5 February 2022 finally added sahara mustard reduction page as a link from the species main index, and finally updated the volutaria page to tubulifera.

3 February 2022 updated blooms page.

31 January 2022 added maps of Tiquilia canescens distribution.

29 January 2022 updated blooms page.

27 January 2022 updated desert lily fact sheet to link to observation of rabbit herbivory.

20 January 2022 updated blooms page to finally include reports from individual hikes.

19 January 2022 updated blooms page.

14 January 2022 updated blooms page.

10 January 2022 updated bursera page with new find of bursera in lower smuggler wash.

28 October 2021 added page on allionia incarnata varieties.

6 September 2021 updated blooms page with report from Lucinda McDade.

21 August 2021 added blooms page for this season, with observations from 19 August 2021.

27 April 2021 updated chamaesyce page to include c. micromera as the third species with stipules free above and fused below, in the c. polydarpa discussion. When writing the c. polycarpa entry, I had somehow missed that before, even though i had that under the c. micromera entry.

23 March 2021 updated desert lily page with more on possible sources of bulb movement.

22 March 2021 updated desert lily page to add poor fruit set may be due to the single day its flowers are fertile.

21 March 2021 added pix showing the progression of a desert lily bud to flowering and fading, in its fact sheet.

12 March 2021 added species page on amsinckia intermedia and a. tessellata.

9 March 2021 added more info to diana lindsay's bloom report.

8 March 2021 updated blooms page.

3 March 2021 updated blooms page.

28 February 2021 updated blooms page.

26 February 2021 updated blooms page.

16 February 2021 updated blooms page; updated Species Ranked by their Maximum Number of Plants per Mile with creosote density measurements from 2/15/21.

14 February 2021 added density section to c. ramosissima page giving all the density counts made, with links to maps. added info from keith haworth to c. bigelovii page about the possible clustering of the max death rate, and suggested disease, etc. as another possible cause.

13 February 2021 updated cylindropuntia bigelovii page giving the death rates to include recent results.

12 February 2021 updated species ranked by max number of plants per mile to include two more species from 2/1/21 fieldwork, and plots on Ericam paniculata page to add new results in upper Pinyon Canyon.

9 February 2021 updated max number of plants per mile page to include stephie pauciflora and desert lily; added more population info to desert lily fact sheet; updated blooms.

7 February 2021 added page giving Species Ranked by their Maximum Number of Plants per Mile

2 February 2021 added new page with links to all previous bloom reports; updated blooms page.

29 January 2021 updated c. ramo page with two more days of walt surveys in the volcanic hills area.

26 January 2021 updated c. ramo page, cactaceae page, and blooms page.

25 January 2021 updated c. ramo page, and fixed the maximum size for its flower on the cactaceae page, thanks to feedback from keir morse.

20 January 2021 updated c. ramo page.

19 January 2021 added cactaceae page, with list of species and their abundances, and pix of most of them at relative size.

13 January 2021 updated blooms page with hellhole canyon pix.

12 January 2021 updated blooms page, after annotating the rest of iNat january observations of flowering plants that didn't already have one.

8 January 2021 updated blooms page.

2 January 2021 added draft species page on cylindropuntia ramosissima to give the results of my 12/30/20 survey for it.

29 December 2020 added species page on ericameria paniculata.

24 December 2020 added page on distribution of opuntia bigelovii and its recent death rates.

29 November 2020 updated 2021 blooms page from two hikes on 25 November 2020..

24 November 2020 updated 2021 blooms page with detailed reports from four recent hikes.

12 November 2020 added 2021 blooms page.

25 October 2020 updated desert lily fact sheet to include info from grant on the number of hawkmoth pollinated flowers in north america north of mexico.

7 June 2020 updated n. twisselmannii page to add non-observation in 2020 by lois neff and expand a bit on the 2020 season.

6 June 2020 updated nemacladus twisselmannii page to fix the broken links noticed by Aaron Schusteff.

5 June 2020 updated nemacladus twisselmannii page to give new variety name, along with its distinguishing characteristics; add a pix of kate with the plants; updated search history. updated Borrego Desert endemic page with new name for N.t., and added Malacothamnus enigmaticus. updated rarest plants page to add new name. updated culp valley flora with new name.

14 April 2020 updated cuscuta psorothamnensis page to link to iNat observations of c.p. on annuals.

13 April 2020 updated cuscuta psorothamnensis page with latest maps, that now include c. denticulata.

10 April 2020 added desert lily fact sheet page.

26 March 2020 updated page on cuscuta psorothamnensis with results from the 3/20/20 and 3/24/20 surveys, and speculation as to why all Cuscuta species are absent from the borrego badland area.

18 March 2020 updated desert lily page.

13 March 2020 updated page on cuscuta psorothamnensis.

10 March 2020 added distribution maps from my locations and iNat locations for desert lily; moved its page to agavaceae.

6 March 2020 updated page on cuscuta psorothamnensis.

5 March 2020 updated page on cuscuta psorothamnensis.

4 March 2020 updated page on cuscuta psorothamnensis.

2 March 2020 added page on cuscuta psorothamnensis.

1 March 2020 updated 5 spot bloom time open / closed page.

28 February 2020 updated blooms page.

13 February 2020 updated blooms page.

9 February 2020 removed baby pix of gilia stellata, thanks to input from carla hoegen. not sure what it actually was; it might be g. diegensis or chaenactis glabriuscula, but it is not a perfect match for either.

28 January 2020 updated blooms page.

24 January 2020 added analysis of how well the maximum branching angle works to separate C. ganderi and C. echinocarpa.

23 January 2020 updated blooms page.

20 January 2020 added baby pix of nicotiana clevelandii and obtusifolia.

19 January 2020 added shell of a page to hold some preliminary results of distinguishing C. echinocarpa and C. ganderi.

15 January 2020 added link to fred and carla's pix of baby plants, from baby annual page.

14 January 2020 added correct pix of baby lotus strigosus, and a baby pix of astragalus palmeri from fred and carla.

11 January 2020 removed baby pix of dalea mollis on baby annual page since it was a misidentified lotus strigosus, noticed by carla hoegen.

10 January 2020 added baby pix of dalea mollis to baby annual page.

27 December 2019 added bloom page for this season.

26 December 2019 added page on Distribution of Cylindropuntia echinocarpa and C. ganderi in the Borrego Valley Area.

19 July 2019 added gallery of c. barbigera^2 photos

2 May 2019 updated page on abutilon palmeri to add new location from don.

4 April 2019 added page on abutilon palmeri.

11 March 2019 updated page on five spot, discussing possible reasons for why the flower is open for such a short period.

10 March 2019 added page on five spot, giving when its blooms are open.

2 March 2019 updated blooms page.

1 March 2019 updated nemacladus twisselmannii page with dates for when plants were, and were not, observed.

20 February 2019 added page on lupinus arizonicus, showing that the stems are determinate and can reach a size 3.6 times that given in the jepson manual.

19 February 2019 updated blooms page to show progression of bloom in the fabby lupine field.

9 February 2019 updated blooms page list of species in bloom.

5 February 2019 updated blooms page including adding a list of species in bloom.

14 January 2019 added page on baccharis brachyphylla and sergiloides

31 December 2018 removed incorrect eucrypta micrantha baby pix, and replaced it with a correct baby pix from carla hoegen.

27 December 2018 put online more complete eucnide rupestris page, from 3/19/18 that i had failed to xfer.

20 December 2018 updated blooms page.

15 December 2018 updated baby page to correct the "trichoptilium incisum" pix, which was Plantago ovata, and to insert a correct pix for Trichoptilium, thanks to input from Carla Hoegen.

9 December 2018 updated blooms page.

8 December 2018 updated blooms page, including plots, and adding two pix.

3 December 2018 updated blooms page with latest fred and carla reports.

27 November 2018 updated blooms page to put in the rainfall totals in the ocotillo wells area.

21 November 2018 updated blooms page to give word directions to the annual areas along S22 and SR78.

20 November 2018 updated blooms page with observations from 11/18/18 from two surveysin the Canyon 41 area, and observations from 11/19/18 from a car survey by Fred and Carla.

19 November 2018 updated henderson canyon page with the results of the survey on 12/4/16 for the "flash flood species".

15 November 2018 created blooms page for 2018 to 2019, with two recent reports.

4 October 2018 updated chamaesyce page with more info about c. abramsiana / c. serpyllifolia, thanks to input from jay keller, and to correct a misdetermination of C. arizonica as a "showy C. polycarpa", caught by Nathan Taylor.

7 March 2018 updated mammy page to show 5 day repeat photography for m. dioica, showing the blooms last less than five days.

3 March 2018 added links to more mammy pix of the indian canyon plants in mammy page, and link to original paper describing m. dioica. added page on salvia eremostachya, showing its hybrid with s. vaseyi.

2 March 2018 updated mammillaria page to give pix of some dramatic differences in flower sizes for m. dioica, and to add late may observation of tetra in bloom.

12 February 2018 added repeat photographs of the heteropogon area from 2005 and 2018.

19 January 2018 added eucnide rupestris to monsoonal species page.

16 September 2017 added links to fred and carla's rare plant mapping page.

18 March 2017 added results of desert floor survey from 3/14/17.

12 March 2017 updated blooms page for 2016-2017 with the latest plot of the number of species in bloom on each trip.

11 March 2017 created blooms page for 2016-2017.

11 February 2017 added 7 more species to baby pix page; now up to 78 species on it.

10 February 2017 updated Species That Skip the Borrego Desert page to move linanthus maculatus closer after fred and carla's find in the inner pasture, thanks to keir morse for pointing this out.

7 February 2017 added 8 more species to baby pix page; now up to 71 species on it.

6 February 2017 added five more species to baby pix page; now up to 63 species on it.

28 January 2017 added three more species to baby pix page.

23 January 2017 updated baby pix page to state how we determined the babies, thanks to a question from Aaron Schusteff.

22 January 2017 added baby pix of 21 new species.

2 January 2017 added baby pix of two pholistoma species.

29 December 2016 added repeat photograph of Aaron's pix, taken 12/19/16.

16 December 2016 added "places" page showcasing aaron schusteff's incredible pix from february 2015 showing desert washes running with water.

14 December 2016 updated xylorhiza page to link to fred and carla's page.

31 July 2016 added link to fred and carla's distribution map for carlowrightia.

11 April 2016 updated page on spermolepis with number of plants, and link to nesom's article, the latter from a suggestion from aaron schusteff.

10 April 2016 added page on spermolepis infernensis.

16 March 2016 minor update to blooms page.

11 March 2016 updated blooms page.

6 March 2016 updated blooms page.

4 March 2016 updated blooms page; updated background page to only give background information, and renamed it as such.

3 March 2016 added distribution maps for lessingia glandulifera varieties.

2 March 2016 updated bloom page to include link to latest plot of the # of species in bloom vs. time.

29 February 2016 updated xylorhiza page from good comments from fred melgert.

28 February 2016 minor update to 2015-2016 bloom page.

27 February 2016 added 2015-2016 bloom page.

15 February 2016 updated xylorhiza page with more gps observations.

13 February 2016 updated page on phacelia crenulata varieties with additional info, including elevation ranges.

12 February 2016 added more baby pix today and earlier; now have 32 taxa in morphology page; added page on phacelia crenulata varieties.

6 February 2016 added more baby pix; now have 29 species in morphology page.

5 February 2016 added page on the two fagonia species; added baby pix of them, lupinus concinnus, and l. arizonicus.

2 February 2016 corrected loeseliastrum schottii baby pix; added gilia stellata baby pix; changed contact email to kate harper's gmail account on all her first author pages; changed common name of fairy duster to "pink fairy duster".

31 January 2016 added more baby pix; started new page of baby pix organized by morphology; updated "young rosettes of malacothrix glabrata and chaenactis fremontii" page with new pix of the real very young malacothrix.

28 January 2016 updated xylorhiza page to include new observations from fred and carla from the carrizo badlands.

27 January 2016 added page showing malacothrix glabrata and chaenactis fremontii rosettes.

25 January 2016 updated xylorhiza page to include new observations from fred and carla from the north side of the coyote mountains.

23 January 2016 added page oncryptantha angustifolia, giving its geographic distribution.

21 January 2016 added elevation plot to xylorhiza page, and some points from jim roberts.

20 January 2016 added page on xylorhiza, giving its detailed distribution map, from our data and from vouchers, and photographs of how to distinguish it from its sister species.

16 January 2016 added distribution maps of psorothamnus emoryi, schottii and spinosus.

14 January 2016 added distribution maps from vouchers of asclepias albicans and subulata.

12 January 2016 added distribution map of Xylorhiza orcuttii.

10 January 2016 updated rarest species to move phacelia umbrosa to list of species with taxonomic difficulties, and added some comments on it and a few other species in that list.

7 January 2016 added new gps distribution maps, including detailed ones by area, summarizing what surveys still need to be digitized and what additional ones should be done.

5 January 2016 added statistics and a histogram on jan - march rainfall at borrego springs.

4 January 2016 updated datura page to correct caption for lowermost pix.

2 January 2016 added two photos to the monsoonal species page, and deleted one sentence; corrected caption for fig. 1 in the geographic distribution maps of our species gps points.

30 November 2015 added photos to the pteridaceae geographic distribution map page.

29 November 2015 added geographic distribution maps for all species in the Pteridaceae, Brake Family; added link to cheilanthes covillei / clevelandii page.

12 October 2015 added october 2015 cnps article on volutaria.

3 May 2015 updated bursera page to add map of locations in Alma Wash.

24 April 2015 updated page on volutaria to just call it "volutaria", and to add the orange county info.

5 March 2015 updated page on volutaria to give the latest distribution maps.

2 March 2015 updated page on volutaria to change its name; add pix from the field on 2/25/15; a link to a paper describing its appearance in Chile; and to link to the jm eflora description. fixed error in label for leaf comparison for canariensis and tubuliflora caught by mike simpson.

24 February 2015 added page on notholaena.

23 February 2015 updated blooms page a bit, and list of plants in blooms at visitor center, to add 3 species i had failed to put there earlier.

21 February 2015 updated blooms page, including pix, plots and giving a list of plants in bloom in the visitor center area from 2/20/15.

14 February 2015 updated mustard germination page with results from days 4 to 8.

9 February 2015 updated mustard germination page with results from day 3.

8 February 2015 updated mustard germination page with results from day 2.

7 February 2015 updated mustard germination page with first results.

6 February 2015 added germination experiment page for brassica tournefortii; updated blooms page, sahara mustard reduction in numbers page, and bloom plots.

30 January 2015 updated bursera page to include three additional sets of repeat photographs, and conclusions about the lifetime of dead burseras.

29 January 2015 updated bursera page to include two sets of repeat photographs.

25 January 2015 updated blooms page with a link to a new page giving further reasons why we think mustard has been extirpated on the desert floor; added map of areas where the mustard has been extirpated, and of observed areas of germination and non-germination.

24 January 2015 updated blooms page to give the incredibly good news about the absence of mustard; updated germination status; updated bloom plots and table.

7 December 2014 removed footnotes in # plants removed table in volutaria page.

6 December 2014 updated volutaria page with more info from frank.

4 December 2014 added more info about stipules in chamaesyce page, and made text organization clearer in that section.

3 December 2014 updated rare plants page to add herissantia crispa, Abutilon abutiloides, and Atriplex elegans var. fasciculata to table 1, the rarest plants we've seen; moved Baileya pleniradiata and Eriogonum angulosum out of table 2, and into table 3, species with taxonomic difficulties. added comments on Baileya pleniradiata and Eriogonum angulosum.

2 December 2014 added intro to plant species page to link to the other flora pages on the main borrego desert page.

29 November 2014 added to elevation analysis page maps showing distribution of all species gps points.

2 October 2014 updated monsoonal page to add boerhavia coccinea, thanks to Larry Hendrickson and Mike Bigelow; to link the common name of chamaesyce to our chamaesyce page instead of calphotos; and to correct some of the ann / per designations.

4 September 2014 updated bloom page with observations from 9/2/14 trip.

14 August 2014 created 2014-2015 borrego desert bloom page, and included observations from 8/12/14 trip.

13 August 2014 updated monsoonal species page to make clearer what two things stunned us about the monsoonal species.

27 March 2014 corrected typo in one pix link for caulanthus page.

9 March 2014 added page for our caulanthus species, showing pix of three of them.

8 March 2014 added page for cryptantha pterocarya giving geographic distribution maps.

4 March 2014 added pix of bisexual flower and pistillate flower for mammy dioica to its page; corrected the switch of common names for two chamaesyce species, caught by carla hoegen.

2 March 2014 added more species to list of ones that skip the borrego desert, from james dillane. total is now 69.

1 March 2014 added Analysis of Geographic Ranges of Species Approaching the Borrego Desert.

28 February 2014 added more species to list of ones that skip the borrego desert, including 3 from james dillane. total is now 59.

27 February 2014 added first draft of species that skip the borrego desert, with 11 species in table 1, and none in table 2.

21 February 2014 added page on volutaria, from frank harris, kate harper and myself.

13 February 2014 updated matelea page with kate's find on 1/23/14.

12 February 2014 updated rarest plants page to give latest thymophylla and nemacladus twisselmannii numbers, thanks to kate harper; moved eriogonum ordii to taxonomic problems list.

10 February 2014 added new page on isocoma acradenia varieties; updated cryptantha page to add "How To Identify Our Most Common Three Species (C. angustifolia, C. barbigera and C. maritima)", and "C. decipiens and C. utahensis".

9 February 2014 added new page giving the first-draft list of the rarest species in the Borrego Desert; added more verbiage about the simulation in the elevation analysis page

8 February 2014 added section on quality control of the gps points, a histogram of the elevation ranges, and results of a simulation where elevation ranges were cut in half for the number of species at each elevation.

7 February 2014 added section on number of species at each elevation, thanks to a suggestion by james dillane.

6 February 2014 added new page with Preliminary Analysis of Elevations of the Species in the Flora; edited intro to main bd page and added kate as author.

3 February 2014 repeated links to pages with bd plant info on main site, that were on the main bd page, to the bd species page.

29 January 2014 finished first draft of page on chamaesyce species.

27 January 2014 added start of page on chamaesyce species.

20 January 2014 added separate page on monsoonal species, greatly expanding it from 14 species in 2012 to 36 species! created boilerplate page for info on checklist order and links.

18 January 2014 updated matelea page to give support (scaffolding) plants; updated mammy page to include james dillane's observations about the angle(s) of the central spines, and to show examples of bristles in the axils for m. dioica.

17 January 2014 updated matelea page to include latest results; updated dudleya page to restore the "gen" in the # of rosettes for d.a.; added links to two previous year's bloom lists in species in bloom list.

14 January 2014 updated dudleya page to remove the "gen" in the # rosettes for d.a., and to add differences in the orientation of the flowers to distinguish d.a. from d. pulverulenta; updated matelea page with three new locations, and did some formatting on the page, adding a table of contents, pix at the top, and a start at an introduction; updated thymophylla page to add picture showing the daunting task of searching for thymophylla plants here.

12 January 2014 updated page on Thymophylla to include pix from 1/11/14.

10 January 2014 updated table of all matelea locations discovered by us in ABDSP; added geographic distribution; plot of # plants per occurrence vs. elevation; histogram of elevations; plot of latitude vs. elevation; revised Thymophylla page to be authored by me, as preferred by Keir.

9 January 2014 added page on Thymophylla, authored by Keir Morse, reporting his amazing relocation of it, its first sighting in 78 years!

8 January 2014 added table of all matelea locations discovered by us in ABDSP; added side by side comparison of datura calyces to datura page; updated dudleya page with some format changes.

7 January 2014 updated datura page with new pix from kate showing the datura wrightii calyx base better; added new page on dudleya species.

4 January 2014 updated calliandra survey page with results from the 1/2/14 survey. fixed a number of typos, thanks to good proofreading by jane strong.

30 December 2013 updated calliandra page with pix from franz boschiero and larry hendrickson, pix of florence youngberg, and additional changes.

28 December 2013 added calliandra page giving the results of our field survey on 27 December.

24 December 2013 revised pinyon mtn webpage to make it clearer, thanks to comments from Bill Sullivan and Kate Harper.

23 December 2013 added Historical Confusion about Blair Valley, Pinyon Mountain and Whale Peak page, and updated the calliandra page to include that result.

18 December 2013 added calliandra page.

8 December 2013 updated bloom plots and species in bloom page for 2013-2014.

30 November 2013 added datura discolor / wrightii page.

30 August 2013 began 2013-2014 blooms page from 8/29/13 observations.

7 May 2013 added eriastrum diffusum to the eriastrum page, and text on how to distinguish the three species.

6 May 2013 added labeled pix of eriastrum eremicum and e. sapphirinum side by side showing the differences.

4 April 2013 updated bloom plots

21 March 2013 updated bloom summary from 3/18/13 hike.

12 March 2013 updated bloom plots and table.

8 March 2013 updated bloom summary page, plots and table, list of species in bloom, and details for the 3/5/13 trip.

27 February 2013 updated bloom summary page, plots and table.

22 February 2013 updated bloom summary page, details, plots and table, and list of species in bloom.

13 February 2013 updated bloom summary page, details, plots and table.

12 February 2013 added link to pectocarya peninsularis and heterocarpa page; updated bloom summary page.

10 February 2013 updated bloom summary, details, plots and table, and rainfall summary. added much more info to the Mammillaria page, including pix of the flowers; an introduction; distinguishing characteristics with lots of pix; and added smaller versions of the geographic distribution maps shown in the page itself.

9 February 2013 added geographic distribution maps of Mammillaria species.

8 February 2013 added pix of matelea from plum canyon to new page for matelea.

2 February 2013 updated bloom plots and table.

30 January 2013 updated bloom plots and table.

29 January 2013 updated blooms page summary and corrected a typo in the rainfall page.

26 January 2013 updated blooms page summary and rainfall page.

25 January 2013 updated blooms page summary.

24 January 2013 updated blooms page plots from 1/22/13 trip and earlier.

21 January 2013 updated blooms page from 1/17/13 trip.

14 January 2013 updated blooms page from 1/12/13 trip.

10 January 2013 updated blooms page from 1/8/13 trip.

5 January 2013 updated road page with additional wagon road info from reed, and information about other roads from various sources found by jane strong.

4 January 2013 updated blooms page from 1/2/13 trip; added page on "road timeline in borrego desert area", linked from plum canyon flora and main borrego desert page.

1 January 2013 updated blooms page for everything: summary, rainfall, plots and tables of # plants in bloom vs. time, detailed trip reports, and list of species in bloom with photos; added summary of links to external pages that are part of the blooms page at the bottom of the blooms page.

29 December 2012 add new top level page on cryptantha species, and relegated previous page to an "old" version, still linked. added page on cryptantha micrantha and its varieties.

25 December 2012 updated plum canyon page to include links to photographs of one trace of the old wagon road; to correct jepson's "ayenia" to bernardia; to add more info about our lack of observation of eriogonum plumatella; and to thank jim roberts for help with the 12/21/12 survey.

24 December 2012 updated summary bloom page to include observations of a few annuals in san felipe valley.

22 December 2012 updated summary bloom page to include link to rainfall table and added some minor formatting changes; and updated rainfall table.

20 December 2012 updated summary bloom page to remind everyone that it is early yet to expect the winter rains in borrego; updated list of species in bloom to be in JM2 format, with links to the JM2 treatment and the Calphotos pix.

19 December 2012 updated bloom pages from the 2, 7, 12 and 16 December 2012 trips.

18 October 2012 updated list of species in bloom from 10/10/12 trip.

14 October 2012 added bloom pages for the 2012-2013 year, and updated them with results of the 10/10/12 trip.

5 May 2012 updated page on nemacladus twisselmannii to correct subspecies of n. longiflorus, one spelling error, and to make it clear the survey was done by all the authors.

30 April 2012 added pix of l. concinnus ssp. concinnus, and some more details in distinguishing characteristics; added page on Nemacladus twisselmannii.

21 April 2012 added hairiness of l. concinnus brevior, and CBS habitat.

18 April 2012 added pix of two more varieties of l. concinnus.

17 April 2012 added page on annual lupines, with pix of l. sparsiflorus and l. concinnus varieties, and how to distinguish them.

19 March 2012 updated number of species and plants in bloom for each trip from the last four trips.

18 March 2012 updated plots for blooms from the last four trips, but nothing else yet.

27 February 2012 updated plots for blooms from the last trip, and table 4 from the last three trips, but nothing else yet.

23 February 2012 updated plots for blooms from the last two trips, but nothing else yet.

15 February 2012 added link to michael charters' photo gallery from 2/9/12 to bloom page, detailed observations page, and pix from each hike page.

14 February 2012 added page giving pix from prior years that were highlighted on the blooms page.

13 February 2012 the Blooms Report was changed from its "single page" format to multiple pages, to make the information more easily found and viewable. added info on brassica tournefortii destroying the carpets of flowers. revised header for table of list of species in bloom, and numbers for each trip, to make them more compact. added bloom reports from rt hawke to summary for box canyon on 2/13/12, and on mission creek reserve, and on whitewater from 2/5/12.

12 February 2012 updated entire blooms page from 2/3 and 2/9 fieldtrips.

2 February 2012 updated blooms page from 1/30 fieldtrip, except for the plots and table.

23 January 2012 updated blooms page from 1/22 fieldtrip.

20 January 2012 added page of all annuals observed in bloom in 2008-2012, along with the first baby pix, of nama.

19 January 2012 updated blooms page to include detailed report from 1/18 fieldtrip, with pix, and updated summary.

18 January 2012 updated blooms page from 1/18 fieldtrip, for plots and tables, but not yet including detailed report.

11 January 2012 updated blooms page from 1/8 and 1/10 fieldtrips.

7 January 2012 updated blooms page with better characterization of observed bloom state, updated list of species in bloom, updated table, and new pix at top of page.

6 January 2012 updated blooms page from 12/19, 12/23, 12/28/11 and 1/6/12 fieldwork, except for list of species in bloom.

17 December 2011 updated blooms page from 11/30/11, 12/4, 12/10 and 12/15/11 fieldwork, and last week's rainfall. Added plot of borrego springs and tucson germinating rainfall, and added a discussion of it.

25 November 2011 updated blooms page from 11/15/11 and 11/22/11 fieldwork, and last week's rainfall.

12 November 2011 updated blooms page from 11/11/11 fieldwork and today's rainfall.

10 November 2011 added 2011-2012 blooms page, including adding discussion of summer and winter rainfall, and list of summer annuals, and added observations from 11/7/11.

9 November 2011 updated photo gallery to include 32 more species, now with 208 taxa, up from 176 taxa.

9 October 2011 added Boerhavia page to plant species.

11 March 2011 updated plots in blooms page from 3/8/11 trip, but nothing else on that page.

6 March 2011 updated plots in blooms page from 2/28/11 and 3/4/11 trips, but nothing else on that page.

23 February 2011 updated plots in blooms page from 2/22/11 trip, but nothing else on that page.

20 February 2011 updated plots in blooms page from 2/18/11 trip, but nothing else on that page.

13 February 2011 updated plots in blooms page from today's trip, but nothing else on that page.

8 February 2011 updated plots in blooms page from today's trip, but nothing else on that page.

5 February 2011 updated plots in blooms page, but nothing else on that page.

2 February 2011 updated plots in blooms page, and added detailed observations from last several hikes.

1 February 2011 updated blooms page to add rt hawke observations, map of good / bad bloom locations, bloom status and bloom prediction.

24 January 2011 updated plots in blooms page, but nothing else on that page.

21 January 2011 updated everything in blooms page.

17 January 2011 updated plots, bloom status, and bloom prediction in blooms page, but nothing else on that page.

12 January 2011 updated plots in blooms page, but nothing else on that page.

7 January 2011 updated plots in blooms page, but nothing else on that page.

22 December 2010 updated rainfall totals in blooms.

21 December 2010 added page for blooms for 2010-2011.

21 October 2010 corrected typo in name for Margaret Clary, in bursera page.

14 April 2010 updated plots of # of species in bloom, etc., in bloom, from the 4/11/10 fieldtrip.

10 April 2010 updated plots of # of species in bloom, etc., in bloom, from the 3/26, 4/2 and 4/6/10 fieldtrips.

25 March 2010 updated plots of # of species in bloom, etc., in bloom, from the 3/23 fieldtrip.

16 March 2010 updated plots of # of species in bloom, etc., in bloom, from the 3/11 and 3/15 fieldtrips.

8 March 2010 updated gallery to include pix from 2/28 and 3/4, to include headers to separate the different sections, and to give quick links to them. I also reorganized the groupings, and moved all the grasses to a new category at the end. i also moved flowers whose color isn't clear, primarily due to the lack of a corolla, such as ambrosia, croton, salix, etc., to the "brownish, greenish, etc." category just before the grasses.

7 March 2010 updated blooms from 2/28 and 3/4 fieldwork.

5 March 2010 updated blooms plots from the 3/4/10 fieldwork; added camera info for pix in blooms and gallery.

28 February 2010 updated blooms plots from today's fieldwork.

26 February 2010 updated blooms to fix links to other Anza-Borrego Desert State Park wildflower pages, thanks to bill sullivan; modified 2/23/10 report to remove two annuals not found this year that actually were not very abundant in 2008.

25 February 2010 updated pix gallery from 2/23/10 trip.

24 February 2010 updated blooms from 2/23/10 alcoholic pass trip.

20 February 2010 updated pix gallery from 2/15 trip; corrected typo in blooms, changing Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii to the correct var. intermedia.

19 February 2010 updated blooms from 2/15 borrego palm canyon trip.

17 February 2010 updated blooms to add short section on Bad Bloom Years Are All The Same; Good Bloom Years Are All Different, with quote from janice bowers.

14 February 2010 updated blooms and pix gallery from 2/13 mostly-car-trip.

12 February 2010 updated blooms and pix gallery with pix from 2/9 borrego palm canyon trip.

11 February 2010 added tips for photographers for getting correct identifications from pix to gallery page.

10 February 2010 updated blooms from 2/9 borrego palm canyon trip.

3 February 2010 updated blooms and pix gallery from 1/31 borrego palm canyon trip. Added another sort to the gallery page, to put asteraceae at end of each group together, and to put small flowers at beginning of each group.

29 January 2010 updated blooms and pix gallery from 1/28 borrego palm canyon trip.

25 January 2010 updated blooms and pix gallery from 1/10, 1/15 and 1/24 trips.

8 January 2010 updated blooms and pix gallery from 12/27, 1/3 and 1/7 trips.

29 December 2009 added page on lyrocarpa to hold pix of plant seen 12 days apart in alma canyon; added two pix of bursera from alma canyon near starfish cove, and a pix of the elephant tree area sign, to the bursera page.

28 December 2009 updated blooms page from 12/19, 12/23 and 12/27 hikes; updated gallery page to say that the date and location of the pix are given in the fourth line.

22 December 2009 added coordinates for elephant trees to clark valley page; improved linking between that page and the main bursera page.

21 December 2009 added elephant trees of clark valley page; added main page on elephant trees; added incomplete page on cryptantha oxygona just so I wouldn't have to take its link off the main species page.

18 December 2009 updated blooms and pix gallery from 15 December 2009 trip; updated mirabilis page after realizing I have checked hundreds of plants for the retrorse hairs of var. retrorsa, eliminating the possibility of m. tenuiloba.

17 December 2009 added species page on mirabilis bigelovii and m. tenuiloba.

13 December 2009 updated rainfall totals.

12 December 2009 added pix for latest plants in bloom to blooms page and gallery.

10 December 2009 updated blooms from 12/5 and 12/9 trips; updated gallery to include pix locations and photographer.

4 December 2009 updated gallery to include cryptantha angustifolia.

3 December 2009 updated blooms to include report, plots and pix from 1 December 2009; added pictorial gallery of species in bloom so far in 2009-2010.

2 December 2009 updated blooms just to include species list from 1 December 2009.

29 November 2009 updated blooms page for improved readability, thanks to comments from jane strong and bill sullivan; added 26 pictures to the list of species in bloom; added rainfall from yesterday and today.

27 November 2009 began 2009-2010 blooms page.

20 November 2009 added beginning of page on similar species, giving distinguishing characteristics.

22 July 2009 added link to views of borrego desert from the Santa Rosa Mountains.

11 April 2009 updated blooms.

5 April 2009 updated blooms, including summary info on duration of peak bloom in various areas, a discussion of what is meant by "peak bloom", and comparison to srp.

13 March 2009 updated blooms.

9 March 2009 updated blooms; corrected determination of astragalus in palm canyon, from Astragalus lentiginosus var. borreganus to Astragalus crotalariae.

4 March 2009 minor updates to blooms.

3 March 2009 updated blooms.

27 February 2009 updated blooms.

22 February 2009 updated blooms.

19 February 2009 updated blooms.

14 February 2009 added link to this year's pix in blooms.

12 February 2009 updated blooms.

10 February 2009 added key and table of characteristics for cryptanthas.

9 February 2009 updated blooms.

3 February 2009 updated blooms, and moved reports prior to jan 1 to a separate page.

31 January 2009 updated blooms.

26 January 2009 added introductory text to go along with the formation of jackass flat; updated blooms.

25 January 2009 added cartoon view of Formation of Butler Canyon, Jackass Flat, and Lower Rockhouse Canyon.

23 January 2009 added # of days without rainfall to blooms, and updated rainfall table.

22 January 2009 added Origin and Meaning of Name, and Family Placement to hesperocallis page. Added two more families in which hesperocallis has been placed, thanks to input from michael charters. Updated blooms.

21 January 2009 added first species page, on desert lily, hesperocallis undulata. Reorganized main page to put blooms at top. Corrected spelling of "centinela" on views from palm wash, added namesake for the sierra cucapa mountains, both thanks to jane strong.

20 January 2009 added view from upper palm wash bank.

18 January 2009 updated blooms, and added plots of # species and # plants in bloom. Added history of the term "borrego desert" on the definition page, stimulated by a discussion with bill sullivan.

17 January 2009 added text to labeled pix from S22 mile 8.5, explicitly giving the farthest mountains seen and their distances from the Colorado River and Yuma, and adding the plots of the error in peak locations.

16 January 2009 added labeled pix from S22 mile 8.5.

14 January 2009 updated blooms, and added color-coding for tables to show a change in hiking venue.

13 January 2009 added views of upper henderson canyon.

10 January 2009 added tidbit to top 51 species list that creosote and burroweed are the most widespread species in the entire lower colorado valley.

9 January 2009 updated blooms.

6 January 2009 added a bit more to the extensive discussion in the top 51 species list; separated out the definition of the "borrego desert", and added notes on how it is an ecotone; added a few more wildflower links to borrego blooms.

5 January 2009 added a bit more on definition of the term "Borrego Desert"; added extensive discussion in the top 51 species list about what this list does and does not represent.

4 January 2009 updated blooms; added section on how long an annual bloom will last; added links to other wildflower reports.

1 January 2009 added the nifty fifty, the most common 51 species of the Borrego Desert, and the most common 172 species of the Borrego Desert.

31 December 2008 updated blooms; put in table of contents and proper section headers; separated germination section into general and specific to this year.

27 December 2008 updated blooms and rainfall; added links to analysis pages from main plants site that have info on borrego desert species

18 December 2008 added voucher collection dates for low elevation.

17 December 2008 placed first main page online, linking previous-online pages on 2008-2009 blooms and clark valley. Added page on views of Santa Rosa Mountains.

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Copyright © 2008 by Tom Chester.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to me at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester
Last Update: see top entry above.